SFB 606:
Non-Stationary Combustion: Transportphenomena, Chemical Reactions, Technical Systems
Subject Area
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
from 2002 to 2012
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5485063
The mixing of fuel and oxidiser and combustion in (direct injecting) combustion engines happens fundamentally instationary and the combustion process in gas turbines and technical combustion set-ups are frequently specified by instationary phenomena. Instationary phenomena are also the cause of essential technical problems of sustainable combustion concepts. The short-term and middle-term vision of this joint research project is the understanding of instationary phenomena in technical combustion so that advanced combustion concepts that have a guaranteed future can be brought on the road to technical success. In this connection also models, which constitute developmental tools of technical combustion set-ups, should been made physical safe. Based on the development of modern optical diagnostic processes and numerical methods of the past years, questions will be taken up, which up to now could not been tackled in this way. The long-term vision is the development of a basically understanding of combustion, chemical reactions, mass and heat transfer and the coupling in instationary velocity-, temperature- and pressure fields in single- or multiphase flows.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Nichtgleichgewichtseffekte in chemischen Reaktionen
(Project Heads
Hippler, Horst
Olzmann, Matthias
A02 - Kinetics and Mechanisms of Ignition-induced Oxidation Reactions
(Project Heads
Naumann, Clemens
Olzmann, Matthias
A03 - Auto-ignition Process in Non-stationary Turbulent Jets
(Project Heads
Bockhorn, Henning
Breitung, Wolfgang
Kuhn, Dietmar
Maas, Ulrich
A04 - NO Formation with Inhomogeneous Fuel Distribution
(Project Head
Olzmann, Matthias
A05 - Hierarchical Modelling of Turbulent Pemixed Combustion
(Project Heads
Class, Andreas G
Maas, Ulrich
A06 - Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) der oszillierenden Strömung in Brennkammern bei Konfigurationen mit pilotierten Vormischflammen
(Project Heads
Fröhlich, Jochen
Maas, Ulrich
Rodi, Wolfgang
A07 - Vorhersage des Stabilitätsverhaltens eines Vormisch-Verbrennungssystems
(Project Heads
Büchner, Horst
Gabi, Martin
Magagnato, Franco
A09 - Experimental Investigation of Non-stationary Isochoric Turbulent Flame Propagation at Elevated Pressure Conditions
(Project Heads
Suntz, Rainer
Zarzalis, Nikolaos
B01 - Rußbildung in nicht-adiabaten, instationären Flammen in laminarer und turbolenter Strömung unter Berücksichtigung der Flamme-Wand-Interaktion
(Project Head
Bockhorn, Henning
B02 - Nicht adiabate Flammen in Wechselwirkung zu kalten Wänden und inhomogenen Gemischen
(Project Head
Velji, Amin
B04 - Sprühstahl/Wand Interaktion bei instationärer Gasphase
(Project Heads
Bauer, Hans-Jörg
Dullenkopf, Klaus
Spicher, Ulrich
B05 - Auto-Ignition of Liquid Fuels in a Poorly Premixed, Non-stationary High Temperature Flow under High Pressure
(Project Heads
Bauer, Hans-Jörg
Koch, Rainer
Maas, Ulrich
B6 - Numerische Simulation von periodisch angeregten turbulenten Verbrennungsvorgängen in realen Systemen
(Project Heads
Aigner, Manfred
Noll, Berthold
B08 - Direct Numerical Simulations of Premixed Turbulent flames
(Project Heads
Bockhorn, Henning
Zarzalis, Nikolaos
B09 - Periodic Combustion Instabilities in Combustion Chambers with Multiple-burner Arrays
(Project Heads
Gabi, Martin
Magagnato, Franco
B10 - Large Eddy Simulation of the Oscillating Flow in Combustion Chambers
(Project Head
Maas, Ulrich
B11 - Integral Combustion Model for IC Engine Simulations
(Project Heads
Maas, Ulrich
Schießl, Robert
Spicher, Ulrich
Velji, Amin
C01 - Generation Mechanisms of High Frequency Pressure Instabilities of Lean Premixed Combustion
(Project Heads
Aigner, Manfred
Meier, Wolfgang
Noll, Berthold
C03 - Process Analysis of Gasoline Engine Combustion
(Project Heads
Kubach, Heiko
Spicher, Ulrich
C04 - Process Analysis of Diesel-Engine Comustion
(Project Heads
Spicher, Ulrich
Suntz, Rainer
Wagner, Uwe
C07 - Experimental Investigation and Modelling of Soot Formation in Technical Combustion Chambers
(Project Head
Bockhorn, Henning
C08 - Large Eddy Simulation of Direct Injection Gasonline and Diesel Engines
(Project Heads
Gabi, Martin
Magagnato, Franco
C09 - Mechanisms of Self-induced Oscillations in Spray Combustion - Pressure Scaling
(Project Heads
Bauer, Hans-Jörg
Koch, Rainer
C10 - Analysis of Non-stationary Combustion Phenomena in Gas Turbine Flames by Laser Measuring Techniques
(Project Heads
Aigner, Manfred
Meier, Wolfgang
Z - Gemeinsame Einrichtungen
(Project Head
Bockhorn, Henning
Z02 - Combustion, Instabilities and Pollutant Formation in Combustion Chambers with Multi-burner Arrays
(Project Heads
Aigner, Manfred
Bauer, Hans-Jörg
Bockhorn, Henning
Koch, Rainer
Meier, Wolfgang
Zarzalis, Nikolaos