Project Details
Projekt Print View

VD 17: Digitisation of German prints of the 17th century with holdings of the HAB Wolfenbüttel as a contribution to the overall digitisation of VD 17

Subject Area Early Modern History
German Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern German Literature)
Art History
Term since 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 551889571
The aim is to digitise 6,000 uniquely* transmitted prints from the 17th century that have been preserved in the HAB Wolfenbüttel and that are already recorded in VD 17. Non-unique, but not yet digitized VD 17-prints are available as a comprehensive reserve (in case that unique examples cannot be digitised with reasonable effort for conservation reasons) to achieve the project goal of 6,000 titles. Preference is to be given to digitising the unique new acquisitions in the Collection of German Prints 1601-1700, including around 600 Silesian occasional publications from the Nostitz Collection purchased in 2022. The digitised items are to be indexed in the union catalogue K10plus (O records) and VD 17 (reference to digitised item). The metadata will be transferred via the OAI interface to the Central Directory of Digitised Prints (ZVDD), the German Digital Library and Europeana. *In accordance with common practice, the terms "unique", "unique transmitted" and "unique copy" are used here and in the following to refer to historical prints for which only one copy is recorded in VD 17 at the time the project begins. This also applies if further copies are recorded or stored in other catalogues and holdings.
DFG Programme Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)

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