GRK 1505: Analysis and Simulation of Electric Interactions between Implants and Biosystems - welisa
Final Report Abstract
Trotz zahlreicher Erfolge mit implantierten technischen Systemen zur Unterstützung von Körperfunktionen, die durch Krankheit, Unfall oder Alter eingeschränkt wurden, besteht ein weit gespannter Forschungsbedarf mit den Zielstellungen verbesserter Funktion, höherer Verträglichkeit und längerer Haltbarkeit von Implantaten. Ein erheblicher Teil der daraus entstehenden Fragestellungen ist direkt mit einem möglichst tiefgehenden Verständnis der Prozesse an der Grenzfläche zwischen Implantat und dem umgebenden Gewebe verbunden. Dies setzt seinerseits eine detaillierte Kenntnis der dort stattfindenden elektrochemischen Vorgänge, gegebenenfalls beeinflusst durch extern angelegte elektromagnetische Felder, voraus. Die präzise modellhafte Beschreibung der Prozesse an der Grenzfläche zwischen Implantat und dem umgebenden Gewebe sowohl aus biologisch-medizinischer als auch aus physikalisch-elektrotechnischer und biophysikalisch-elektrochemischer Sicht, stellte die zentrale Forschungsidee des Graduiertenkollegs welisa dar. Zur Untersuchung dieser Prozesse wurden experimentelle Analysen zur Adhäsion und Proliferation humaner Zellen, biophysikalische Experimente zur elektrischen Kopplung von Nervenzellnetzwerken mit Sensorchips, Experimente zum Einfluss elektromagnetischer Felder auf Bakterien und humane Zellen sowie elektrische Feldberechnungen und thermodynamische Simulationen auf unterschiedlichen Größenskalen durchgeführt. Zur Beschreibung der Prozesse wurden innovative, automatisierte, statistische und systembiologische Methoden entwickelt. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen und Innovationen gehören numerische Volumenleitermodelle für Gehirn, Hüfte und Cochlea, Methoden zur Unsicherheitsquantifizierung, neue Biokeramiken und Verbundstoffe, ein neuartiges elektrostimulatives Hüftimplantat, automatische Aktin-Filament-Quantifizierung zur Analyse von Zelladhäsion und Topographieeinfluss, Definition von Bedingungen für das Wachstum von Biofilmen auf Implantaten sowie ein System zur Tiefen Hirnstimulation zur Langzeitstimulation in Ratten bei freier Beweglichkeit. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse haben direkten Bezug zur Analyse der elektrischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Implantaten und dem Biosystem und somit zur Optimierung der Tiefen Hirnstimulation, von Cochlea-Implantaten sowie elektrostimulierenden Implantatsystemen zur Knochenregeneration für die spätere klinische Anwendung. Die Fachbereiche Medizin, Materialwissenschaft, Biophysik, Zellbiologie, Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik haben dabei eng zusammengewirkt. Die Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden waren sowohl in fachlicher wie in methodischer Sicht besonders in interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Arbeiten eingebunden. Zu ihrer Weiterqualifizierung wurden Lehrveranstaltungen, teils in englischer Sprache, individuell festgelegt. Mit seiner Forschung stärkte das GRK die Profillinien „Leben, Licht und Materie“ sowie „Altern des Individuums und der Gesellschaft“ der Universität Rostock.
2008. Dichtelement und Kontaktbuchse für medizinisches Implantat. Z: EP 19747768 (A1)
Rebentisch, R.
2008. Federkontakt und Kontaktbuchse für einen Elektrodenleitungsstecker. AZ: EP 1974767 (A1)
Rebentisch, R.
2008. Kontaktanordnung, Kontaktbaugruppe, implantierbare Vorrichtung und Elektrodenleitung. AZ: EP 1923967 (A3)
Rebentisch, R.
2008. Novel Rapid Prototyping Processes – Building Movable Parts, In: Bartolo PJ et al. (Eds.), Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing, Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping. London: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 665–666. ISBN: 978-0-415-41602-3
Ansorge, F., Badstuebner, K., Reichel, H.
2009. 3D-Simulation of Action Potential Propagation in a Squid Giant Axon. COMSOL Conference, Bangalore, India, 5 pages
Appali, R., Petersen, S., Gimsa, J. and Van Rienen, U.
2009. Classical Models of the Interface between an Electrode and Electrolyte. COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 4 pages
Gongadze, E., Petersen, S., Beck, U. and van Rienen, U.
2009. Definiert mikrostrukturierte Titanoberflächen und deren Einfluss auf die Organisation des Aktinzytoskeletts von humanen Osteoblasten. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM), BIOmaterialien 10 (3/4), Tübingen, Germany, p.129. ISSN: 1616-0177
Matschegewski, C., Staehlke, S., Loeffler, R., Kern, D., Beck, U., Lange, R. and Nebe, J.B.
2009. iCAMS: An FPGA-Based System for the REAL-Time Monitoring of the Activity of in-vitro Cells. 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1-4
Lueder, M., Salomon, R. and Reimer, T.
2009. Impedance spectroscopy and cell constant of the electrodes for deep brain stimulation. COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 6 pages
Vinter, E., Petersen, S., Gimsa, J. and van Rienen, U.
2009. Material properties of Titanium surfaces with regular geometry and their influence on osteoblast behaviour. ESB, Lausanne, Switzerland
Lange, R., Elter, P., Matschegewski, C., Weidmann, A., Löffler, R., Fleischer, M., Nebe, J.B., Kern, D. and Beck, U.
2009. Quantification of actin filament organization by estimating graph structures in confocal microscopic images. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings, 25 (4), pp. 1932-1935. ISSN: 1680-0737
Birkholz, H., Matschegewski, C., Nebe, J.B. and Engel, K.
2009. Sensitivity of Osteoblasts to Topographical and Chemical Features of Metal Implants. ICMAT, Singapore
Nebe, J.B., Jesswein, H., Weidmann, A., Finke, B., Matschegewski, C., Lange, R., Beck, U. and Schroeder, K.
2009. Solar Concentrating Systems Using Small Mirror Arrays. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 132(1), pp. 1-4
Göttsche, Joachim; Hoffschmidt, Bernhard; Schmitz, Stefan; Sauerborn, Markus; Buck, Reiner; Teufel, Edgar; Badstübner, Kathrin; Ifland, David; Rebholz, Christian
2009. Thin membrane modelling for the electrical stimulation of auditory nerve. COMSOL Conference, Milano, Italy, pp. 14-16
Grünbaum, A., Petersen, S., Pau, H. W. and van Rienen, U.
2009. Time dependent activation of intracellular signaling proteins in osteoblasts on microstructured titanium surfaces. Eur J Cell Biol ;88, 32. ISSN: 0171-9335
Matschegewski, C., Weidmann, A., Lange, R., Loeffler, R., Beck, U., Kern, D. and Nebe, J.B.
2009. Time dependent adhesion of vital human osteoblasts on positively charged plasma polymer coated surfaces. 3rd International Symposium “Interface Biology of Implants” (IBI) ISSN 1616 0177 BIOmaterialien 10 (S1), p. 75, Rostock, Germany
Jesswein, H., Finke, B., Lange, R., Staehlke, S., Beck, U., Gimsa, J., Schroeder, K. and Nebe, J.B.
2009. Titanium Surfaces Structured with Regular Geometry – Material and Cellular Biological Investigations. 13th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA), Antalya, Turkey
Lange, R., Elter, P., Biala, K. Matschegewski, C., Staehlke, S., Loeffler, R., Fleischer, M., Nebe, J.B., Kern, D. and Beck, U.
2010. A comparison of Hodgkin-Huxley and soliton neural theories. Advances in Radio Science, 8, pp. 75-79
Appali, R.; Petersen, S.; van Rienen, U.
2010. A hybrid approach to quantify lamination of the cerebral cortex. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 11(5), pp. 363–370
Schmitt, O.; Birkholz, H.
2010. A novel modular device for 3-D bone cell culture and non-destructive cell analysis. Acta Biomaterialia, 6, pp. 3798-3807
Kunz, Friederike; Bergemann, Claudia; Klinkenberg, Ernst-Dieter; Weidmann, Arne; Lange, Regina; Beck, Ulrich; Nebe, J. Barbara
2010. Aktuatorik und Sensorik für die Überwachung metabolischer Parameter in 3D Zellkultursystemen. 15. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Heilbad Heiligenstadt
Bonk, S. M., Buehler, S.M., Stubbe, M., Baumann, W. und Gimsa, J.
2010. An Electrical Double Layer Model with Spatial Variation of the Permittivity. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Berlin, Germany, pp. 540-543. ISBN: 978-1-4244-5154-8
Gongadze, E., Iglič, A., Petersen, S. and van Rienen, U.
2010. Analysis and Simulation of Electrical Interactions of Implants with Biosystems. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 167–170
van Rienen, U., Appali, R., Bader, R., Baumann, W., Beck, U., Behrend, D., Benecke, R., Biala, K., Birkholz, H., Burkel, E., Engel, G., Gimsa, J., Gimsa, U., Gongadze, E., Grünbaum, A., Haba, Y., Liese, F., Liu, B., Lueder,M.,Matschegewski,C., Mittelmeier, W., Mix, E., Nebe, J.B., Nowak, K.A., Pahnke, J., Pau, H.W., Pauleweit, S., Petersen, S., Polnick, S., Reimer, T., Rott, G., Salomon, R., Vinter, E., Weihe, T. and Wolkenhauer, O.
2010. Automatische Auswertung von Aktinfilament-Strukturen in konfokal-mikroskopischen Bildern. Biomedizinische Technik/ Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp.233-236
Birkholz, H., Labahn, R., Engel, K. and Nebe, J. B.
2010. Cell architecture on plasmafunctionalized, structured metal surfaces. Proceeding of the European Society for Biomaterials 2010, CD abstract no. H 3492, Tampere, Finland
Rebl, H., Finke, B., Matschegewski, C., Staehlke, S., Lange, R., Kern, D.P., Beck, U., Schroeder, K. and Nebe, J.B.
2010. Cell architecture-cell function dependencies on titanium arrays with regular geometry. Biomaterials, 31(22), pp. 5729-5740
Matschegewski, Claudia; Staehlke, Susanne; Loeffler, Ronny; Lange, Regina; Chai, Feng; Kern, Dieter P.; Beck, Ulrich; Nebe, Barbara J.
2010. Challenges in Bio-Electromagnetic Modeling. URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Berlin, Germany, IEEE, pp. 344-347. ISBN: 978-1-4244-5154-8
Potratz, C., Petersen, S., Grünbaum, A. and van Rienen, U.
2010. Describing electrostatic attraction between negatively charged mediated by organic counter-ions of different length. Biochemistry, Gordon Research, Biddeford (ME), USA
Weihe, T., Perutkova, S., Kralj-Iglic, V., Elter, P., Iglic, A. and Gimsa, J.
2010. Dielectric properties of porous calcium titanate. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 179-181
Rott, G.A., Zhang, F., Haba, Y. and Burkel, E.
2010. Dielectric Spectroscopy and Microstructure of Sintered Calcium Titanate (CaTiO3) Samples With Different Porosities. Material Science and Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany
Rott, G.A., Zhang, F., Haba, Y., Kroeger, W. and Burkel, E.
2010. Ein 3D-CAD-Modell der menschlichen Cochlea für elektromagnetische Simulationen (A 3D-CAD-Model of the Human Cochlea for Electromagnetic Studies). Biomedizinische Technik/ Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 231-233
Grünbaum, A., van Rienen, U. and Pau, H.W.
2010. Einfluss der Anisotropie der Leitfähigkeit von Hirngewebe auf die elektrische Feldverteilung um Elektroden zur tiefen Hirnstimulation. (Influence of the anisotropic conductivity of the brain tissue on the electric field distribution around electrodes for deep brain stimulation). Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55(1), pp. 234-237
Vinter, E., Petersen, S. and Van Rienen, U.
2010. Elektrische Doppelschicht und strukturierte Titan Implantate (Electrical Double Layer and structured titanium implants). Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp.171-174
Gongadze, E., Petersen, S., Iglič, A. and Van Rienen, U.
2010. Ermittlung elektrischer Materialeigenschaften von humanen Femurköpfen für den Einsatz elektrostimulierender Knochenimplantate. 13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik Rostock Deutschland, pp. 61-66
Haba, Y., Stüpmann, F., Kroeger, W., Bader, R., Kluess, D., Souffrant, R., Mittelmeier, W. and Ewald, H.
2010. Ermittlung elektrischer und mechanischer Materialparameter am humanen Femurkopf (Determination of electrical and mechanical material parameters on the human femoral head). Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55, pp. 182-185
Haba, Y., Schiebenhoefer, A. K., Kroeger, W., Ewald, H., Souffrant, R., Kluess, D., Mittelmeier, W. and Bader, R.
2010. Excluded volume effect and orientational ordering near charged surface in solution of ions and Langevin dipoles. Bioelectrochemistry, 79 (2), pp. 223-227
Iglic, Ales; Gongadze, Ekaterina; Bohinc, Klemen
2010. Gap Junction-vermittelte Signaltransmission in kortikalen neuronalen Netzwerken kultiviert auf Neurochips. Biomedizinische Technik/ Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), p. 33
Reimer, T., Baumann, W., Koester, P.J. and Gimsa, J.
2010. Geringer Einfluss der Anisotropie des Gehirns auf das Potential an der Kopfoberfläche. (Small influence of the brain anisotropy on the potential at the scalp). Biomedizinische Technik/ Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 216-218
Rhinow, G., Petersen, S. and van Rienen, U.
2010. Gold Shark Teeth structures on MEAs - Electroplating of Nano-structures on Metallic Microelectrodes. 7th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany, pp. 289-290
Koester, P.J., Tautorat, C., Reimer, T., Zwanzig, M., Baumann, W.H. and Gimsa, J.
2010. Metal surface in contact with electrolyte solution - Influence of spatial variation of dielectric constant. Elektrotehniski Vestnik, 77(2), pp. 121-130. ISSN: 0013-5852
Bohinc, K., Gongadze, E., Kralj-Iglič, V., Van Rienen, U. and Iglič, A.
2010. Osteoblast's sensitivity to topographical and chemical features of titanium. Material Science Forum, 638-642, pp. 652-657
Nebe, Barbara; Jesswein, Henrike; Weidmann, Arne; Finke, Birgit; Lange, Regina; Beck, Ulrich; Schröder, Karsten
2010. Physical and electrochemical characterisation of regular microstructred titanium and their influence on cell morphology. Biomedizinische Technik/ Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), p. 169
Biala, K., Lange, R., Stählke, S., Nebe, J.B., Und Beck, U.
2010. Preparation and surface modification of TiMn foams for bone implants. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 71-72
Zhang, F., Otterstein, E., Rott, G.A., Beck, U., Weiss, D.G., and Burkel, E.
2010. Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy for the determination of initial adhesion of cells to different surfaces. Bone-Tech, Hannover, Germany
Weihe, T., Bonk, S., Chen, Y., Elter, P. and Gimsa J.
2010. Soliton collision in biomembranes and nerves-a stability study. 8th Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE), Toulouse, France, 2 pages
Appali, R., Lautrup, B., Heimburg, T. and van Rienen, U.
2010. Spatial variation of permittivity near a charged membrane in contact with electrolyte solution, In: Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes (APLBL), 11, pp. 101-126. ISBN: 978-0-12-381013-7
Gongadze, E., Bohnic, K., van Rienen, U., Kralj-Iglič, v. and Iglič, A.
2010. Thermodynamic Theory of Nerve Signal Propagation and First Simulation of Soliton Model. Biomedizinische Technik/ Biomedical Engineering, 55 (1), Rostock, Germany, pp. 186–189
Appali, R., Petersen, S., Gimsa, J. and van Rienen, U.
2010. Time dependent analysis of intracellular signaling molecules in osteoblasts on microstructured titanium surfaces. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM)., BIOmaterialien, 11, Heiligenstadt, Germany, p. 179. ISSN: 1616-0177
Staehlke, S., Matschegewski, C., Loeffler, R., Lange, R., Beck, U., Kern, D. and Nebe, J.B.
2010. Titanium surfaces structured with regular geometry-material investigations and cell morphology. Surface and Interface Analysis, 42(6), pp. 497-501
Lange, R.; Elter, P.; Biala, K.; Matschegewski, C.; Stählke, S.; Löffler, R.; Fleischer, M.; Nebe, J. B.; Kern, D.; Beck, U.
2010. WiiLoc: a Step Towards Efficient Device Identification in Large Office Buildings by Wii-Based Localization. IEEE 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), pp. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-4244-6850-8
Warmuth, R., Goldmann, S. and Salomon, R.
2010: Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Insitu-Messung der Verankerungsfestigkeit von Endoprothesen. AZ: DE 102010003279 (A1)
Bader, R., Ewald, H., Klüss, D., Mittelmeier, W., Souffrant, R., Woernle, C.
Zellreaktor. AZ: DE102010064098.0
Bergemann, C., Hansmann, H., Kunz, F., Nebe, B., Weissmaqnn, V., Wetzel, J.
2011 The influence of topographic microstructures on the initial adhesion of L929 fibroblasts studied by single-cell force spectroscopy. European Journal of Biophysics, 40, pp. 317-324
Elter, Patrick; Weihe, Thomas; Lange, Regina; Gimsa, Jan; Beck, Ulrich
2011. A unifying approach to isotropic and anisotropic total variation denoising models. Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics, 235(8), pp. 2502-2514
Birkholz, Harald
2011. Adhesion of osteoblasts to a nanorough titanium implant surface. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 6, pp. 1801–1816
Gongadze, Ekaterina; Kabaso, Doron; Bauer, Sebastian; Slivnik, Tomaž; Schmuki, Patrik; van Rienen, Ursula; Iglič, Aleš
2011. Agent-based simulation of molecular processes. An application to actin-polymerisation. Conference SIMULTECH - Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, pp. 276-282
Pauleweit, S., Nebe J. B. and Wolkenhauer, O.
2011. Ammonia Plasma Functionalized Polycarbonate Surfaces Improve Cell Migration Inside an Artificial 3D Cell Culture Module. Plasma Processes and Polymers, pp. 261-272
Bergemann, Claudia; Quade, Antje; Kunz, Friederike; Ofe, Stefan; Klinkenberg, Ernst-Dieter; Laue, Michael; Schröder, Karsten; Weissmann, Volker; Hansmann, Harald; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Nebe, Barbara
2011. Analyse der Interaktion von Osteoblasten auf mikrostrukturierten Oberflächen in Bezug auf die Organisation des Aktinzytoskeletts. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM), BIOmaterialien 12, 1-4, Gießen, Germany, p.115. ISSN: 1616-0177
Staehlke, S., Matschegewski, C., Loeffler, R., Lange, R., Beck, U., Kern, D. and Nebe. J.B.
2011. Attachment of rod-like (BAR) proteins and membrane shape. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 11(4), pp. 272-282
Kabaso, D.; Gongadze, E.; Elter, P.; van Rienen, U.; Gimsa, J.; Kralj-Iglič, V.; Iglič, A.
2011. Combination of neural-mass models with anisotropic head models to simulate EEG signals. 8th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM), pp. 108-109. ISBN: 978-1-84919-468-6
Zimmermann, U., Petersen, S., Schwabe, L. and van Rienen, U.
2011. Der Effekt endogener Amine in elektrogesponnenen Polylactid-Scaffolds auf die Zelladhäsion. 7. Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage und 8. Thüringer Biomaterial-Kolloquium, Tagungsband, pp. 319-323. ISBN: 978-3-00-035347-5
Wyrwa, R., Mueller, U., Bergemann, C., Kunz, F., Nebe, J.B. and Schnabelrauch, M.
2011. Derivation of Langevin Poisson-Boltzmann equation for point-like ions using functional density theory. Elektrotehniski Vestni, 78(1), pp. 13-6
Gongadze, E., Kralj-Iglič, V., van Rienen, U. and Iglič, A.
2011. Dielectric Properties of Porous Calcium Titanate (CaTiO3). The American Ceramic Society's Ceramic Transactions proceedings. Biomaterials Science - Processing, Properties, and Applications: Ceramic Transactions, 228, pp. 89-95
Rott, G.A., Zhang, F., Haba, Y., Kroeger, W. and Burkel, E.
2011. Electromechanical basis for the interaction between osteoblasts and negatively charged titanium surface, In: Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes (APLBL), 13(6), pp. 197-219. ISSN: 1554-4516
Gongadze, E., Perutková, Š., Kralj-Iglič, V., van Rienen, U., Beck, U., Iglič, A., & Kabaso, D.
2011. Electrostatics and mechanics of the interactions between osteoblasts and a surface of titanium implants, 21st International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Cracow, Poland, p. 297
Iglič, A., Gongadze, E., Kabaso, D., Perutkova, Š., Kralj-Iglič, V., Iglič, A. and van Rienen, U.
2011. Exploring the binding dynamics of BAR proteins. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 16 (3), pp. 398-411
Kabaso, Doron; Gongadze, Ekaterina; Jorgačevski, Jernej; Kreft, Marko; van Rienen, Ursula; Zorec, Robert; Iglič, Aleš
2011. Extracting the Ridge Set as a Graph for Quantification of Actin Filament Images obtained by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Tenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, Proceedings of SPIE, 8000
Birkholz, H
2011. Generalized Stern models of the electric double layer considering the spatial variation of permittivity and finite size of ions in saturation regime. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, pp. 576-594
Gongadze, Ekaterina; van Rienen, Ursula; Iglič, Aleš
2011. Impact of plasma polymer deposition on titanium on osteoblasts with disturbed cell functions due to impaired actin cytoskeleton. BIOmaterialien, 12(1-4), p. 199
Kunz, F., Quade, A., Schroeder, K., Matschegewski, C. and Nebe, J.B.
2011. Improvement in Cytoarchitectonic Mapping by Combining Electrodynamic Modeling with Local Orientation in High- Resolution Images of the Cerebral Cortex. Microscopic Research and Technique, 74, pp. 225–243
Schmitt, Oliver; Birkholz, Harald
2011. Influence of the Electric Double Layer on the Field Distribution in Deep Brain Stimulation. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 56 (1), p. 103
Schmidt, C., Petersen, S. and van Rienen, U.
2011. Langevin Poisson-Boltzmann equation: point-like ions and water dipoles near a charged membrane surface. General Physiology and Biophysics, 30 (2), pp.130-137
Gongadze, Ekaterina; van Rienen, Ursula; Kralj-Iglič, Veronika; Iglič, Aleš
2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between cells and surface of titanium implants, 18th Meeting European Association of Red Cell Research (EARCR), Wroclaw-Piechowice, Poland, p. 25
Iglič, A., Gongadze, E., Kabaso, D., Perutkova, Š., van Rienen, U. and Kralj-Iglič, V.
2011. Mechanics and electrostatics of the interactions between osteoblasts and titanium surface. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 14(5), pp. 469-482
Kabaso, D., Gongadze, E., Perutková, Š., Matschegewski, C., Kralj-Iglič, V., Beck, U., van Rienen, U. and Iglič, A.
2011. Optimizing a rodent model of Parkinson's disease for exploring the effects and mechanisms of deep brain stimulation. Parkinson's Disease, 2011, pp. 1-19
Nowak, Karl; Mix, Eilhard; Gimsa, Jan; Strauss, Ulf; Sriperumbudur, Kiran Kumar; Benecke, Reiner; Gimsa, Ulrike
2011. Quantification of intracellular structures as a tool for the correlation of material vs. cellular parameters. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 56 (s1):4, Freiburg, Germany, pp.141-167
Matschegewski, C., Birkholz, H., Staehlke, S., Loeffler, R., Kern, D.P., Engel, K. and Nebe, J.B.
2011. Randomized Goodness of Fit Tests. Kybernetika, 47(6), pp. 814-839
Liese, F., & Liu, B.
2011. SRD - Towards a System for the In-Situ Detection of the Stapedius Reflex. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2011), pp. 29 - 34
Lueder, M., Warmuth, R., Heinrich, E., Joost, R. and Salomon, R.
2011. Structured titanium surfaces with regular geometry prepared with different technologies and their influence on MG-63 cell morphology. Microscopy Conference, Kiel, Germany
Lange, R., Löffler, R., Staehlke, S., Elter, P., Nebe, J.B., Kern, D. and Beck, U.
2011. The stability of solitons in biomembranes and nerves. European Physical Journal, 34 (6), pp. 1-9
Lautrup, B.; Appali, R.; Jackson, A. D.; Heimburg, T.
2011. Vergleich der Vitalität und Kollagensynthese humaner, primärer Osteoblasten unter dem Einfluss der elektrischen Stimulation in-vitro. Osteologie, 20 (1), pp. 61-62. ISSN: 1019-1291
Marrot, A., Jonitz, A., Grunert, P., Haba, Y., Hansmann, D. and Bader, R.
Mathematical Methods for the Quantification of Actin-Filaments in Microscopic Images. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Harald Birkholz
2012. A comparison of the Hodgkin-Huxley model and the soliton theory for the action potential in nerves, In: Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes (APLBL), Elsevier, Vol.16 (2012), pp: 275-299. ISSN: 1554-4516
Appali, R., Van Rienen, U., & Heimburg, T.
2012. About Electromyographic Signals and the Automatic Detection of the Stapedius Reflex. Inner Ear Biology, 3 pages
Warmuth, R., Behrens, M., Dahl, R., Pau, H-W. and Salomon, R.
2012. Actin cytoskeleton mediated cell response of osteoblasts to plasma amino functionalised titanium surfaces. 4th International Symposium Interface Biology of Implants (IBI), Rostock, Germany, Abstracts, p.49
Kunz, F., Quade, A., Matschegewski, C., Staehlke, S., Birkholz, H., Rebl, H., Steffen, J. and Nebe, J.B.
2012. Automatic Actin Filament Quantification of Osteoblasts and their Morphometric Analysis on Microtextured Silicon-titanium Arrays. Materials, 5, pp. 1176-1195
Matschegewski, C., Staehlke, S., Birkholz, H., Lange, R., Beck, U., Engel, K., & Nebe, J. B.
2012. Bone mineral densities and mechanical properties of retrieved femoral bone samples in relation to bone mineral densities measured in the respective patients. Scientific World Journal, Article ID 242403, pp. 1-7
Haba, Yvonne; Skripitz, Ralf; Lindner, Tobias; Köckerling, Martin; Fritsche, Andreas; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; Bader, Rainer
2012. Characterization of the encapsulation process of deep brain stimulation electrodes using impedance spectroscopy in a rodent model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, 1, Biosignals, Biostec, Vilamoura Algarve, Portugal, pp.125-130. ISBN: 978-989-8425-89-8
Badstuebner, K., Kroeger, T., Mix, E., Gimsa, U., Benecke, R. and Gimsa, J.
2012. Correlation of calcium channel expression and actin organization – bone cells on microstructures. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM), BioNanoMaterials, 13 (1-4), Hamburg, Germany, p. 219. ISSN 2193-0651
Steffen, J., Staehlke, S., Matschegewski, C., Kunz, F., Loeffler, R. and Nebe, J.B.
2012. Design strategies for weight matrices of echo state networks. Neural Computation, 24, pp. 3246-3276
Strauss, Tobias; Wustlich, Welf; Labahn, Roger
2012. Electrochemical and scanning electron microscopic characterization of biomaterial surfaces with regular geometry dry etched in Titanium. 4th International Symposium Interface Biology of Implants, p. 51. ISBN: 978-3-00-038220-8
Lange, R., Loeffler, R., Staehlke, S., Elter, P., Koertge, A., Nebe, J.B., Ker, D. and Beck, U.
2012. Extracting the ridge set as a graph for actin filament length estimation from confocal laser scanning microscopic images. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 21 (2), pp. 1-9
Birkholz, Harald
2012. Identification of widely applicable configurations for the electrostimulative total hip revision system. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 3048-3051
Zimmermann, U. and van Rienen, U.
2012. Low fibronectin concentration overcompensates for reduced initial fibroblasts adhesion to a nanoscale topography: Single-cell force spectroscopy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 95, pp. 82-89
Elter, Patrick; Weihe, Thomas; Bühler, Sebastian; Gimsa, Jan; Beck, Ulrich
2012. Modelling the Field Distribution in Deep Brain Stimulation: The Influence of Anisotropy of Brain Tissue. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 59, pp. 1583-1592
Schmidt, Christian; van Rienen, Ursula
2012. Osteoblast Behavior in vitro in Porous Calcium Phosphate Composite Scaffolds, Surface Activated with a Cell Adhesive Plasma Polymer Layer. Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications, pp. 566-571
Nebe, Barbara; Cornelsen, Matthias; Quade, Antje; Weissmann, Volker; Kunz, Friederike; Ofe, Stefan; Schroeder, Karsten; Finke, Birgit; Seitz, Hermann; Bergemann, Claudia
2012. Population bursts of parvalbumin-positive interneurons inhibit spiking pyramidal cells in spontaneously active cortical in vitro networks. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 6, pp. 1033-1042
Tom Reimer, Werner Baumann and Jan Gimsa
2012. PoreGenic® ‐ Patch‐on‐Chip System for Adherent Cellular Networks. Biophysical Society Meeting, 102 (3), p. 583a
Franz, D., Tautorat, C., Scheffler, U., Klink, O., Kroeger, T., Gimsa, J., W. Baumann, W., Beikirch, H. and Koester, P.J.
2012. Pyramid Array Substrates for Biomedical Studies. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM), BioNanoMaterials, 13 (1-4), Hamburg, Germany, p.74. ISSN: 2193-0651
Loeffler, R., Matschegewski, C., Staehlke, S., Nebe, J.B., Fleischer, M. and Kern, D.P.
2012. Pyramid Array Substrates for Biomedical Studies. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 6(30), pp. 1-12
Loeffler, R., Fleischer, M., Matschegewski, C., Staehlke, S., Lange, R., Nebe, J.B. and Kern, D.P.
2012. Quantification of uncertainties in brain tissue conductivity in a heterogeneous model of deep brain stimulation using a non-intrusive projection approach. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), San Diego, USA, pp. 4136-4139
Schmidt, C. and van Rienen, U.
2012. Quantitative analysis of the cellular actin cytoskeleton on geometrically designed surface topography. Mater Science Forum 706-709, pp.543-548. ISBN-13: 978-3-03785-303-0
Matschegewski, C., Birkholz, H., Staehlke, S., Loeffler, R., Kern, D.P., Engel, K. and Nebe, J.B.
2012. Quantitative analysis of the cellular actin cytoskeleton on geometrically designed surface topography. Materials Science Forum, 706-709, pp. 543-548
Matschegewski, Claudia; Birkholz, Harald; Staehlke, Susanne; Loeffler, Ronny; Kern, Dieter P.; Engel, Konrad; Nebe, Barbara
2012. Relationship between mechanical properties and bone mineral density of human femoral bone retrieved from patients with osteoarthritis. The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 6, pp. 375-380
Haba, Yvonne; Lindner, Tobias; Fritsche, Andreas; Schiebenhöfer, Ann-Kristin; Souffrant, Robert; Kluess, Daniel; Skripitz, Ralf; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; Bader, Rainer
2012. Sensitivity analysis of the field distribution in Deep Brain Stimulation with respect to the anisotropic conductivity of brain tissue. 46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE (BMT). Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 57
Schmidt, C. and van Rienen, U.
2012. Soliton Collision in Biomembranes and Nerves- A Stability Study, in B. Michielsen, J. Poirier (Eds.) Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering Springer, Mathematics in Industry, Vol. 16, pp: 205–212
Appali, Revathi; Lautrup, Benny; Heimburg, Thomas; van Rienen, Ursula
2012. Spontaneous activity patterns of cortical in vitro networks depend on cellular network composition. Proceedings of the 8th Internationale Meeting in Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany, pp. 98-99
Reimer, T., Baumann, W. and Gimsa, J.
2012. Vorrichtung zur elektrischen Impedanz-Analyse an schwer zugänglichen Orten. AZ: DE 102012200529.3
Haba, Y., Bader, R., Souffrant, R., Kluess, D., Kreuz, P.
Influence of the Surface Structure of a Biomaterial on the Field Distribution in the Neighbouring Biosystem. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Ekaterina Gongadze
Statistische Analyse von Aktinfilamenten und Anpassungstests mit geschätzten Parametern. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Bing Liu
2013. Alignment of MG-63 osteoblasts on fibronectin-coated phosphorous doping lattices in silicon. International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, 7 (1), pp. 62-65
Andreas Körtge, Susanne Stählke, Regina Lange, Mario Birkholz, Mirko Fraschke, Katrin Schulz, Barbara Nebe, and Patrick Elter
2013. Alignment of MG-63 osteoblasts on fibronectin-coated phosphorous doping lattices in silicon. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, 7 (1), pp. 70-73
Koertge, A., Staehlke, S., Lange, R., Birkholz, M., Fraschke, M., Schulz, K., Nebe, B.J. and Elter, P.
2013. Changes of the electric field distribution in the femoral head due to position and design of an electro-stimulating implant. Biomed Tech, 2 pages. ISSN: 1862-278X
Su, Y., Souffrant, R., Kluess, D., Ellenrieder, M., van Rienen, U., Mittelmeier, W. and Bader, R.
2013. Dependence of the electric field distribution in the femoral head on position and design of an electro-stimulating implant. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, Band 58, Dreiländertagung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Graz, Austria, 2 pages
Su, Y., Souffrant, R., Kluess, D., Ellenrieder, M., van Rienen, U., Mttelmeier, W. and Bader, R.
2013. Effects of Brownian motion on electrical double layer. Biomedical Engineering / Bio-medizinische Technik, Band 58, Dreiländertagung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Graz, Austria, 3 pages
Syed, A. Z., Van Rienen, U. and Elter, P.
2013. Electrical impedance properties of deep brain stimulation electrodes during long-term in-vivo stimulation in the Parkinson model of the rat. Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 357, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 357, pp. 287-297. ISBN: 978-3-642-38256-7
Badstuebner, K., Kroeger, T., Mix, E., Gimsa, U., Benecke, R. and Gimsa, J.
2013. Etablierung eines dreidimensionalen Versuchsaufbau zur elektromagnetischen Stimulation humaner Osteoblasten in vitro. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU), Berlin, Germany
Jonitz, A., Grunert, P., Su, Y., Fabry, C., Hansmann, D., Ewald, H., Mittelmeier; W., and Bader, R.
2013. Global Sensitivity Analysis of the Probabilistic Volume of Tissue Activated in a Volume Conductor Model for Deep Brain Stimulation. 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), San Diego, USA, IEEE Conference Publications, pp. 1218 – 1221. ISSN: 1948-3554
Schmidt, C. and van Rienen, U.
2013. In-vitro-Bestimmung der Membraneigenschaften für ein möglichst realistisches Cochlea-Modell. 16. Jahrestagung der deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Rostock, Germany. ISBN 978-3-9813141-3-7
Holst, M., Pau, H-W., Behrend, D., Koehling, R., und van Rienen, U.
2013. Influence of Uncertainties in the Material Properties of Brain Tissue on the Probabilistic Volume of Tissue Activated. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60 (5), pp. 1378-1387
Schmidt, Christian; Grant, Peadar; Lowery, Madeleine; van Rienen, Ursula
2013. Modelling and simulation of an in-vitro experimental set-up to determine membrane electric properties. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, Band 58, Dreiländertagung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Graz, Austria, pp. 747-748. ISSN 1862-278X
Holst, M., Pau, H-W. and van Rienen, U.
2013. Modelling Molecular Processes by Individual-Based Simulations Applied to Actin Polymerisation. An application to Actin-polymerisation. Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 197, pp. 183-191
Pauleweit, Stefan; Nebe, J. Barbara; Wolkenhauer, Olaf
2013. Modelling the Probabilistic Neural Activation in Deep Brain Stimulation: Influence of Uncertainty in the Parameters of the Electrode-Tissue-Interface. URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, IEEE, pp. 365-368. ISBN: 978-4-88552-277-2
Schmidt, C. and van Rienen, U.
2013. PoreGenic® - Patch-on-Chip System für die präklinische Forschung an Ionenkanälen. 11. Dresdner Sensor‐Symposium, Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, Dresden, Germany, pp. 68-72. ISBN 978-3-9813484-5-3
Franz, D., Tautorat, C., Scheffler, U., Klink, O., Kröger, T., Gimsa, J., W. Baumann, W., Beikirch, H. and Koester, P.J.
2013. Rapid-Prototyping von Dünnschichtsensoren für Zellkulturchips durch direkte Strukturierung mit einem Ultra-Kurzpulslaser, Conference: Mikrosystemtechnik 2013 - Von Bauelementen zu Systemen, Aachen, Germany, pp. 830-833
Bonk, S.M., Oldendorf, P., Weihe, T., Stubbe, M., Peters, R. and Gimsa, J.
2013. Regulation of T-type calcium channels in osteoblasts on micro-structured surface topography. Advanced Materials Research, 647, pp. 476-481
Staehlke, Susanne; Kunz, Friederike; Loeffler, Ronny; Matschegewski, Claudia; Fleischer, Monika; Kern, Dieter P.; Nebe, Barbara
2013. Simulation of the Electric Field Distribution near a Topographically Nanostructured Titanium- Electrolyte Interface: Influence of the Passivation Layer. Journal of Nanomaterials. Article ID 820914
Körtge, Andreas; Elter, Patrick; Lange, Regina; Beck, Ulrich
2013. Single Frequency Approximation of Volume Conductor Models for Deep Brain Stimulation Using Equivalent Circuits. 6th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Barcelona, Spain, pp. 38-47
Schmidt, C. and van Rienen, U.
2013. Some Uncertainty Aspects in Models for Neural Engineering. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Torino, Italy, IEEE, pp. 289-292
Appali, R., Schmidt, C. and van Rienen, U.
2013. Spatial variation of permittivity of an electrolyte solution in contact with a charged metal surface: a mini review. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 16 (5), pp. 463-480
Gongadze, E.; van Rienen, U.; Kralj-Iglič, V.; Iglič, A.
Kortikale neuronale Netzwerke auf Multielektrodenarrays als reduktionistischer Ansatz zur Aufklärung der Funktionsprinzipien des zerebralen Kortex. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Tom Reimer
2014. An automatic modeling approach for optimised positioning of an electrostimulative implant in the human femoral head. In COMSOL Conference, Cambridge, 3 pages
Su, Y., Kluess, D., Ellenrieder, M., van Rienen, U., Mittelmeier, W. and Bader, R.
2014. An automatic optimized position of an electrostimulative implant in the femoral head for treatment of avascular necrosis. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU 2014), DocPO21-744
Su, Y., Kluess, D., Ellenrieder, M., van Rienen, U., Mittelmeier, W. and Bader, R.
2014. Automatic detection of the electrical elicited stapedius reflex by evaluation of its electromyographic signals. Engineering. 6, (4), pp. 169-176
Warmuth, Ralf; Behrens, Martin; Dahl, Rüdiger; Ehrt, Karsten; Pau, Hans Wilhelm; Salomon, Ralf
2014. Biphasic response of neuronal networks to sodium valproic acid (NaVPA). 9th international Meeting on Substrate-integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany, p. 126. ISSN: 2199-1596
Nissen, M., Buehler, S., Stubbe, M., Baumann, W. and Gimsa, J.
2014. Comparison of techniques for uncertainty quantification of superconducting radio frequency cavities. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Palm Beach, Aruba, pp. 117-120
Schmidt, C., Flisgen, T., Heller, J. and Van Rienen, U.
2014. Einrichtung zum Flüssigkeitstransport durch einen Mikrofluidikkanal. AZ: DE102014207238 (A1)
Bonk, S.
2014. Einrichtung zur Flusssteuerung durch einen Mikrofluidikkanal. AZ: DE102014207249 (A1)
Bonk, S.
2014. Establishment of a novel in vitro test setup for electric and magnetic stimulation of human osteoblasts. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 70(2), pp. 805-17
Grunert, P. C.; Jonitz-Heincke, A.; Su, Y.; Souffrant, R.; Hansmann, D.; Ewald, H.; Krüger, A.; Mittelmeier, W.; Bader, R.
2014. Evaluation of electric field distribution in electromagnetic stimulation of human femoral heads. Bioelectromagnetics, 35(8), pp. 547-558
Su, Yukun; Souffrant, Robert; Kluess, Daniel; Ellenrieder, Martin; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; van Rienen, Ursula; Bader, Rainer
2014. Geometrical micropillars combined with chemical surface modifications – Independency of actin filament Spatial distribution in primary osteoblasts. Material Science Forum, 783-786, pp.1320-1325
Nebe, J. Barbara; Finke, Birgit; Koertge, Andreas; Rebl, Henrike; Staehlke, Susanne
2014. Impact of the chemistry of geometrically designed titanium on cell behavior and alignment. BioNanoMat. 15, S1, p. 22. ISSN 2193-0651
Moerke, C., Finke, B., Schnabelrauch, M., Anselme, K. and Nebe, J.B.
2014. Membrane related dynamics and the formation of actin in cells growing on micro-topographies: a spatial computational model. BMC Systems Biology, 8(106), pp.1-19
Bittig, Arne T.; Matschegewski, Claudia; Nebe, J. Barbara; Stählke, Susanne; Uhrmacher, Adelinde M.
2014. Mikrofluidik, innere Sensorik und Strukturentwurf für ein 3D-Zellkultursystem. In H.-G. Neumann, E.-D. Klinkenberg (Eds.): Knöcherne Geweberegeneration. Zellphysiologie im Dreidimensionalen, 73–112. 1. Aufl., Shaker-Verlag GmbH, Herzogenrath.. ISBN 978-3-8440-3049-5
Walter, S., Bonk, S., Stubbe, M., Baumann, W. and Gimsa, J.
2014. Numerical investigation of an electrostimulative hip stem with a multi-electrode setting. 10th International Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE), Wuppertal, Germany, pp. 79-80
Zimmermann,U., Ebner, C., Bader, R. and van Rienen, U.
2014. On the Influence of Cancellous Bone Structure upon the Electric Field Distribution of Electrostimulative Implants. In COMSOL Conference, Cambridge, UK, 3 pages
Zimmermann, U., Bader, R. and van Rienen, U.
2014. On the optimization of the hip stem for an electrostimulative hip revision system. URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), Beijing, China, IEEE, pp. 1-4
Zimmermann, U. and van Rienen, U.
2014. Partition into almost straight trails. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 163, pp.127–135
Birkholz, Harald; Engel, Konrad
2014. Quantification of geometric uncertainties in single cell cavities for BESSY VSR using polynomial chaos. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC), pp. 415-417. ISBN 978-3-95450-132-8
Heller, J., Flisgen, T., Schmidt, C. and van Rienen, U.
2014. Reconstruction of cell-electrode-adjacencies on multielectrode arrays. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 37 (3), pp. 583-591
Engel, Konrad; Hanisch, Sebastian
2014. The CombineArchiveWeb application–A web based tool to handle files associated with modelling results. Proceedings of the Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS)
Scharm, M., Wendland, F., Peter, M., Wolfien, M., Theile, T. and Waltemath, D.
2014. The Stapedius Reflex: Processing its neuronal activity with a small embedded system. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Beijing, China, IEEE, pp. 3938 - 3943
Warmuth, R. and Salomon, R.
2014. Uncertainty quantification of the optimal stimulation area in an electro-stimulative hip revision system. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 824-827
Schmidt, C., Zimmermann, U. and van Rienen, U.
2014. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Einstellung mindestens eines Verstärkungsfaktors. AZ: DE 10 2013 214 049.5
Salomon, R. und Warmuth, R.
2014. Would an endosteal CI-electrode make sense? Comparison of the auditory nerve excitability from different stimulation sites using ESRT measurements and mathematical models. European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 271(6), pp. 1375-1381
Pau, Hans Wilhelm; Grünbaum, Annekathrin; Ehrt, Karsten; Dahl, Rüdiger; Just, Tino; van Rienen, Ursula
2014. Zellmigration in vitro in einem artifiziellen 3D Layer-Modell. In: Knöcherne Geweberegeneration: Zellphysiologie im Dreidimensionalen, pp 131-142. Hans-Georg Neumann, Ernst-Dieter Klinkenberg (Herausgeber), Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen, ISBN 987-3- 8440-3049-5
Bergemann, C., Kunz, F., Quade, A. and Nebe, J.B.
Analyse initialer Adhäsionsmechanismen von humanen Osteoblasten in Abhängigkeit physiko-chemischer Oberflächencharakteristika definiert mikrostrukturierter Titanoberflächen. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Claudia Matschegewski
Entwicklung eines detaillierten Modells der humanen Cochlea für numerische Studien von implantierten Elektroden. Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Annekathrin Grünbaum
Interaktionen von humanen Osteoblasten mit geometrisch strukturierten Implantatoberflächen : Zellarchitektur und Signaltransduktion. Universitätsmedizin Rostock
Susanne Stählke
Modelling the coupling of action potential and electrodes. Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Revathi Appali
Uncertainty quantification in a computationally optimised volume conductor model for deep brain stimulation. Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Christian Schmidt
2015. "Mehrebenensysteme in der Biomedizin." Buchkapitel in Thalheim, Bernhard, and Ivor Nissen, eds. Wissenschaft und Kunst der Modellierung: Kieler Zugang zur Definition, Nutzung und Zukunft. Vol. 64. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. ISBN: 9781501510403
Tom Theile und Olaf Wolkenhauer
2015. 3D axonal network coupled to microelectrode arrays: A simulation model to study neuronal dynamics. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy, pp. 4700 - 4704
Appali, R., Sriperumbudur, K. and van Rienen, U.
2015. Attempted caveolae-meadiated phagocytosis of surface-fixed micro-pillars by human osteoblasts. Biomaterials, 76, pp. 102-114
Moerke, Caroline; Mueller, Petra; Nebe, Barbara
2015. Behaviour of the plathelminth symsagittifera roscoffensis under different light conditions and the consequences on the symbiotic algae tetraselmis convolutae. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(pt 11), pp. 1693-1698
Nissen, Matthias; Shcherbakov, Denis; Heyer, Arnd; Brümmer, Franz; Schill, Ralph O.
2015. Design and characterization of pH, oxygen and adhesion sensors as well as electro-thermal micro-pumps (ETµPs) for glass chips in sensorized cell-culture systems. Biosensors, 5, pp. 513- 536
Bonk, Sebastian M.; Stubbe, Marco; Buehler, Sebastian M.; Tautorat, Carsten; Baumann, Werner; Klinkenberg, Ernst-Dieter; Gimsa, Jan
2015. Electrical stimulation of spiral ganglion cells in the human cochlea: A 3D model. 20th Int. Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2015), Montreal, Canada, doc. PC1-11, 2 pages
Sriperumbudur, K., Pau, H.N. and van Rienen, U.
2015. Fast prototyping of sensorized cell culture chips and microfluidic systems with ultrashort laser pulses. Micromachines, 6, pp. 364-374
Bonk, Sebastian; Oldorf, Paul; Peters, Rigo; Baumann, Werner; Gimsa, Jan
2015. Formkörper enthaltend piezoelektrisches Calciumtitanoxid, ein Verfahren zu deren Herstellung und Anregung und Verwendung piezoaktiven Calciumtitanoxids als piezoelektrischer Formkörper oder Bestandteil piezoelektrischer Formkörper. AZ: DE102015108865.7
Burkel, E. and Schnierer, R.
2015. Impact of uncertain head tissue conductivity in the optimization of transcranial direct current stimulation for an auditory target. Journal of Neural Engineering, 12 (4), Epub 046028
Schmidt, Christian; Wagner, Sven; Burger, Martin; van Rienen, Ursula; Wolters, Carsten H.
2015. In-vitro analysis of the antimicrobial properties of magnesium-coated titanium implants. Track A. Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 1. Biomed Tech, 60, Berlin, Germany S1
Zaatreh, S., Haffner, D., Pasold, J., Kreikemeyer ,B., Mittelmeier, W., Podbielski, A., Quandt, E. and Bader, R.
2015. Intracellular calcium dynamics dependent on defined micro-topographical features of titanium. Biomaterials, 46, pp. 48-57
Staehlke, Susanne; Koertge, Andreas; Nebe, Barbara
2015. Investigation of the Electric Field Distribution within an Electrostimulated Microstructure of Cancellous Bone. 20th Int. Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2015), Montréal, Canada, doc. PC1-7, 2 pages
Zimmermann, U. and van Rienen , U.
2015. Modeling and simulation of platelet reaction and diffusion towards an electro-stimulating dental implant. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy. pp. 2584 - 2587
Delenda, B., Bader, R. and van Rienen, U.
2015. Modeling of an optimized electro-stimulative hip revision system under consideration of uncertainty in the conductivity of bone tissue. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19 (4), pp. 1321-1330
Schmidt, Christian; Zimmermann, Ulf; van Rienen, Ursula
2015. Osteoblasts with impaired spreading capacity benefit from the positive charges of plasma polymerized allylamine. European Cells and Materials 29, pp. 177-189
Kunz, F., Rebl, H., Quade, A., Matschegewski, C., Finke, B. and Nebe, J.B.
2015. Osteoblasts with impaired spreading capacity benefit from the positive charges of plasma polymerized allylamine. European Cells and Materials, 29, pp. 177-189
Kunz, F.; Rebl, H.; Quade, A.; Matschegewski, C.; Finke, B.; Nebe, J. B.
2015. PoreGenic® - Patch-on-Chip System für die präklinische Forschung an Ionenkanälen – Teil II. 12. Dresdner Sensor‐Symposium, Dresden, Germany, pp. 118-123. ISBN 978-3-9813484-9-1
Tautorat, C., Scheffler, U., Franz, D., Kroeger, T., Koester, P.J., Baumann, W., Klink, O. and Beikirch, H.
2015. Signal initiation sites on spiral ganglion cells: A simulation study. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy, 1 page. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9270-1
Sriperumbudur, K., Pau, H.W., Mylinski, R. and van Rienen
2015. Simulating the therapeutic effects of deep brain stimulation in rodents using a cortico-basal ganglia network and volume conductor model. 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Montpellier, France, pp. 852 – 855. ISBN: 978-1-4673-6389-1
Schmidt, C., Dunn, E., Lowery, M. and van Rienen, U.
2015. The effect of hyperbaric air on the electric activity of neuronal in vitro networks. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 73, pp. 153-159
Stubbe, Marco; Nissen, Matthias; Schroeder, Jessica; Gimsa, Jan
2015. The impact of bone microstructure on the field distribution of electrostimulative implants. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, pp. 3545 – 3548. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9271-8
Zimmermann, U. and van Rienen , U.
2015. Uncertainty quantification for complex RF-Structures using the state-space concatenation approach. 36th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 374 - 378. CERN-ACC-2015-0204
Heller, J., Flisgen, T., Schmidt, C. and van Rienen, U.
2016. A comparative study of approaches to compute the field distribution of Deep Brain Stimulation in the Hemiparkinson Rat Model. 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), USA, pp. 5821-5824
Böhme, A. and Van Rienen, U
2016. A novel in vitro system for comparative analyses of bone cells and bacteria under electrical stimulation. BioMed Research International, Epub 2016, pp. 1-12
Dauben, Thomas Josef; Ziebart, Josefin; Bender, Thomas; Zaatreh, Sarah; Kreikemeyer, Bernd; Bader, Rainer
2016. A time scale modification with large and varying scaling factors. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT). IEEE, pp. 193–196. ISBN: 978-1-5090-5844-0
Struwe, K
2016. An automatic approach for calibrating dielectric bone properties by combining finite-element and optimization software tools. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 19(12), pp. 1306-1313
Su, Yukun; Kluess, Daniel; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; van Rienen, Ursula; Bader, Rainer
2016. An implementation for the simulation of cells on micro-post arrays. 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), USA, pp. 6138–6141
Truong, D.T., Bahls, C.R., Nebe, J.B. and van Rienen, U.
2016. Augmented recovery of microorganisms from swabs by homogenization: a novel standardizable high-throughput approach. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 84 (1), pp. 16–18
Warnke, Philipp; Redanz, Sylvio; Zaatreh, Sarah; Podbielski, Andreas
2016. Cell Monitoring and Manipulation Systems (CMMSs) based on Glass Cell-Culture-Chips (GC3s). Micromachines, 7 (7), pp. 1-24
Buehler, Sebastian M.; Stubbe, Marco; Bonk, Sebastian M.; Nissen, Matthias; Titipornpun, Kanokkan; Klinkenberg, Ernst-Dieter; Baumann, Werner; Gimsa, Jan
2016. Challenges in Modeling Nerve-Electrode Interactions of Neuronal Implants. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Espoo, Finland, IEEE Conference Publications, pp. 534 – 537
Appali, R., Sriperumbudur, K. and Van Rienen, U.
2016. Co-Culture of S. epidermidis and Human Osteoblasts on Implant Surfaces: An Advanced In Vitro Model for Implant-Associated Infections. PloS One.11(3):e0151534
Zaatreh, Sarah; Wegner, Katharina; Strauß, Madlen; Pasold, Juliane; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; Podbielski, Andreas; Kreikemeyer, Bernd; Bader, Rainer
2016. Data supporting attempted caveolae-mediated phagpcytosis of surface-fixed micro-pillars by human osteoblasts. Data in Brief, 7, pp. 177–182
Moerke, Caroline; Mueller, Petra; Nebe, Barbara
2016. Devitalisation of human cartilage by high hydrostatic pressure treatment: Investigation of subsequent revitalisation with chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells. Scientific Reports, 27(6), pp. 1-12
Hiemer, B.; Genz, B.; Jonitz-Heincke, A.; Pasold, J.; Wree, A.; Dommerich, S.; Bader, R.
2016. Efficient computation of the neural activation during deep brain stimulation for dispersive electrical properties of brain tissue. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52(3), pp. 1-4
Schmidt, Christian; Flisgen, Thomas; van Rienen, Ursula
2016. Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects by alkalizing the peri-implant zone – an in vitro approach. 15th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Fracture Repair, Munich, Germany, 1 page
Galow, A., Wysotzki, P., Oldorf, P. and Gimsa, J.
2016. Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects by alkalizing the peri-implant zone – an in vitro approach. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 2(1), pp. 547–551
Galow, Anne-Marie; Wysotzki, Philipp; Baumann, Werner; Gimsa, Jan
2016. Field distribution for Deep Brain Stimulation using an anatomical partially anisotropic Volume Conductor Model of the rat brain. 2nd International Conference on Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Düsseldorf, Germany, 1 page
Böhme, A. and van Rienen, U.
2016. Improving osteoblast cell culture: alkaline pH promotes proliferation and differentiation. 8th Kirkstall Conference, Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture, Barcelona, Spain, 1 page
Galow, A. and Gimsa, J.
2016. Magnetically induced electrostimulation of human osteoblasts results in enhanced cell viability and osteogenic differentiation. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 38 (1), pp. 57-64
Hiemer, Bettina; Ziebart, Josefin; Jonitz-Heincke, Anika; Grunert, Philip Christian; Su, Yukun; Hansmann, Doris; Bader, Rainer
2016. Medizinisches Implantat und Verfahren zu Osteoblastenkultivierung. AZ: DE102015220651
Galow, A., Bonk, S., Wysotzki, P., Baumann, W.
2016. Micro-topographical surface features interfere with osteoblast cell signaling. 10th World Biomaterial Congress, Montreal, Canada, 1 page
Moerke, C., Staehlke, S. and Nebe, J.B.
2016. Neuronal in vitro activity is more sensitive to valproate than intracellular ATP: Considerations on conversion problems of IC50 in vitro data for animal replacement. BioSystems, 144, pp. 35-45
Nissen, Matthias; Buehler, Sebastian M.; Stubbe, Marco; Gimsa, Jan
2016. Plasma-deposited fluorocarbon polymer films on titanium for preventing cell adhesion: a surface finishing for temporarily used orthopaedic implants. Journal of Physics: Applied Physics, 49 (23)
Finke, B.; Testrich, H.; Rebl, H.; Walschus, U.; Schlosser, M.; Zietz, C.; Staehlke, S.; Nebe, J. B.; Weltmann, K. D.; Meichsner, J.; Polak, M.
2017. APT: Enhanced Speech Comprehension Through Adaptive Pitch Transposition in Cochlear Implants. Springer International Publishing. eHealth 360°, 181, pp. 224-228
Kevin Struwe
Caveolae-mediated phagocytosis of biomaterial surface structures by osteoblasts. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Caroline Mörke
Funktionelle und morphologische Langzeiteffekte der Tiefen Hirnstimulation mit zwei Elektrodenmodifikationen im 6-OHDA- Hemiparkinson-Modell der Ratte. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Kathrin Badstübner
Zum Einfluss der oberflächennahen elektrischen Feldverteilung an nanostrukturierten Biomaterialoberflächen auf das Biosystem. Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Andreas Körtge
2017. Abrogated Cell Contact Guidance on Amino-Functionalized Microgrooves; ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 9(12), pp. 10461–10471
Mörke, Caroline; Rebl, Henrike; Finke, Birgit; Dubs, Manuela; Nestler, Peter; Airoudj, Aissam; Roucoules, Vincent; Schnabelrauch, Matthias; Körtge, Andreas; Anselme, Karine; Helm, Christiane A.; Nebe, J. Barbara
2017. Adaptive Estimation of the Neural Activation Extent in Computational Volume Conductor Models of Deep Brain Stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, (12 pages)
Schmidt, Christian; van Rienen, Ursula
2017. Adaptive Pitch Transposition: Smart Auditory Spectral Shifts in Cochlear Implants. Engineering, 9(9), pp. 739–754
Struwe, Kevin; Salomon, Ralf
2017. Automated and manual patch clamp data of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons. Nature Scientific Data, 4:170056
Franz, Denise; Olsen, Hervør Lykke; Klink, Oliver; Gimsa, Jan
2017. Biocompatibility and inflammatory potential of titanium alloys cultivated with human osteoblasts, fibroblasts and macrophages. Materials. 10(1), pp. 1-17
Markhoff, Jana; Krogull, Martin; Schulze, Christian; Rotsch, Christian; Hunger, Sandra; Bader, Rainer
2017. Characterization of human cancellous and subchondral bone with respect to electro physical properties and bone mineral density by means of impedance spectroscopy. Medical Engineering and Physics, 45, pp. 34-41
Haba, Yvonne; Wurm, Andreas; Köckerling, Martin; Schick, Christoph; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; Bader, Rainer
2017. Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Chondrocytes and Stem Cells in Different Cell Culture Systems Using IGF-1-Coupled Particles. Journal of Tissue Science & Engineering. 8(2), pp.1-10
B, Hiemer; M, Krogull; K, Zander; C, Gruttner; P, Bergschmidt; T, Tischer; A, Wree; R, Bader; J, Pasold
2017. Complex cell physiology on topographically and chemically designed material surfaces. Material Science Forum, 879, pp. 78-83
Nebe, J. Barbara; Moerke, Caroline; Staehlke, Susanne; Finke, Birgit; Schnabelrauch, Matthias; Anselme, Karine; Helm, Christiane A.; Frank, Marcus; Rebl, Henrike
2017. Copper as an alternative antimicrobial coating for implants - An in vitro study. World Journal of Transplantation, 7(3), pp. 193-202
Bergemann, Claudia; Zaatreh, Sarah; Wegner, Katharina; Arndt, Kathleen; Podbielski, Andreas; Bader, Rainer; Prinz, Cornelia; Lembke, Ulrich; Nebe, J. Barbara
2017. Design and Implementation of a Neural Network for Voiced/Unvoiced Classification for a Given System. International Journal of Neural Networks and Advanced Applications, 4, pp. 39–44. ISSN: 2313-0563
Struwe, K.
2017. Direct influence of titanium and zirconia particles on the morphology and functionality of mature human osteoclasts. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 105(9), pp. 2608–2615
Pasold, Juliane; Markhoff, Jana; Tillmann, Jenny; Krogull, Martin; Pisowocki, Phillip; Bader, Rainer
2017. Evaluating the Vowel Quality of Pitch Adaptation Methods to be used in Cochlear Implants. 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). IEEE, pp. 364–367. ISBN: 978-1-5090-3981-4
Struwe, K
2017. Fast corroding, thin magnesium coating displays antibacterial effects and low cytotoxicity. Biofouling, 28, pp. 1–12
Zaatreh, Sarah; Haffner, David; Strauß, Madlen; Wegner, Katharina; Warkentin, Mareike; Lurtz, Claudia; Zamponi, Christiane; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; Kreikemeyer, Bernd; Willumeit-Römer, Regine; Quandt, Eckhard; Bader, Rainer
2017. Guided Bone Regeneration Using Collagen Scaffolds, Growth Factors, and Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells for Treatment of Peri-Implant Bone Defects In Vivo. Stem Cells International, 2017:3548435, pp. 1-9
Kämmerer, Peer W.; Scholz, Malte; Baudisch, Maria; Liese, Jan; Wegner, Katharina; Frerich, Bernhard; Lang, Hermann
2017. Increased osteoblast viability at alkaline pH in vitro provides a new perspective on bone regeneration. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 10, pp.17-25
Galow, Anne-Marie; Rebl, Alexander; Koczan, Dirk; Bonk, Sebastian M.; Baumann, Werner; Gimsa, Jan
2017. Influence of analyzed lubricant volumes on the amount and characteristics of generated wear particles from three different types of polyethylene liner materials. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B – Applied Biomaterials, 106(3), pp. 1-8
Markhoff, Jana; Zietz, Carmen; Fabry, Christian; Fulda, Gerhard; Bader, Rainer
2017. Influence of different grained powders and pellets made of Niobium and Ti-42Nb on human cell viability. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 73, pp. 756–766
Markhoff, Jana; Weinmann, Markus; Schulze, Christian; Bader, Rainer
2017. Low-Dimensional Stochastic Modeling of the Electrical Properties of Biological Tissues. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53(6), 4 pages
Romer, Ulrich; Schmidt, Christian; van Rienen, Ursula; Schops, Sebastian
2017. MC3T3 osteoblast-like cells cultured at alkaline pH: Microarray data (Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse 2.0 ST). Data in Brief, 13, pp. 108-114
Galow, Anne-Marie; Rebl, Alexander; Koczan, Dirk; Gimsa, Jan
2017. Numerical design studies on a novel electrostimulative osteosynthesis system for the mandible. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 3(2), pp. 613-617
Nebe, J. Barbara; Moerke, Caroline; Staehlke, Susanne; Finke, Birgit; Schnabelrauch, Matthias; Anselme, Karine; Helm, Christiane A.; Frank, Marcus; Rebl, Henrike
2017. Synergistic Action of Genistein and Calcitriol in Immature Osteosarcoma MG-63 Cells by SGPL1 Up-Regulation. PLoS ONE, 12(1), p. 18
Engel, Nadja; Adamus, Anna; Schauer, Nicolas; Kühn, Juliane; Nebe, Barbara; Seitz, Guido; Kraft, Karin
2017. The Impact of Metal Ion Exposure on the Cellular Behavior of Human Osteoblasts and PBMCs: In vitro Analyses of Osteolytic Processes. Materials, 10(7), 734
Jonitz-Heincke, Anika; Tillmann, Jenny; Klinder, Annett; Krueger, Simone; Kretzer, Jan Philippe; Høl, Paul Johan; Paulus, Alexander C.; Bader, Rainer
2017. Thin magnesium layer confirmed as an antibacterial and biocompatible implant coating in a co-culture model. Molecular Medicine Reports, 15(4), pp. 1624-1630
Zaatreh, Sarah; Haffner, David; Strauss, Madlen; Dauben, Thomas; Zamponi, Christiane; Mittelmeier, Wolfram; Quandt, Eckhard; Kreikemeyer, Bernd; Bader, Rainer
2017. Transient supplementation of growth factor TGF-β1 effectively initiates chondrogenic redifferentiation of human chondrocytes. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 3(2), pp. 383–387
Hiemer, Bettina; Achenbach, Kathleen; Pasold, Juliane; Wree, Andreas; Bader, Rainer
2017. Voiced-Unvoiced Classification of Speech Using a Neural Network Trained with LPC Coefficients. International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Optimization. IEEE, pp. 56–59. ISBN: 978-1-5090-6537-0
Struwe, K
2017. WST-assay data reveal a pH dependence of the mitochondrial succinate reductase in osteoblast-like cells. Data in Brief, 12, pp. 442-446
Galow, Anne-Marie; Gimsa, Jan
Electro-stimulating implants for bone regeneration: parameter analysis and design optimization. Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Yukun Su
Elektrochemische DNA-Detektion mit Hilfe eines Hybridisierungsassays: Effekte von Temperatur und Fehlpaarungen. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Katarzyna Biala
Entwicklung von Zellkultursystemen mit integrierter Sensorik und Aktuatorik für die Überwachung von Knochenzellkulturen. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Sebastian Bonk
Experimentelle Charakterisierung antibakterieller Implantatoberflächen mittels Mono- und Kokultur von S. epidermidis und humanen Osteoblasten. Universitätsmedizin Rostock
Sarah Zaatreh
Mathematische Modelle zur Rekonstruktion von Zellnetzwerken auf Multielektrodenarrays. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Sebastian Hanisch
2018. Effect of Tissue Heterogeneity on the Transmembrane Potential of Type-1 Spiral Ganglion Neurons: A Simulation Study. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 65(3), pp. 658-668
Sriperumbudur, Kiran Kumar; Pau, Hans Wilhelm; van Rienen, Ursula
2018. Semi-analytical representation of the activation level in stress fibre directions as alternative to the angular representation in the bio-chemo-mechanical model for cell contractility. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 77, pp. 527-533
Bahls, Christian Rüdiger; Truong, Duy; van Rienen, Ursula
2018. Spermidine-Induced Attraction of Like-Charged Surfaces Is Correlated with the pH-Dependent Spermidine Charge. Force Spectroscopy Characterization. Langmuir, 34(8), pp. 2725- 2733
Gimsa, Jan; Wysotzki, Philipp; Perutkova, Šarka; Weihe, Thomas; Elter, Patrick; Marszałek, Piotr; Kralj-Iglič, Veronika; Müller, Torsten; Iglič, Aleš
2018. Streptavidin-coated surfaces suppress bacterial colonisation by inhibiting non-specific protein adsorption. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 106(3), pp. 758-768
Ettelt, Volker; Ekat, Katharina; Kämmerer, Peer W.; Kreikemeyer, Bernd; Epple, Matthias; Veith, Michael
2018. Uncertainty Quantification of Oscillation Suppression During DBS in a Coupled Finite Element and Network Model. Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 26(2), pp. 281-290
Schmidt, Christian; Dunn, Eleanor; Lowery, Madeleine; van Rienen, Ursula
Charakterisierung ausgewählter molekularer und zellulärer Adhäsionsmechanismen an artifiziellen Oberflächen. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Thomas Weihe
Establishment of a novel in vitro implant infection model: effects of electrical stimulation on staphylococci using alternating current. Universitätsmedizin Rostock
Thomas Dauben
Optimierung von in vitro-Kultursystemen für Knochenzellen – Einfluss von pH und mechanischer Stimulation. Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Anne-Marie Galow