Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Chemie
Arbeitsgruppe Physikalische Chemie (AG Cölfen)
Post Office Box 706
78457 Konstanz
This institution in GERiT
78457 Konstanz
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Hierarchical composites by gluing of nano- and mesocrystals
Cölfen, Helmut
Fratzl, Peter
Schlaad, Helmut
Multifunctional Layered Magnetite Composites
Cölfen, Helmut
Faivre, Damien
Pipich, Vitaliy
Zahn, Dirk
Retrosynthese von Biomineralien über mesoskopische Transformation von amorphen Precursorpartikeln in natürlichen organischen Matrizen
Cölfen, Helmut
Research Grants
Current projects
Bio-inspired multifunctional block copolymers for the dissolution of risky atherosclerotic plaques
Cölfen, Helmut
Hilgendorf, Ingo
Functional Biomorphs: Formation and Properties
Ruiz Agudo, Ph.D., Cristina
Switchable Mesocrystals: Synthesis, Properties and Applications
Baum, Peter
Schmidt-Mende, Ph.D., Lukas
Completed projects
A Raman detector for Field-Flow Fractionation for advanced in vitro characterization of Macromolecules
Cölfen, Helmut
Bio-Inspired Synthesis of Hierarchical Composites by Supramolecule Analogue Templates, Formation Mechanism of Mesocrystals and Their Electrocatalytic Application
Cölfen, Helmut
Controlled Precipitation of Biominerals using Catanionic Surfactant Self-Assembly Structures
Cölfen, Helmut
Controlled Synthesis of Transition Metal Oxide Mesocrystals on Graphene Oxide and the Application in Electrocatalysis
Cölfen, Helmut
Control of the M-S-H Crystallization for Building a Green Future
Ruiz Agudo, Ph.D., Cristina
Materials World Network (MWN) for Particle-mediated Control Over Crystallization: From the Pre-nucleation Stage to the Final Crystal
Cölfen, Helmut
Emmerich, Heike
Gebauer, Denis
Materials World Network to Study Liquid Precursor Formation and Crystallization at Interfaces: Fundamentals towards Applications
Cölfen, Helmut
Volkmer, Dirk
Non-classical Nucleation and Crystallization and Liquid Precursors of Pharmaceutical Compounds
Cölfen, Helmut
On the structure and the formation of the structure of C-S-H phases in future cementitious binders
Cölfen, Helmut
Ludwig, Horst-Michael
Quantitative analysis of nanoparticle interactions and their distributions
Cölfen, Helmut
Untersuchung der spezifischen Wechselwirkung maßgeschneiderter Blockcopolymere und Polypeptide mit Mineraloberflächen in AFM-Desorptionsmessungen
Cölfen, Helmut
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Biomimetische Mineralisation mit amphiphilen Blockcopolymeren
(Project Head
Cölfen, Helmut
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Cölfen, Helmut
Global analysis of particles and their interactions
(Project Head
Cölfen, Helmut
Heterogeneous nucleation with anisotropic particles
(Project Heads
Cölfen, Helmut
Pfleiderer, Patrick
Zumbusch, Andreas
Mesocrystals: Formation, structure and properties
(Project Heads
Cölfen, Helmut
Schmidt-Mende, Ph.D., Lukas
Sturm, Elena
SFB 1214: Anisotropic Particles as Building Blocks: Tailoring Shape, Interactions and Structures
Cölfen, Helmut
Templateffekte amphiphiler Polymere beim Wachstum anorganischer Funktionskolloide
(Project Heads
Antonietti, Markus
Cölfen, Helmut
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Analytical Ultracentrifuge
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 218: Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology (KoRS-CB)
Marx, Andreas