Project Details
Development and degradation of Kobresia root mats and their effects on C and N turnover and C sequestration
Subject Area
from 2008 to 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 68174873
No abstract available
(2012). Effect of grazing on carbon stocks and assimilate partitioning in a Tibetan montane pasture revealed by 13CO2 pulse labeling.Global Change Biology, 18(2), 528-538
Hafner, S., Unteregelsbacher, S., Seeber, E., Lena, B., Xu, X., Li, X., ... & Kuzyakov, Y.
(2012). Response of long-, medium-and short-term processes of the carbon budget to overgrazing-induced crusts in the Tibetan Plateau. Biogeochemistry, 111(1- 3), 187-201
Unteregelsbacher, S., Hafner, S., Guggenberger, G., Miehe, G., Xu, X., Liu, J., & Kuzyakov, Y.