Project Details
Unfitted finite elements and efficient solvers for fully Eulerian fluid-structure interaction with application to rotating wind turbines
Subject Area
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 548064929
In this project, finite element discretizations and efficient solvers for fluid-structure interaction including turbulent flows with large deformations and rotating objects are to be developed. The traditional approach for monolithically formulated fluid-structure interaction problems is the so-called Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) approach. However, its technical implementation is difficult for rotating objects. An elegant alternative is a fully Eulerian approach, where both structural and flow equations as well as coupling conditions are formulated in the moving (Eulerian) coordinate system. The first significant development of the project is an unfitted finite element discretization for the so-called fully Eulerian approach. In particular, suitable temporal discretizations need to be developed and numerically investigated, which are robust for moving interfaces and subdomains. The second main theme is robust and efficient solvers for such monolithic fully Eulerian fluid-structure interactions. These solvers are based on multigrid components. The combination of these two focal points then allows for robust and efficient solution with moving interfaces in a single coordinate system. We apply the algorithms to both two- and three-dimensional benchmark problems as well as to the simulation of rotating rotor blades. Based on these configurations, the algorithms, time discretization methods, and numerical solvers are computationally analyzed for their strengths and weaknesses. The project is rooted in applied mathematics and scientific computing, with a very current application: wind turbines, which are currently being discussed politically and socially in the context of green energy sources.
DFG Programme
Research Grants