Project Details
Structure of mathematical modelling competence with digital tool (ModiWe)
Professor Dr. Gilbert Greefrath
Subject Area
General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 553154399
Following research on the acquisition of mathematical modelling competence by secondary school students, the ModiWe project will investigate the structure and acquisition of modelling competence with a digital mathematics tool. While modelling competence without the use of digital tools can be empirically described as a four-dimensional construct of sub-competences, this is an open question for modelling competence with a digital tool. In ModiWe, the structure of modelling competence with digital tools is therefore to be empirically determined with the help of a new test instrument and the influence of the use of a digital tool in mathematical modelling, compared to modelling without digital tools, on the acquisition of modelling competence with digital tools is to be investigated.
DFG Programme
Research Grants