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SFB 803:  Functionality Controlled by Organisation in and between Membranes

Subject Area Chemistry
Term from 2009 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 55908123
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

It was the aim of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC 803) to unravel the interactions between the large number of different lipids and specialized proteins in cellular membranes on the molecular level. We clarified how the spatial and temporal organization of membrane components influences their function. We have been able to elucidate how simple peptides and large transmembrane proteins, particularly pores and ion channels, organize in membranes and how they interact with their surrounding lipids. During this journey, new methods have been developed, and established ones have been further developed. To provide some examples: In case of simple transmembrane peptides, the synergy between bioorganic synthesis and EPR spectroscopy paved the way to new experiments to measure spin label orientations at high EPR frequencies. Relating the structure of an ion channel to its function was achieved in depth for the voltage dependent anion channel VDAC by a combination of NMR spectroscopic structural investigations, ion channel recordings, mathematical analysis and atomistic simulations. These results enabled us to draw molecular pictures of how peptides and proteins form structures that are responsible for transport processes across membranes. The CRC 803 contributed significantly to our current understanding of neuronal fusion mediated by soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive-factor attachment receptors (SNAREs). We have been able to understand how physical mesoscopic parameters such as membrane curvature and lateral tension as well as molecular determinants such as particular lipids and the molecular structure of different SNAREs determine and influence the energy landscape along the fusion pathway. A combination of new experimental tools to analyze fusion intermediates, and new fusion assays combined with bioorganic synthetic approaches and simulation studies have led to a more molecular picture and the involved energetics that drive the merging of two membranes resulting in the release of neurotransmitters.



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