GRK 1188:
Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Processes in Membrane Transport and Translocation
Subject Area
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
from 2005 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 818879
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The research training school GRK1188 (“Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Processes in Membrane Transport and Translocation”) was established as a research-oriented graduate programme that combined cutting edge research in membrane biology with an advanced training curriculum for PhD students. It was concerned with important mechanistic problems in molecular cell biology such as the molecular analysis of cellular mechanisms mediating transport of proteins and RNA between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, the biogenesis of large, membrane-inserted protein complexes, different kinds of molecular mechanisms mediating protein secretion into the extracellular space, the role of plasma membrane sub-compartments in cell migration and polarization as well as the mechanism of virus assembly at the plasma membrane. The results from these projects helped to explain how cells generate circadian rhythms of gene expression and how cells couple gene transcription to the export of messenger RNA into the cytoplasm. They further contributed to our understanding of nuclear pore complexes and related spindle pole bodies in terms of their architecture as large, membrane-inserted protein complexes. Furthermore, research in our graduate school revealed how membrane coats trigger formation and membrane fission of transport vesicles in the secretory pathway and how such transport vesicles fuse with high specificity with the correct target membrane in a regulated manner, a process called exocytosis. As a variation of the classical secretory pathway, mechanisms of unconventional protein secretion that do not depend on the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus were revealed. Finally, projects addressed the role of plasma-membrane-derived blebs in cell migration and polarization and identified the host cell factors that are required to assemble viral particles at the plasma membrane. Thus, within the research program of GRK1188, PhD students tackled pressing questions in current membrane biology with a selection of specific projects addressing subcellular processes of fundamental importance. Our graduate students further enjoyed a structured training program with a focus on advanced technologies in membrane biology, common activities and visits at our partner university in Manchester (UK) and a mixture of conferences and lecture series that provided insight into various aspects of how to develop a scientific career in academics.
(2005). Hide and run: Arginine-based ER-sorting motifs in the assembly of heteromultimeric membrane proteins. EMBO Reports 6: 717-722
Michelsen, K., Yuan, H., and Schwappach, B.
(2006). 14-3-3 proteins in membrane protein transport. Biological Chemistry 387: 1227-1236
Mrowiec, T. and Schwappach, B.
(2006). A multimeric membrane protein reveals 14-3-3 isoform specificity in forward transport in yeast. Traffic 7: 903-916
Michelsen, K., Mrowiec, T., Duderstadt, K.E., Frey, S., Minor, D.L., Mayer M.P., and Schwappach, B.
(2006). A role for kinesin-2 in COPI-dependent recycling between the ER and Golgi complex. Curr Biol 16, 2245- 2251
Tobias Stauber, Jeremy C. Simpson, Rainer Pepperkok and Isabelle Vernos
(2006). Imaging synaptic inhibition in mice expressing the chloride indicator, Clomeleon. Brain Cell Biology 35, 207-235
Berglund, K., Schleich, W., Krieger, P., Loo, L.S., Wang, D., Cant, N.B., Feng, G., Augustine, G.J., Kuner, T.
(2006). Modulation of Specific Surface Receptors and Activation Sensitization in Resting Primary CD4+ T-Lymphocytes by the Nef Protein of HIV 1. J. Leukoc. Biol. 79: 616-627
Keppler, O.T., Tibroni, N, Venzke, S., Rauch S. and Fackler, O.T.
(2006). The HIV-1 pathogenicity factor Nef interferes with maturation of stimulatory T-lymphocyte contacts by modulation of N-Wasp activity. J. Biol. Chem. 281: 19618-19630
Haller, C., Rauch, S., Michel, N., Hannemann, S., Keppler, O.T. and Fackler, O.T.
(2006). Two-photon imaging reveals somato-dendritic chloride gradient in retinal ON-type bipolar cells expressing the biosensor Clomeleon. Neuron 49, 81-49
Dübel, J., Haverkamp, S., Schleich, W., Augustine, G.J., Feng, G., Kuner, T., Euler, T.
Clomeleon Biosensor-Mauslinien zur optophysiologischen Bestimmung der intrazellulären Chloridkonzentration in Nervenzellen. 2006
Schleich, Wolfram
The Role of Kinesin-2 in the Mammalian Early Secretory Pathway. 2006
Stauber, Tobias
(2007) Double labelled HIV-1 particles for study of virus-cell interaction. Virology 360:92-104
Lampe, M., Briggs, J.A., Endress, T., Glass, B., Riegelsberger, S., Kräusslich, H.G., Lamb, D.C., Bräuchle, C. and B. Müller
(2007) E. coli SRP-receptor FtsY contains an essential and autonomous membrane-binding amphipathic helix, J. Biol. Chem. 282: 32176-184
Parlitz, R. Eitan, A. Stjepanovic, G., Bahari, L., Bange, G. ,Bibi, E., & Sinning, I.
(2007) Membrane targeting of ribosomes and their release require distinct and separable functions of FtsY, J. Biol. Chem. 282: 32168-175
Bahari, L., Parlitz, R., Eitan, A., Stjepanovic, G., Bochkareva, E.S., Sinning, I. & Bibi, E.
(2007) Nuclear export of ribosomal 60S subunits by the general mRNA export receptor Mex67-Mtr2. Mol. Cell 26, 51-62
Wei Yao, Daniela Roser, Alwin Köhler, Bettina Bradatsch, Jochen Baßler and Ed Hurt
(2007). Lipid Rafts as Targets for the Modulation of Host Cell Signal Transduction by Viral Pathogens. Signal Transduction 7: 53-63
Rauch, S. and Fackler, O.T.
(2007). Positive feedback between Dia1, LARG and RhoA is required for cancer cell invasion. Genes and Development 21: 1478-1483
Kitzing, T.M., Sahadevan, A.S., Brandt, D.T., Knieling, H., Hannemann, S., Fackler, O.T., Großhans, J. and Grosse, R.
(2007). Posttranslational regulation of Neurospora circadian clock by CK1adependent phosphorylation. Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology 72, 177-183
Querfurth, C., Diernfellner, A., Heise, F., Lauinger, L., Neiss, A., Tataroglu, O., Brunner, M. & Schafmeier, T.
(2007). SH4 Domain-induced Plasma Membrane Dynamization Promotes bleb-associated Cell Motility. J. Cell Sci. 120: 3820-3829
Tournaviti, S., Hannemann, S., Terjung, S., Kitzing, T.M., Stegmayer, C., Ritzerfeld, J., Walther, P., Grosse, R., Nickel, W. and Fackler, O.T.
(2007).: Arx1 functions as alternative nuclear export receptor for the 60S pre-ribosomal subunit. Mol. Cell 27, 767-779
Bettina Bradatsch, Jun Katahira, Eva Kowalinski, Gert Bange, Wei Yao, Toshihiro Sekimoto, Viola Baumgärtel, Guido Boese, Jochen Bassler, Klemens Wild, Reiner Peters, Yoshihiro Yoneda, Irmi Sinning and Ed Hurt
HIV-1 Nef employs two distinct mechanisms to modulate Lck subcellular localization and TCR induced actin remodeling. (2007). PLoSONE, 2: e1212
Haller, C., Rauch, S. and Fackler, O.T.
Physiological role of the Diaphanous-related formin FHOD1. 2007
Hannemann, Sebastian
The structure of the chloroplast signal recognition particle (SRP) receptor reveals mechanistic details of SRP GTPase activation and a conserved membrane targeting site. FEBS Lett. (2007) 581(29), 5671-6
Stengel K. F., Holdermann I., Wild K., Sinning I.
(2008) A Direct Role for Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate in Unconventional Secretion of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2. Traffic 9:1204-1217
Koen Temmerman, Antje D. Ebert, Hans-Michael Müller, Irmgard Sinning, Ivo Tews, and Walter Nickel
(2008) HIV-1-Cellular Interactions Analyzed by Single Virus Tracing. European Biophysical Journal 37(8):1291-301
Endreß, T., Lampe, M., Briggs, J.A.G., Kräusslich, H.G., Bräuchle, C., Müller, B. and Lamb, D.C.
(2008) The crystal structure of the periplasmic domain of the Escherichia coli membrane protein insertase YidC contains a substrate binding cleft, J. Biol. Chem. 283: 9350-8
Ravaud, S., Stjepanovic, G., Wild, K. & Sinning, I.
(2008) The Diaphanous Related Formin FHOD1 Associates with ROCK1 and Promotes Src-dependent Plasma Membrane Blebbing. J. Biol. Chem., 283: 27891-27903
Hannemann, S., Madrid, R., Stastna, J., Kitzing, T., Gasteier, J., Schönichen, A., Bouchet, J., Jimenez, A., Geyer, M., Grosse, R., Benichou, S. and Fackler, O.T.
(2008). Arf1-GTP- induced tubule formation suggests a function of Arf family proteins in curvature acquisition at sites of vesicle budding. J. Biol. Chem. 283:27717-23
Krauss M, Jia JY, Roux A, Beck R, Wieland FT, De Camilli P, Haucke V.
(2008). ArfGAP1 activity and COPI vesicle biogenesis. Traffic. 10:307-15
Beck R., Adolf F., Weimer C., Brügger B., Wieland F. T.
(2008). Circadian activity and abundance rhythms of the Neurospora clock transcription factor WCC associated with rapid nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling. Genes & Development, 22, 3397-3402
Schafmeier, T., Diernfellner, A., Schäfer, A., Dintsis, O., Neiss, A. & Brunner, M.
(2008). Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated selective pressure influences dynamic evolution and pathogenic functions of HIV-1 Nef. J. Immunol., 180: 1107-1116
Ueno, T., Motozono, C., Douki, S., Mwimanzi, P., Rauch, S., Fackler, O.T., Oka, S. and Takiguchi, M.
(2008). Differential roles of ArfGAP1, ArfGAP2, and ArfGAP3 in COPI trafficking. J Cell Biol. 183(4):725-35
Weimer C., Beck R., Eckert P., Reckmann I., Moelleken J., Brügger B., Wieland F.
(2008). HIV-1 Nef Recruits the Guanine Exchange Factor Vav1 via an Unexpected Interface into Plasma Membrane Microdomains for Association with Pak2 Activity. J. Virol., 82: 2918-2929
Rauch, S., Pulkkinen, K., Saksela, K., and Fackler, O.T.
(2008). Imaging synaptic inhibition throughout the brain via genetically targeted Clomeleon. Brain Cell Biology,.36(1-4):101-18
Berglund, K., Schleich, W., Hong, W., Feng, G., Hall, W.C., Kuner, T., Augustine, G.J.
(2008). Membrane curvature induced by Arf1-GTP is essential for vesicle formation. PNAS 19:105:11731-6
Beck R., Sun Z., Adolf F., Rutz C., Bassler J., Wild K., Sinning I., Hurt E., Brügger B., Béthune J., Wieland F.
(2008). Structure of the N-terminal region of the formin FHOD1 reveals a bipartite organization of FH3 and GTPase-binding domains. Structure, 16:1313-1323
Schulte, A., Stolp, B., Schönichen, A., Pylypenko, O., Rak, A., Fackler, O.T. and Geyer, M.
(2008). The GET Complex Mediates Insertion of Tail-Anchored Proteins into the ER Cell 134: 635-645
Maya Schuldiner, Jutta Metz, Volker Schmid+, Vladimir Denic, Magda Rakwalska, Hans Dieter Schmitt, Blanche Schwappach, and Jonathan S. Weissman
(2008). Transcriptional regulation and function of the Neurospora clock gene white collar 2 and its isoforms. EMBO reports 9, 788-794
Neiss, A., Schafmeier, T. & Brunner, M.
(2008).A versatile interaction platform on the Mex67-Mtr2 receptor creates an overlap between mRNA and ribosome export. EMBO J. 27, 6–16
Wei Yao, Malik Lutzmann and Ed Hurt
A dual role of the transport receptor Mex67-Mtr2 in nuclear export of mRNA. 2008
Yao, Wei
Characterisation of white collar- 2 and ist protein isoforms in the circadian clock of Neurospora crassa. 2008
Neiß, Andrea
Molecular mechanisms of COPI vesicle biogenesis. 2008
Beck, Rainer
Sinning I. Structural basis for specific substrate recognition by the chloroplast signal recognition particle protein cpSRP43. Science (2008) 321(5886), 253-6
Stengel K. F., Holdermann I., Cain P., Robinson C., Wild K.
(2009) A novel flow cytometric assay to quantify interactions between proteins and membrane lipids. J Lipid Res. 50(6):1245-54
Temmerman K, Nickel W
(2009) A signal comprising a basic cluster and an amphipathic alpha-helix interacts with lipids and is required for the transport of Ist2 to the yeast cortical ER. J Cell Sci. 122(Pt 5):625-35.
Maass K, Fischer MA, Seiler M, Temmerman K, Nickel W, Seedorf M
(2009) An intrinsic quality-control mechanism ensures unconventional secretion of fibroblast growth factor 2 in a folded conformation. J. Cell Sci. 122:3322-3329
Lucía Cespón-Torrado, Koen Temmerman, Claudia Seelenmeyer, Rafael Backhaus, and Walter Nickel
(2009) Binding of plasma membrane lipids recruits the yeast integral membrane protein Ist2 to the cortical ER. Traffic 10(8):1084-97
Fischer MA, Temmerman K, Ercan E, Nickel W, Seedorf M
(2009) Dynamics of HIV-1 assembly and release. PLoS Pathog. 5(11):e1000652
Ivanchenko, S., Godinez, WJ., Lampe, M., Kräusslich, H.-G., Eils, R., Rohr, K., Bräuchle, C., Müller, B., Lamb, D.C.
(2009) Dynamics of HIV-1 assembly and release. PLoS Pathog. 5(11):e1000652
Ivanchenko, S., Godinez, WJ., Lampe, M., Kräusslich, H.-G., Eils, R., Rohr, K., Bräuchle, C., Müller, B., Lamb, D.C.
(2009) High S. Biogenesis of tail-anchored proteins: the beginning for the end? J Cell Sci.122(Pt 20):3605-12
Rabu C, Schmid V, Schwappach B
(2009) Mechanochemical removal of ribosome biogenesis factors from nascent 60S ribosomal subunits Cell. 138(5):911-22
Cornelia Ulbrich, Meikel Diepholz, Jochen Baßler, Dieter Kressler, Brigitte Pertschy, Kiki Galani, Bettina Böttcher and Ed Hurt
(2009) Reversible Phosphorylation as a Molecular Switch to Regulate Plasma Membrane Targeting of Acylated SH4 Domain Proteins. Traffic 10:1047-1060
Stella Tournaviti, Enrica San Pietro, Stefan Terjung, Tobias Schafmeier, Sabine Wegehingel, Julia Ritzerfeld, Juliane Schulz, Deborah F. Smith, Rainer Pepperkok, and Walter Nickel
(2009) Structural insights into tail-anchored protein binding and membrane insertion by Get3. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.; 106(50):21131-6
Bozkurt G, Stjepanovic G, Vilardi F, Amlacher S, Wild K, Bange G, Favaloro V, Rippe K, Hurt E, Dobberstein B, Sinning I
(2009) The carboxy-terminal domain of complexin I stimulates liposome fusion. PNAS 106(6):2001-6
Malsam J, Seiler F, Schollmeier Y, Rusu P, Krause JM, Söllner TH
(2009) The Golgi-associated Protein p115 Mediates the Secretion of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF). J. Immunol. 182:6896-6906
Melanie Merk, John Baugh, Swen Zierow, Lin Leng, Utpal Pal, Seung Joon Lee, Antje D. Ebert, Yuka Mizue, John Trent, Robert A. Mitchell, Walter Nickel, Paula Kavathas, Jürgen Bernhagen, Richard Bucala
(2009). Comprehensive characterization of genes required for protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum. Science 323(5922):1693-7.
Jonikas, M.C., Collins, S.R., Denic, V., Oh, E., Quan, E.M., Schmid, V., Weibezahn, J., Schwappach, B., Walter, P., Weissman, J.S., Schuldiner, M.
(2009). HIV-1 Nef interferes with host cell motility by deregulation of cofilin. Cell Host and Microbe 6:174-186
Stolp, B., Raichman-Fried, M., Abraham. L., Pan, X., Giese, S.I., Hannemann, S., Goulimari, P., Raz, E., Grosse, R. and Fackler, O.T.
2009. The SESA network links duplication of the yeast centrosome with the protein translation machinery. Genes Dev.;23(13):1559-70
B. Sezen, M. Seedorf and E. Schiebel
2009. Visualizing fusion of pseudotyped HIV-1 particles in real time by live cell microscopy. Retrovirology 6: 84
Koch, P., Lampe, M., Godinez, W.J., Muller, B., Rohr, K., Krausslich, H.G., and Lehmann, M.J.
Function of the exocsyt complex in the calyx of Held presynaptic nerve terminal. 2009
Schwenger, Darius
Identification of Components of the Intracellular Transport Machinery of Acylated Proteins by a Genome-wide RNAi Screen. 2009
Ritzerfeld, Julia
Isoform specificity of 14-3-3 proteins in COPII dependent ER export of membrane proteins. 2009
Mrowiec, Thomas
Protein folding and Quality Control during Unconventional Secretion of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2- (2009)
Cespón Torrado, Lucía
The function of the GET pathway in tail-anchored protein biogenesis. 2009
Schmid, Volker
Translation control of the nuclear pore complex component Pom34 by the spindle pole body duplication machinery
Sezen, Bengü
(2010) Acute genetic perturbation of exocyst function in the rat calyx of Held impedes structural maturation, but spares synaptic transmission. Eur J Neurosci 32(6):974-84
Schwenger DB, Kuner T
(2010) cpSRP43 is a novel chaperone specific for light-harvesting chlorophyll a,bbinding proteins. J Biol Chem.; 285(28):21655-61
Falk S, Sinning I
(2010) Genetic evidence for functional interaction of the Escherichia coli signal recognition particle receptor with acidic lipids in vivo. J Biol Chem. 285(52):40508-14
Erez E, Stjepanovic G, Zelazny AM, Brügger B, Sinning I, Bibi E
(2010) Photoadaptation in Neurospora by competitive interaction of activating and inhibitory LOV domains. Cell 142, 762- 772
Malzahn, E., Ciprianidis S., Kaldi, K., Schafmeier, T. and Brunner, M.
(2010) Signal peptide peptidase (SPP) assembles with substrates and misfolded membrane proteins into distinct oligomeric complexes. Biochem J. 427(3):523-34
Schrul B, Kapp K, Sinning I, Dobberstein B
(2010) Structural insights into the assembly of the human and archaeal signal recognition particles. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr.; 66(Pt 3):295-303
Wild K, Bange G, Bozkurt G, Segnitz B, Hendricks A, Sinning I
(2010) Tec kinase mediated phosphorylation of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 is essential for unconventional secretion. Traffic 11:813-826
Antje Ebert, Mareike Laußmann, Sabine Wegehingel, Lars Kaderali, Holger Erfle, Jürgen Reichert, Johannes Lechner, Hans-Dietmar Beer, Rainer Pepperkok and Walter Nickel
(2010) The AAA-ATPase Rea1 drives removal of biogenesis factors during multiple stages of 60S ribosome assembly. Mol. Cell 38, 712- 721
Bassler J, Kallas M, Pertschy B, Ulbrich C, Thoms M, Hurt E
(2010) The C terminus of Alb3 interacts with the chromodomains 2 and 3 of cpSRP43. J Biol Chem.; 285(53):le25-6
Falk S, Sinning I
(2010) The C terminus of the Alb3 membrane insertase recruits cpSRP43 to the thylakoid membrane. J Biol Chem.; 285(8):5954-62
Falk S, Ravaud S, Koch J, Sinning I
(2010) The Drosophila Crumbs signal peptide is unusually long and is a substrate for signal peptide peptidase. Eur J Cell Biol. Jun;89(6):449- 61
Kilic A, Klose S, Dobberstein B, Knust E, Kapp K
(2010) The structure of Get4 reveals an alpha-solenoid fold adapted for multiple interactions in tail-anchored protein biogenesis. FEBS Lett.; 584(8):1509-14
Bozkurt G, Wild K, Amlacher S, Hurt E, Dobberstein B, Sinning I
(2010). Lentiviral Nef Proteins Utilize PAK2-mediated Deregulation of Cofilin as a General Strategy to Interfere with Actin Remodeling. J. Virol., 84: 3935-3948
Stolp, B., Abraham, L., Rudolph, J.M. and Fackler, O.T.
(2010). Lentiviral Nef Proteins Utilize PAK2-mediated Deregulation of Cofilin as a General Strategy to Interfere with Actin Remodeling. J. Virol., 84: 3935-3948
Stolp, B., Abraham, L., Rudolph, J.M. and Fackler, O.T.
Characterization of co- and posttranslational targeting complexes. 2010
Bozkurt, Günes
Characterization of Signal Peptide Peptidase and its Interaction with Potential Substrates
Schrul, Bianca
Identification and characterization of the fate of cleaved signal sequences derived from Drosophila melanogaster and mammalian proteins. 2010
Kilic-Jahnke, Annett
Identification and Functional Characterization of Tec Kinase as a Direct Factor in Unconventional Secretion of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2). 2010
Ebert, Antje
Modulation of actin remodelling by Nef in cell motility. 2010
Stolp, Bettina
Study of the retroviral entry on a single particle level by fluorescent microscopy
Koch, Peter
Wild and Irmgard Sinning (2010). FlhA provides the adaptor for coordinated delivery of late flagella building blocks to the type III secretion system.PNAS,107(25):11295-300
Nico Kümmerer, Gert Bange, Christoph Engel, Gunes Bozkurt, Klemens
YIPF6 - a novel regulator in the early secretory pathway
Eicher, Eicher
(2011) A global circadian repressor controls antiphasic expression of metabolic genes in Neurospora. Mol Cell. 44(5):687-97
Sancar G, Sancar C, Brügger B, Ha N, Sachsenheimer T, Gin E, Wdowik S, Lohmann I, Wieland F, Höfer T, Diernfellner A, Brunner M
(2011) A. Molecular Basis for the Unique Role of the AAA+ Chaperone ClpV in Type VI Protein Secretion. J Biol Chem.;286(34):30010-21
Pietrosiuk A, Lenherr ED, Falk S, Bönemann G, Kopp J, Zentgraf H, Sinning I, Mogk
(2011) Circadian conformational change of the Neurospora clock protein FREQUENCY triggered by clustered hyperphosphorylation of a basic domain. Mol Cell. Sep 2;43(5):713-22
Querfurth C, Diernfellner AC, Gin E, Malzahn E, Höfer T, Brunner M
(2011) Coatomer and dimeric ADP ribosylation factor 1 promote distinct steps in membrane scission. J Cell Biol. 194(5):765-77
Beck, R., Prinz, S., Diestelkötter P., Röhling,S., Adolf, F., Hoehner, K., Brügger, B., Briggs, J.A.G. and Wieland, F.T.
(2011) Genome-wide and phasespecific DNA-binding rhythms of BMAL1 control circadian output functions in mouse liver. PLoS Biol, 9, e1000595
Rey G, Cesbron F, Rougemont J, Reinke H, Brunner M, Naef F
(2011) Inhibition of the Nef regulatory protein of HIV-1 by a single-domain antibody. Blood, 117(13):3559-68
Bouchet J, Basmaciogullari SE, Chrobak P, Stolp B, Bouchard N, Fackler OT, Chames P, Jolicoeur P, Benichou S, Baty D
(2011) Lipids trigger a conformational switch that regulates signal recognition particle (SRP)-mediated protein targeting. J Biol Chem. 286(26):23489-97
Stjepanovic G, Kapp K, Bange G, Graf C, Parlitz R, Wild K, Mayer MP, Sinning I
(2011) Phenotypic Profiling of the Human Genome Reveals Gene Products Involved in Plasma Membrane Targeting of SRC Kinases. Genome Res. (11):1955-68
Julia Ritzerfeld, Steffen Remmele, Tao Wang, Koen Temmerman, Britta Brügger, Sabine Wegehingel, Stella Tournaviti, Jeroen R.P.M. Strating, Felix T. Wieland, Beate Neumann, Jan Ellenberg, Chris Lawerenz, Jürgen Hesser, Holger Erfle, Rainer Pepperkok, and Walter Nickel
(2011). How HIV takes advantage of the cytoskeleton in entry and replication. Viruses, 3: 293-311
Stolp, B. and Fackler, O.T.
(2011). Micropilot: automation of fluorescence microscopy–based imaging for systems biology. Nat Methods 8(11): 246-9
Christian Conrad, Annelie Wünsche, Tze Heng Tan, Jutta Bulkescher, Frank Sieckmann, Fatima Verissimo, Arthur Edelstein, Thomas Walter, Urban Liebel, Rainer Pepperkok & Jan Ellenberg
(2011). Resolving the Function of Distinct Munc18-1/SNARE Protein Interaction Modes in a Reconstituted Membrane Fusion. JBC 286 No. 35, 30582-30590
Schollmeier, Y., Krause, J. M., Kreye, S., Malsam, J., Söllner, T.H.
(2011). Structural basis for the molecular evolution of SRP-GTPase activation by protein.Nat Struct Mol Biol.;18(12):1376-80
Bange G, Kümmerer N, Grudnik P, Lindner R, Petzold G, Kressler D, Hurt E, Wild K, Sinning I
2011. COPI budding within the Golgi stack. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 1;3(11):a005231
Popoff, V., Adolf, F., Brügger, B., and Wieland, F.T.
2011. Targeting of Nbp1 to the inner nuclear membrane is essential for spindle pole body duplication. EMBO J. 30(16):3337-52
Kupke, T., Di Cecco, L., Müller, H.M., Neuner, A., Adolf, F., Wieland, F.T., Nickel, W., Schiebel, E.
Binding of chloroplast signal recognition particle to a thylakoid membrane protein substrate in aqueous solution and delineation of the cpSRP43-substrate interaction domain. Biochem J. (2011) 437(1), 149-55
Cain P., Holdermann I., Sinning I., Johnson A.E., Robinson C.
cpSRP43 is a specific membrane protein chaperone and targeting factor. 2011
Falk, Sebastian
Munc18-1 und seine duale Funktion in der SNARE-vermittelten Membranfusion. 2011
Schollmeier, Yvette
Photoadaptation in Neurospora crassa. 2011
Malzahn, Erik
The Role of the V-ATPase Subunit a in Vesicle Fusion. 2011
Rusu, Patricia
Unravelling the role of NBP1 during the insertion of the spindle pole body into the nuclear envelope. 2011
di Cecco, Leontina
(2012) Metabolic compensation of the Neurospora clock by a glucose-dependent feedback of the circadian repressor CSP1 on the core oscillator.Genes Dev.;26(21):2435-42
Sancar G, Sancar C, Brunner M
(2012) PI(4,5)P2 Dependent Oligomerization of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Triggers the Formation of a Lipidic Membrane Pore Implicated in Unconventional Secretion. J Biol Chem.; 287(33):27659-69
Steringer, JP, Bleicken, S, Andreas, H, Zacherl, S, Laussmann, M, Temmerman, K, Contreras, FX, Bharat, TA, Lechner, J, Müller, HM, Briggs, JA, Garcia, AJ, Nickel, W
(2012) Recombinant reconstitution of sumoylation reactions in vitro. Methods Mol Biol.832:93-110
Flotho A, Werner A, Winter (=Ritterhoff) T, Frank AS, Ehret H, Melchior F
(2012). Differing and isoform specific roles for the formin DIAPH3 in plasma membrane blebbing and filopodia formation. Cell Research, 22: 728–745
Stastna, J., Pan, X.Y., Wang, H., Kollmannsperger, A., Kutscheid, S., Lohmann, V., Grosse, R. and Fackler, O.T.
(2012). HIV-1 Nef Interferes With T Lymphocyte Circulation Through Confined Environments in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109: 18541–18546
Stolp, B., Imle, A., Coelho, F.M., Hons, M., Mendiz, R.G., Lyck, R., Stein, J.V. and Fackler, O.T.
(2012). Identification of a highly conserved valine-glycine-phenylalanine amino acid triplet required for HIV-1 Nef function. Retrovirology, 9: 34
Meuwissen, P. J., Stolp, B., Ianucci, V., Vermeire, J., Naessens, E., Saksela, K., Geyer, M., Vanham, G., Arien, K., Fackler, O.T. and Verhasselt, B.
Actin Nucleation During Plasma Membrane Blebbing of Adhering Cells. 2012
Stastna, Jana
Biochemical and structural characterization of the chloroplast signal recognition particle. 2012
Holdermann, Iris
Biochemical characterization of FlhF and its interaction partners. 2012
Kümmerer, Nico
Biophysical and biochemical characterisation of membrane interactions of the Escherichia coli signal recognition particle FtsY. 2012
Stjepanovic, Goran
Chromodomains read the arginine code of post-translational targeting. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. (2012) 19(2), 260-3
Holdermann I., Meyer N. H., Round A., Wild K., Sattler M., Sinning I.
Molecular Mechanism of COPII and COPI Vesicle Formation - Studies on Cargo Sorting and Vesicle Membrane Scission. 2012
Adolf, Frank
Monitoring Spatiotemporal Biogenesis of Macromolecular Assemblies by Pulsechase Epitope Labeling. Mol. Cell 47, 788-796 (2012)
Philipp Stelter, Ruth Kunze, Monika Radwan, Emma Thomson, Karsten Thierbach, Matthias Thoms and Ed Hurt
(2013) Consistent mutational paths predict eukaryotic thermostability, BMC Evol Biol 13: 7
van Noort, V., Bradatsch, B., Arumugam, M., Amlacher, S., Bange, G., Creevey, C., Falk, S., Mende, D.R., Sinning, I., Hurt, E. & Bork, P.
(2013) Light-dependent and circadian transcription dynamics in vivo recorded with a destabilized luciferase reporter in neurospora. PLoS One, 8, 12, e83660
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(2013) Protein interfaces of the Conserved Nup84 Complex from Chaetomium thermophilumrevealed by cross-linking mass spectrometry and electron microscopy. Structure 21, 9, 1672-1682
Karsten Thierbach, Alexander von Appen, Matthias Thoms, Martin Beck, Dirk Flemming and Ed Hurt
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Studying the dynamics of HIV-1 assembly and its interactions with host factors. 2013
Rahman, Sheikh Abdul
(2014) Construction of the central protuberance requires rotation of 5S RNP during60S ribosome biogenesis. Nature Com. 5, 3491
Christoph Leidig, Matthias Thoms, Iris Holdermann, Bettina Bradatsch, Otto Berninghausen,Gert Bange, Irmgard Sinning, Ed Hurt and Roland Beckmann
(2014) Coupled GTPase and remodeling ATPase activities form a checkpoint for ribosome export. Nature 505, 112-116
Yoshitaka Matsuo, Sander Granneman, Matthias Thoms, Rizos-Georgios Manikas, David Tollervey and Ed Hurt
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Kutscheidt, Stefan
Time-resolved biochemical analysis of transcriptional discontinuity. 2014
Cesbron, Francois
(2015) A stable chemical SUMO1- Ubc9 conjugate specifically binds as a thioester mimic to the RanBP2 E3-ligase complex. Chembiochem. [Epub ahead of print]
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(2015) Combinatorial control of light induced chromatin remodeling and gene activation in Neurospora. PLoS Genet. 11(3):e1005105
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(2015) Dawn- and dusk-phased circadian transcription rhythms coordinate anabolic and catabolic functions in Neurospora. BMC Biol. Feb 24;13(1):17
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(2015) Formation of Disulfide Bridges Drives Oligomerization, Membrane Pore Formation and Translocation of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 to Cell Surface. J Biol Chem. 2015 Feb 18 [Epub ahead of print]
Hans-Michael Müller, Julia P. Steringer, Sabine Wegehingel, Stephanie Bleicken ,Maximilian Münster, Eleni Dimou, Sebastian Unger, Georg Weidmann, Helena Andreas,Ana J. García- Sáez2, Klemens Wild, Irmgard Sinning, and Walter Nickel
(2015) Transcriptional refractoriness is dependent on core promoter architecture. Nat. commun, 6:6753
Cesbron F, Oehler M, Ha N, Sancar G, Brunner M
(2015). Kar1 binding to Sfi1 C-terminal regions anchors the SPB bridge to the nuclear envelope. J Cell Biol vol. 209 no. 6 843-861
Christian Seybold, Menattallah Elserafy, Diana Rüthnick, Musa Ozboyaci, Annett Neuner, Benjamin Flottmann, Mike Heilemann Rebecca, C. Wade and Elmar Schiebel
Identification and characterization of new proteins regulating Golgi structure and function. 2015
Duishoev, Nurlanbek
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