Conceptual questions of quantum gravity and mathematical structures in three-dimensional gravity
Final Report Abstract
Part 1 - Hamiltonian quantisation formalisms and state sum models: • General mathematical framework for defects and observables in 3d state sum models and TFQT: theory of Gray categories with duals and development of diagrammatical calculus); generalisation to the tricategory of fusion categories, bimodule categories bimodule functors and bimodule natural transformations. • Generalisation of the notion of a group-valued lattice gauge theory to Hopf algebras: axiomatic description and construction of local Hopf algebra gauge theories on ribbon graphs; construction of the algebra of observables and proof of topological invariance; explicit relation to existing models and quantisation approaches. • Quantum deformation of two four-dimensional spin foam models: Construction of a prominent 4d state sum model based on quantum groups. • The extended and the gauge invariant Hilbert space of 3d gravity: detailed investigation of the Hilbert space of 3d gravity; explicit relation between two quantisation approaches; implementation of constraint operators and quantum group symmetries. Part 2 - Geometrical and physics aspects of the classical theory: • Observables of 3d gravity and measurements by observers: characterisation of the nonlocal diffeomorphism invariant observables of 3d gravity (Wilson loops) in terms of measurements with returning lightrays (return time, direction, frequency shift); reconstruction of the spacetime geometry from such measurements. • Initial singularities of flat 3d and 4d spacetimes in terms of light signals: description of the initial singularity of globally hyperbolic 3d and 4d spacetimes in terms of light signals emitted near the initial singularity (background radiation); geometrical properties, classification. • Stationary flat 3d spacetimes with particles: construction of stationary flat spacetimes with massive particles with spin; investigation of causality structure and classification results. Part 3 - 3d quantum gravity as quantised hyperbolic geometry: • generalisation of shear coordinates on Teichmüller space to moduli spaces of 3d spacetimes by u analytic continuation techniques; explicit description of symplectic structure and relation to the cotangent bundle of Teichmüller space; explicit expressions for mapping class group actions and description of generating Hamiltonians. Part 4 - Quantisation of Lorentzian 3d gravity via Dirac’s constraint quantisation formalism: • Phase space reduction for Lorentzian 3d gravity with vanishing cosmological constant: 3d gravity as a constrained system; gauge fixing and Dirac bracket; gauge fixing as selection of a reference frame; residual symmetries and physical interpretation. • Mathematical structures associated with gauge fixing: dynamical r-matrices via a gauge fixing procedure; transition between different gauge fixing conditions and dynamical gauge transformations. Part 5 - Quantum group symmetries in 3d gravity: • quantum group symmetries of 3d gravity as a multi-parametric quantum deformations of sl(2, R) with the cosmological constant and the speed of light as a deformation parameters; classification of multi-parametric deformations; construction of the associated quantum algebras and non-commutative spaces; classical and cosmological limit.
Cosmological measurements, time and observables in (2+1)-dimensional gravity, Class. Quantum Grav. 26 (2009) 055006
Catherine Meusburger
Combinatorial quantisation of the Euclidean torus universe, Nucl. Phys. B 841, Issue 3 (2010) 463-505
Catherine Meusburger, Karim Noui
Three-dimensional gravity and Drinfel’d doubles: spacetimes and symmetries from quantum deformations, Physics Letters B 687 (2010) 375-381
Angel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Catherine Meusburger
Gauge fixing in (2+1)-gravity: Dirac bracket and spacetime geometry, Class. Quantum Grav. 28 (2011) 125008
Catherine Meusburger, Torsten Schönfeld
Particles with spin in stationary flat spacetimes, Geom. Dedicata Volume 161, Issue 1 (2012) 23-50
Thierry Barbot, Catherine Meusburger
Quantum deformation of two four-dimensional spin foam models, J. Math. Phys. 53 (2012) 022501
Winston J. Fairbairn, Catherine Meusburger
Drinfel’d doubles for (2+1)- gravity, Class. Quantum Grav. 30 (2013) 155012
Angel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Catherine Meusburger
Recovering the geometry of a flat spacetime from background radiation, Annales Henri Poincaré (2013) 1-67
Francesco Bonsante, Catherine Meusburger, Jean-Marc Schlenker
Gauge fixing and classical dynamical r-matrices in ISO(2,1)-Chern-Simons theory, Commun. Math. Phys. 327.2 (2014) 443-479
Catherine Meusburger, Torsten Schönfeld
Generalised shear coordinates on the moduli spaces of three-dimensional spacetimes, 40 pages, J. Differ. Geom.
Catherine Meusburger, Carlos Scarinci
Gray categories with duals and their diagrams, 156 pages, Adv. Math.
John W. Barrett, Catherine Meusburger, Gregor Schaumann
Hopf algebra gauge theory on a ribbon graph. 68 pages
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