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Rational design of new pnictogen-centred bi- and tetraradicals - synthesis, characterisation and application in the activation of small molecules

Subject Area Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 548251072
The research project aims to synthesise and fully characterise new pnictogen-centred polyradicals (especially bi- and tetraradicals) by tailoring the linkers (spacers) between the radical centres. Through the choice of linkers, we want to control the type of interaction between the radical centres, which leads either to so-called dis-polyradicals (no interaction) or to polyradicaloids (with significant interaction between the radical centres). Each new system is investigated in the activation of small molecules with single and multiple bonds to find out to what extent there is a dependence between the size of the radical character or interaction between the radical centres and the reactivity found. The main focus here will be on a correlation between typical closed-shell and open-shell reactivity in relation to the size of the radical character. The tetraradicals will also be used in reactions with reaction mixtures to investigate whether a stepwise activation of different substrates takes place or whether metal-free catalysis is possible. The experimental studies will be supported by quantum chemical investigations into kinetics, thermodynamics and the radical character.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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