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Study of long-distance travel as a supplement to everyday travel - Modelling of travel behavior in an extended longitudinal view

Subject Area City Planning, Spatial Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Landscape Planning
Traffic and Transport Systems, Intelligent and Automated Traffic
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 550111596
The objective of the project is the research and modeling of the travel demand of persons with a special focus on long-distance travel and its interaction with everyday travel. The expected result is a microscopic model of a 1% sample of the population in Germany that consistently describes everyday and long-distance travel over an entire year. A better understanding of long-distance travel is necessary because long-distance travel already accounts for nearly half of person miles travelled and continues to increase. The consistent consideration together with everyday travel is necessary to be able to estimate the effect of measures, e.g. to reduce or shift miles travelled, in a differentiated way. In the project, various existing data sources on everyday and long-distance traffic will first be analyzed. The focus is on how information from different surveys, which were conducted for different purposes, can be combined. For this purpose, references are to be established, e.g., via sociodemographic characteristics of the persons surveyed. This fusion between heterogeneous data sets is to be supported by a supplementary survey that focuses on connecting elements and closes data gaps.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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