Project Details
SFB 840: From Particulate Nanosystems to Mesotechnology
Subject Area
Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
from 2009 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 79971943
Over the past decades modern nanotechnology mastered to fabricate nano-sized objects with desired properties and high precision in respect to morphology and monodispersity. These scientific breakthroughs at the nanoscale should now be applied to achieve new functionalities at the mesoscale. In main areas properties relevant at the macroscale manifest themselves at the more complex mesoscale rather than at the molecular or nanoparticle level. At the mesoscale interfaces, non-equilibrium and cooperative interactions lead to hierarchical mesostructure determined by the ensemble.The collaborative research center 840 focuses on mesostructured systems where “meso” not only refers to a length scale. Rather concerted, programmed interactions beyond the molecule, beyond the individual nanoparticle are utilized to generate meso-immanent properties at the next hierarchical level.Chemistry seeks to develop simple, technically benign and hence scalable processes. Needless to say that this should also apply at the mesoscale to warrant technological implementation. Integrating these nanoscopic building units into functional building blocks, however, proved to be highly complex, but nevertheless essential in order to fully exploit the potential of such nano-sized objects for future materials and technologies. Results and insights gained during previous funding periods have enabled us to master the complexity and gain control of emerging mesoscale-immanent functionalities. The objective of the collaborative research project, SFB 840, thus is to synthesize well-defined, functional nanoparticulate building units which must of course be thoroughly characterized at the single particle level prior to assembly, implement elements that mediate coupling to allow for integration into functional building blocks, develop a deeper understanding of the self-assembly of these nanoparticulate building units into mesoscopic structures, establish novel methods for directed mesostructuring, elucidate the cooperative interaction of individual building units in functional systems to look for emerging, previously not realized “meso”-propertiesand by this way, the SFB provides a scientific basis for mesotechnology.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
- A01 - Janus-Partikel (Project Head Müller, Axel )
- A02 - Mesostructured Composites Based on 1D Polyelectrolytic Templates as versatile catalysis platform (Project Heads Breu, Josef ; Schmalz, Holger )
- A03 - Synthese und Statistische Mechanik kolloidaler Hybridcluster (Project Heads Schmidt, Matthias ; Wittemann, Alexander )
- A04 - Kompositpartikel aus anorganischen Nanopartikeln und kolloidalen Trägersystemen (Project Heads Ballauff, Matthias ; Hellweg, Thomas ; Lu, Yan )
- A05 - Nanostrukturierte Carbosilazan-Polyethylen-Hybridmaterialien (Project Heads Kempe, Rhett ; Motz, Günter )
- A06 - Synthesis of Porous Hybrid Materials based on Layered Silicates: Functional Intercalates, Separation, and Catalysis (Project Heads Breu, Josef ; Schobert, Rainer )
- A07 - Hierarchische Strukturierung oxidischer Nanopartikel mit mesoskopischen polyelektrolytischen Kern-Schale-Zylinderbürsten als Templat (Project Heads Breu, Josef ; Müller, Axel )
- A08 - Mesoscopic 2D- and 3D-scaffolds made of spider silk proteins providing bacteriostatic surfaces and anti-bacterial properties (Project Head Scheibel, Thomas )
- A10 - Meso-structuration of Spin Crossover Nanoparticles (Project Head Weber, Birgit )
- A11 - Ultrasound-assisted formation of mesoporous multlmetal composites (Project Heads Andreeva-Bäumler, Daria ; Senker, Jürgen )
- A12 - Porous compartmentalized multi-catalytic electrospun membranes for reaction cascades in one-pot using ‘Wolf-Lamb’ catalysts (Project Heads Agarwal, Seema ; Gekle, Stephan ; Scheibel, Thomas )
- B01 - Catalytic activity of metallic nanoparticles and nanoalloys immobilized on mesoscopically structured supports (Project Heads Kempe, Rhett ; Kümmel, Stephan )
- B02 - Enzymatische Katalyse auf kolloidalen Trägerpartikeln (Project Heads Ballauff, Matthias ; Ullmann, Matthias ; Wittemann, Alexander )
- B03 - Second Generation Layered Silicates of the as Multifunctional Additives (Project Heads Altstädt, Volker ; Breu, Josef )
- B04 - Morphology control of semi-crystalline polymers with supramolecular additives (Project Heads Altstädt, Volker ; Schmidt, Hans-Werner ; Senker, Jürgen )
- B05 - Oberflächen-kontrollierte Selbst-Anordnung partikulärer Bausteine zur Erzeugung plasmonischer Überstrukturen (Project Heads Fery, Andreas ; Karg, Ph.D., Matthias )
- B06 - Photonische Materialien durch Selbstassemblierung von Mikrogel/ Nanopartikel Hybriden (Project Heads Hellweg, Thomas ; Lu, Yan )
- B07 - Hybrid Systems with Controllable mesostructures for Photovoltaics (Project Heads Leppert, Linn ; Retsch, Markus ; Thelakkat, Mukundan )
- B08 - Mesoscopically structured functional composite nonwovens for application in separation and catalysis (Project Heads Fery, Andreas ; Greiner, Andreas ; Schmidt, Hans-Werner )
- B09 - Multicomponent Nanocomposites with defined spatial distribution (Project Heads Förster, Stephan ; Schenk, Anna Sophia )
- B10 - Lyotrope Quasikristalle (Project Head Förster, Stephan )
- C01 - Surface selective NMR spectroscopy for hybrid materials (Project Heads Rößler, Ernst ; Senker, Jürgen )
- C03 - Geladene Nanopartikel in Grenzflächen (Project Head Fischer, Thomas Martin )
- C04 - Charge Distribution and Interaction Forces at Interfaces: High Resolution Detection and its Application towards the Controlled Formation of Mesoscopic Structures (Project Head Papastavrou, Georg )
- C05 - Simulation und Phasenfeldrechnungen zur Strukturbildung in Nanopartikelsystemen (Project Heads Emmerich, Heike ; Gruhn, Thomas )
- C07 - Local order of solvent molecules at solid-liquid interfaces in colloidal dispersions (Project Head Zobel, Mirijam )
- INFZ02 - Informationsinfastruktur (Project Head Grandel, Andreas )
- Z01 - Central administration of the collaborative research centre (Project Head Breu, Josef )
Applicant Institution
Universität Bayreuth
Participating Institution
Forschungszentrum Jülich; Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (FHI)
Professor Dr. Josef Breu