Project Details
Resonances in a functional framework
Privatdozent Dr. Markus Huber
Subject Area
Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 550646635
Almost all hadrons decay under the strong force. Depending on the size of the respective decay widths, it can be challenging to interpret experimental results without reliable guidance from theory. Theoretically, such resonances are described by poles in the complex energy plane. However, when calculating the spectrum, it is often computationally easier to approximate this situation by treating them as real. In this project, we will remedy this for the case of functional bound state equations. Such equations have been successfully used in the past to calculate, for example, baryons or tetraquarks. For glueballs it was even possible to obtain parameter-free results for pure gauge theory. We will take this as a starting point and further extend this setup to include decays via the 4PI effective action. The advantage of this approach is that decay mechanisms, but also meson cloud effects, are manifest and directly accessible, while it is still derived from first principles. To solve the underlying equations, we will use the contour deformation method, which we have recently extended to some of the types of diagrams relevant to this project. This provides access to the resonance spectrum of mesons and glueballs and allows us to study their mixing. We will use this to understand the scalar resonances in the region between 1 and 2 GeV and to identify their glueball content.
DFG Programme
Research Grants