The Collaborative Research Centre aims at analysing the dynamics of complex multiprotein systems that cause folding, intracellular transport and specific localisation of macromolecules. Dynamics are of interest i) at a cell biological level to describe the formation of higher complexes by protein/protein, protein/nucleic acid, and protein lipid interactions central for all projects of the program, and ii) with respect to the kinetics of changes within such individual complexes, e.g. their conformational change, polymerisation or formation of subcomplexes. This aspect will be analysed by biochemical/biophysical methods in some of the projects. A complementation and extension of topics is reached specifically by combining virological and molecular cell biological projects within a mutual initiative. Synergetic effects will arise from similar concepts and questions asked in these fields of biological research.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Mechanism of action of ribosome-associated chaperones in co-translational folding and transport of proteins
(Project Heads
Bukau, Bernd
Kramer, Günter
A02 - Signal peptides and the insertion of TA proteins into te membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum
(Project Head
Dobberstein, Bernhard
A03 - Structure and Dynamics of Protein/RNA complexes in SRP-mediated protein transport
(Project Heads
Sinning, Irmgard
Wild, Klemens
A04 - Mechanismus und Regulation der ER-Lokalisation durch Arginin-Signale
(Project Head
Schwappach-Pignataro, Blanche
A05 - Biogenesis, Structure and Dynamics of flaviviral replication complexes
(Project Head
Bartenschlager, Ralf Friedrich Wilhelm
A07 - Biogenese von Peroxisomen
(Project Head
Just, Wilhelm
A08 - Unconventional Protein Secretion
(Project Head
Nickel, Walter
A09 - Formation and dynamic alterations of retroviral transport, assembly and budding complexes
(Project Head
Kräusslich, Hans-Georg
A10 - Dynamics of COPI Assembly
(Project Heads
Brügger, Britta
Wieland, Felix Wilhelm Theodor
A11 - Modulation of architecture and function of the immunological synapse by the HIV pathogenesis factor Nef
(Project Head
Fackler, Ph.D., Oliver T.
A13 - Mechanism and dynamics of Hsp70 and Hsp90-assisted folding of Transcription factors and kinases
(Project Head
Mayer, Matthias Peter
A15 - Koordination und Regulation der homotypischen Fusion von Hefevakuolen; Mechanismus und Funktion der Palmitoylierung von Fusionsfaktoren
(Project Head
Ungermann, Christian
A16 - Structural dynamics of coatomer
(Project Heads
Briggs, John
Wieland, Felix Wilhelm Theodor
A18 - Structure and dynamics of the protein O-mannosylation machinery
(Project Head
Strahl, Sabine
A19 - Structure and dynamics of protein complexes in tail-anchored membrane protein biogenesis
(Project Head
Sinning, Irmgard
B01 - Transportprozesse zwischen Zellkern und Zytoplasma
(Project Head
Görlich, Dirk
B02 - Structure, Function and Reconstitution of the Nuclear Pore Complex
(Project Heads
Flemming, Dirk
Hurt, Eduard Christian
B03 - Formation, Maturation and Nuclear Export of mRNPs
(Project Head
Hurt, Eduard Christian
B04 - Temporal and spatial dynamics of the circadian clock of Neurospora
(Project Head
Brunner, Michael
B05 - Regulation of complexes involved in spindle positioning
(Project Head
Liakopoulos, Ph.D., Dimitris
B07 - Nuclear envelope insertion of the yeast centrosome
(Project Head
Schiebel, Elmar
B08 - Sumoylation of nuclear transport receptors
(Project Head
Melchior, Frauke
B09 - Coupling of RNA quality control to nuclear export
(Project Head
Fischer, Tamás
NW01 - Regulation of complexes involved in spindle positioning
(Project Head
Liakopoulos, Ph.D., Dimitris
Z01 - Protein analysis by mass spectrometry
(Project Heads
Lechner, Johannes
Ruppert, Thomas
Z02 - Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Wieland, Felix Wilhelm Theodor
Z03 - Flow Cytometry/Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)
(Project Heads
Knop, Michael
Sourjik, Victor
Z04 - HTP-Protein crystallization platform and X-ray structure determination
(Project Head
Sinning, Irmgard