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Simulation und optimale Steuerung der Dynamik von Mehrkörpersystemen in der Biomechanik und Robotik

Subject Area Mechanics
Term from 2009 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 83985804
Simulation is of great importance when studying the motion of humans in a normal state of health and with disorders e.g. in order to optimise movements in athletics as well as to design and improve orthotic and prosthetic devices. On the other hand, the planning of manoeuvres of robots requires the knowledge of the actuating forces that optimally guide the system. The fidelity of approximate solutions relies on the capability of the numerical solution method to represent the systems characteristic properties correctly. If the energy required to perform a motion is a criterion of interest, it is crucial to use an energy consistent method. While the benefits of mechanical integrators are widely accepted in purely forward dynamical simulations, they remain mostly unattended in motion planning and optimal control problems. The aim of this project is on the one hand to develop and investigate new efficient and robust methods for the dynamic optimisation of movements that guarantee the inheritance of the real solutions relevant properties by the approximate solution. On the other hand, these rather flexible methods should be applied to a interdisciplinary field ranging from robotics over everyday human motion to athletics high performance motions.
DFG Programme Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups

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