Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Fachbereich Mathematik
Arbeitsbereich Numerische Mathematik
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
consistent finite elements for otimal control problems in computational fluid dynamics
Braack, Malte
Prohl, Andreas
Numerical methods in quantum dynamics
Lubich, Christian
Numerische Verfahren für Probleme mit mehrfachen Zeitskalen
Lubich, Christian
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Prohl, Andreas
Research Grants
Completed projects
Konstruktion und Analyse eigenschaftserhaltender, konvergenter sowie effizienter Finite-Elemente basierter Diskretisierungen der Navier-Stokes-Planck-Poisson Gleichungen in der Elektrohydrodynamik
Prohl, Andreas
Langzeitdynamik der stochastischen Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Gleichung
Prohl, Andreas
Mathematical Theory in Fluid Mechanics
Prohl, Andreas
Numerische Verfahren für Hamiltonsche partielle Differentialgleichungen
Lubich, Christian
Segmentierung und Inpainting von Farbbildern mithilfe des Mumford-Shah- und des Mumford-Shah-Euler-Funktionals
Prohl, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Dynamical low-rank approximation for the simulation of radiation heat waves
(Project Heads
Frank, Martin
Lubich, Christian
Numerical methods for highly oscillatory problems
(Project Heads
Hochbruck, Marlis
Jahnke, Tobias
Lubich, Christian
Numerical methods for wave problems with nontrivial boundary conditions and nonlocal material laws
(Project Heads
Hochbruck, Marlis
Lubich, Christian
Completed projects
Diskretisierung Quantenmechanischer MehrkörperProbleme
(Project Heads
Lubich, Christian
Ruder, Hanns
Wunner, Günter
Yserentant, Harry
(Project Head
Lubich, Christian
Current projects
Finite-Size Criteria for Spectral Gaps in Quantum Lattice Systems
(Project Heads
Lemm, Marius
Warzel, Simone
Low-Energy States and Spectra of Quantum Hall Systems
(Project Heads
Lemm, Marius
Warzel, Simone
Numerical Gaussian-Based and Tensor-Network Methods in Quantum Dynamics
(Project Heads
Lasser, Caroline
Lubich, Christian
Completed projects
Discretization of geometric functionals
(Project Heads
Dziuk, Gerhard
Pozzi, Ph.D., Paola
Prohl, Andreas
Dynamics of free discontinuity problems from image processing
(Project Heads
Prohl, Andreas
Schätzle, Reiner
Dynamics on and of surfaces
(Project Heads
Dedner, Andreas
Dziuk, Gerhard
Kröner, Dietmar
Lubich, Christian
Effective Schrödinger dynamics on submanifolds
(Project Heads
Lubich, Christian
Teufel, Stefan
Numerical Methods for General Relativity
(Project Heads
Brügmann, Bernd
Lubich, Christian
Zumbusch, Gerhard
Research Units
Current projects
Absorbing state phase transitions in long-range interacting quantum spin systems
Lesanovsky, Igor
Lubich, Christian
FOR 5413: Long-range interacting Quantum Spin systems out of equilibrium: Experiment, Theory and Mathematics
Lesanovsky, Igor
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1838: Spectral Theory and Dynamics of Quantum Systems
Griesemer, Marcel