Project Details
Development of the online DFWB regarding user-friendliness and optimal connectivity
Dr. Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus
Subject Area
Individual Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
since 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 549557425
The aim of the project is to make the digital version of the "Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch" (DFWB) accessible through so-called article overviews, which provide a quick overview of and access to the complex content of the word articles. At the same time, an extended search function is to be implemented and the prerequisites for integrating the DFWB with other digital sources are to be created. The DFWB will be opened up to new user groups, its usability significantly improved and its long-term archiving guaranteed. The first step is the conversion of all references between different main lemmas into hyperlinks, which increases user-friendliness. Two different user groups, in particular, are to be taken into account during editing: The "Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch" is a diachronic dictionary with a focus on meaning development and corpus citations, which is naturally aimed less at the general public and more at a specialized audience or an audience interested in history and philology. Specialist users interested in philological and linguistic history or cultural history should find answers to questions about the development of meaning and integration history of individual foreign words. Still, questions unrelated to single words (such as the number of Italianisms borrowed since the 16th century) will also be answered in the future. The former will be made much easier by the planned article overviews, the latter will only be possible through the extended search. The aim is to attract more interested laypersons to use the dictionary in the future. The concise article overviews will make it easier for them to access the complex information. The planned work will result in the online DFWB being connectable within the NFDI/Text+. TEI-Lex-0 will be selected as the internationally established standard. The newly created article overviews will be released to the research community under suitable licenses. Finally, the collection of all article overviews will be regarded as an independent supplement to the DFWB and provided with corresponding bibliographic entries or metadata and thus made citable (PID/DOI). The integration of the article overviews into the IDS repository for the long-term archiving of German-language primary research data ensures the long-term archiving of the data. The IDS-funded project "Lexikographie sprachlichen Wandels: Fremdwörter - Lehnwörter - Neologismen" (Lexicography of Language Change: Foreign Words - Loanwords - Neologisms) is responsible for the long-term maintenance of the material in its "Foreign Word Research" work area. At the same time, the DFWB materials are linked to other lexical resources within the NDFI/Text+ consortium and to the dictionary portal of the Centre for Digital Lexicography of the German Language ("DWDS" at the BBAW and "Wortgeschichte digital" at the NADW).
DFG Programme
Research data and software (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)