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Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI)
Hausvogteiplatz 5-7
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Artificial quantum states on semiconductor surfaces created and probed by cryogenic scanning tunneling microscopy
Fölsch, Stefan
Charge carrier dynamics under the influence of extreme strain gradients realized in bent semiconductor nanowires
Geelhaar, Lutz
Pietsch, Ullrich
Enabling large tunnel magnetoresistance at room temperature in scalable epitaxial van der Waals magnet heterostructures
Jordao Lopes, Joao Marcelo
Lead-free piezoelectric nanowire-nanocellulose hybrids for flexible energy harvesters
Geelhaar, Lutz
MBE growth and advanced characterization of large-scale van der Waals heterostructures
Jordao Lopes, Joao Marcelo
Point defects control in Ga2O3 thin films grown via molecular beam epitaxy
Bierwagen, Oliver
Martin, Manfred
Wagner, Markus R.
Completed projects
Advanced functionality with three dimensionally controlled nanostructures
Friedland, Klaus-Jürgen
Charakterisierung von Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs (LT-GaAs) mit nichtlinearen optischen Meßmethoden
Ploog, Klaus H.
Coherent GHz electro-optomechanics with polaromechanical crystals
Kuznetsov, Alexander
Santos, Paulo V.
Controlling Electron-Phonon Interaction in Nanocircuits Strong Coupling Regime
Ludwig, Stefan
von Oppen, Felix
Santos, Paulo V.
Correlation between structural and optical properties of single semiconductor nanowires with core-shell heterostructure
Geelhaar, Lutz
Pietsch, Ullrich
DFG-RSF: Nonequilibrium Phenomena and Interactions in Ultrapure III-V Nanowires
Koblmüller, Gregor
Ludwig, Stefan
Dipolar exciton hydrodynamics, controlled interactions and multi-functional integration: towards an exciton-based opto-electronic multiplexer
Santos, Paulo V.
Exciton-polariton condensates in acoustic periodic potentials.
Santos, Paulo V.
Far-infrared magneto-spectroscopy of novel semiconductor materials in megagauss magnetic fields using quantum-cascade lasers
Schrottke, Lutz
High-resolution terahertz semiconductor spectroscopy using quantum-cascade lasers: Develop-ment of appropriate laser sources for 2.7-3.3 and 5.0-5.7 THz
Grahn, Holger
Kohärente Röntgenstreuung an individuellen SiGe/Si Nanostrukturen
Hanke, Michael
Laterales Wachstum von Si- und SiGe-LPE Schichten auf strukturierten Substraten
Hanke, Michael
Manipulation and spectroscopy of quantum structures on semiconductor surfaces by cryogenic scanning tunneling microscopy
Fölsch, Stefan
Manipulation of single electrons and single excitons by surface acoustic waves
Santos, Paulo V.
Nanoscale optomechanical interactions in semiconductor microcavities
Santos, Paulo V.
Optical modulation of low-dimensional semiconductor structures by surface acoustic waves
Santos, Paulo V.
Optimierung des Designs von Intersubband-Emittern und Wachstum von (In,Ga)(As,N)-Strukturen auf GaAs
Schrottke, Lutz
Photoelectrochemical CO2 conversion with tunable semiconductor nanostructures
Geelhaar, Lutz
Mayer, Ph.D., Matthew
Quantisierter Ladungstransport mit akustischen Oberflächenwellen in Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen
Friedland, Klaus-Jürgen
Quantum Hall based Aharonov-Bohm spectroscopy: electron-electron interaction in non-linear magnetotransport
Ludwig, Stefan
Realstrukturcharakterisierung hierarchisch gegliederter quantum dots molecules und double quantum rings
Hanke, Michael
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of quantum coherence phenomena due to atom-by-atom nanostructure assembly on semiconductor surfaces
Fölsch, Stefan
Seebeck gas sensors
Ambacher, Oliver
Bierwagen, Oliver
Himmerlich, Marcel
Stochastic models and Monte Carlo simulations of x-ray diffraction from relaxed epitaxial films
Kaganer, Vladimir
Synthesis and time-resolved structural analysis of the switching behavior of epitaxial phase change materials for nanoscale data storage applications
Calarco, Raffaella
Terahertz lasing without inversion based on quantum coherence between intersubband transitions: Gain and lasing
Grahn, Holger
Untersuchungen zum Wachstum von SiGe/Si Dots aus der Flüssigphase
Hanke, Michael
Wechselwirkung zwischen mesoskopischen Strukturen im Nichtgleichgewicht
Ludwig, Stefan
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Integrated terahertz quantum-cascade transceiver for high-resolution spectroscopy and space applications (iQCT)
Biermann, Ph.D., Klaus
Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm
Paschke, Katrin
Completed projects
A metal route to graphene synthesis for electronic devices
Wintterlin, Joost
Crossover between 0.7-anomaly and Kondo effect - theory, transport measurements and all-optical spin detection
von Delft, Jan
Högele, Alexander
Dynamic Modulation of Photonic Crystals by Surface Acoustic Waves
Santos, Paulo V.
Hybrid systems consisting of epitaxial Heusler-alloy films on semiconductor structures for spin-caloric applications
Ramsteiner, Manfred
Interaction of surface acoustic waves with epitaxial graphene
Hernández-Mínguez, Alberto
Modellierung von Lumineszenzdioden und Injektionslasern aus Gruppe III-Nitriden
Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen
Modellierung von Lumineszenzdioden und Injektionslasern aus Gruppe II-Nitriden
Brandt, Oliver
Molecular-beam epitaxy of group III nitride-based dilute magnetic semiconductors
Trampert, Achim
Spin transport and manipulation in GaAs quantum wells using surface acoustic waves
Santos, Paulo V.
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Tests grundlegender Physik mit Hilfe von Experimenten an superflüssigem 3He
Ludwig, Stefan
X-ray investigations of highly perfect silicon to determine the Avogadro constant
Hanke, Michael
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 394: Lichtemitter auf der Basis von Intersubband-Übergängen
Grahn, Holger
Lichtemitter auf der Basis von Intersubband-Übergängen
Grahn, Holger
Optimierung des Designs von Intersubband-Emittern und Wachstum von (In,Ga)(As,N)-Strukturen auf GaAs
Schrottke, Lutz
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Ludwig, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Conformational changes of single molecules on semiconductor surfaces induced by inelastic electron tunneling processes
(Project Head
Fölsch, Stefan
Der Einfluss der elastischen Eigenschaften auf Reaktivität und Selektivität des katalytischen Prozesses
(Project Head
Hucho, Carsten
Electrostatically Defined Quantum Dots as Qubits
(Project Heads
Kotthaus, Jörg Peter
Ludwig, Stefan
Entstehung von Nanostrukturen und ihre Elementaranregungen
(Project Head
Ploog, Klaus H.
Inorganic/organic core/shell GaN-based nanowire light-emitting diodes based on Förster resonant energy transfer
(Project Heads
Grahn, Holger
Riechert, Henning
Korrelation der elektrischen und optischen Eigenschaften mit der wachstumsinduzierten Strukturbildung in niederdimensionalen Halbleiterquantenstrukturen
(Project Head
Grahn, Holger
Nichtlineare dynamische Transportphänomene in Halbleiter-Quantenstrukturen
(Project Head
Asche, Marion
SFB 296: Growth Correlated Properties of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures
Bimberg, Dieter
SFB 546: Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity of Aggregates of Transition Metal Oxides
Sauer, Joachim
SFB 658: Elementary Processes in Molecular Switches at Surfaces
von Oppen, Felix
Weinelt, Martin
Wachstum von funktionalen Quantenpunkten auf nanostrukturierten Halbleitersubstraten
(Project Head
Koch, Reinhold
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
Open Access Publication Funding / 2023-2025 / Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Timm, Anne Susanne
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1025: Fundamentals and functionality of size and interface controlled materials: spin- and otpelectronics
Bonacic-Koutecky, Vlasta
Abteilung für Epitaxie
Abteilung für Halbleiterspektroskopie
Abteilung für Mikrostruktur
Department Technology and Transfer
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