SPP 1162: The impact of climate variability on aquatic ecosystems (AQUASHIFT)
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2004 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5472038
Gegenstand dieses Schwerpunktprogramms sind beobachtende, experimentelle und modellierende Untersuchungen zu den Auswirkungen des prognostizierten Klimawandels auf aquatische Ökosysteme. In Übereinstimmung mit den meisten Klimaprognosen für unsere Region soll das Schwergewicht auf den Auswirkungen saisonaler Temperaturerhöhungen (Schwerpunkt der Erwärmung im Winter) liegen, für Fließgewässer auch auf dem Problem häufiger werdender Extremereignisse. Wegen der unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen der prognostizierten Erwärmung auf vorwiegend lichtabhängige Prozesse (Primärproduktion) und vorwiegend temperaturabhängige Prozesse (z.B. Wachstum heterotropher Organismen) werden nicht nur veränderte saisonale Aktivitäts- und Wachstumsmuster einzelner Arten, sondern in der Folge auch Verschiebungen in trophischen Interaktionen (Herbivorie, Räuber-Beute-Systeme) erwartet. Bisherige zeitliche Kopplungen von Angebot und Nachfrage (z.B. Verfügbarkeit geeigneter Nahrung und Bedarf durch bestimmte Lebenszyklusstadien der Konsumenten) könnten entsynchronisiert werden ("mismatch"). Die Folgen derartiger Entkopplungen für die Funktion und Entwicklung von Nahrungsnetzen soll die zentrale Frage des Schwerpunktprogramms sein.
- Adaptation to environmental warming? Microevolution in the protists Paramecium and Coleps (Antragsteller Berendonk, Thomas U. )
- AQUASHIFT: programm co-ordination and meta-analysis of seasonal patterns (Antragsteller Sommer, Ulrich )
- Climate induced changes in phenology of lake plankton communities: Implications for the match / mismatch of species interactions (Antragstellerin Adrian, Ph.D., Rita )
- CLIMate variability and copepod population dynamics - Do COPepod life cycle eventS match with climate driven abiotic and biotic environmental variability? (CLIMCOPS) (Antragsteller Straile, Dietmar )
- Climatic impact on temperature and mixing regime of polymictic lakes and its consequences for lake ecosystems (Antragsteller Behrendt, Horst )
- Contrasting strategies of anaerobic bacterial communities to adapt to long-term temperature changes in seasonally and permenently cold sediment and the effects on organic matter decomposition (Antragsteller Brüchert, Volker )
- Coupling between phyto- and bacterioplankton during early spring bloom conditions (Antragsteller Jürgens, Klaus )
- Effects of climate variability on interactions between cyanobacteria and associated microheterotrophs-consequences for development of toxic cyanobacterial blooms (Antragsteller Grossart, Hans-Peter )
- Global warming and thermal stress tolerance: assessing the physiological and genetic basis through direct transcriptome sequencing (Antragsteller Reusch, Ph.D., Thorsten )
- Impact of climate change on life history patterns and food web interactions of benthic assemblages of running waters: modelling and experimental approaches (Antragsteller Richter, Otto )
- Impact of climate variability on the bentho-pelagic coupling in a large river (Antragsteller Weitere, Markus )
- Influence of temperature and stratification on spring succession of the plankton community in deep lakes (Antragsteller Gabriel, Wilfried )
- Influence of the year-to-year variation of water temperature on the coupling between benthic and pelagic food webs (Antragsteller Hülsmann, Stephan )
- Long- and short-term effects of climate variability and physical forcing on the diversity of aquatic organisms (Antragsteller Hillebrand, Helmut )
- Match and mismatch between phyto- and zooplankton during spring succession: an experimental analysis with Baltic Sea plankton (Antragsteller Sommer, Ulrich )
- Match / mismatch of zooplankton- phytoplankton interactions, based on existing long-term information in the North Sea (Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller Freund, Jan Alfred ; Wiltshire, Karen Helen )
- Mechanisms, phenotypic plasticity and genotypic determination of thermal tolerance and related properties in Daphnia and Leptodora kindtii:: consequences for temperature impacts on food web interactions (Antragsteller Paul, Rüdiger J. )
- Model-aided analysis of climate impacts on planktonic food webs based on long-term data of the Saidenbach Reservoir (Antragsteller Paul, Lothar )
- Modelling match and mismatch processes within plankton communities during spring succession (Antragstellerin Gaedke, Ursula )
- Modelling the impact of changes in the physical environment on plankton succession with special emphasis on Daphnia-algae interactions (Antragsteller Peeters, Ph.D., Frank )
- Physiological match and mismatch in climate dependent distribution of boreal marine invertebrates (Antragsteller Paul, Rüdiger J. ; Pörtner, Hans-Otto )
- Physiological match and mismatch in climate dependent distribution of boreal marine invertebrates (Antragsteller Paul, Rüdiger J. )
- Population genetic impacts of a changing ambient conditions on marcro-in-vertebrates with different life history strategies in running waters (Antragsteller Seitz, Alfred )
- Resolving Trophodynamic Consequences of Climate Change (RECONN2): Match-mismatch between Secondary and Tertiary Production in the Baltic Sea (Antragstellerin Clemmesen-Bockelmann, Catriona )
- REsolving Trophodynamik CoNsequences of Climate ChaNge (RECONN 1) - Simulating and Predicting Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Match-mismatch Effects on Key Trophic Players (Antragsteller Peck, Ph.D., Myron )
- Shift in the synchronisation of leaf decay processes in fragmented streams (Antragsteller Mutz, Michael )
- Survival strategies of macroinvertebrate species under changing ambient conditions of rivers (Antragstellerin Griebeler, Eva Maria )
- Temperature chaos and microbial food web dynamics (Antragsteller Arndt, Hartmut )
- The impact of climate variability on recruitment, life history, and physiology of sympatric pairs of ciscoes (Teleostei: Coregonus spp.) in lakes (Antragsteller Mehner, Thomas )
- The impact of climate variability on the species ranges of European freshwater pulmonates (Antragsteller Pfenninger, Markus )
- The impact of temperature on the partitioning between particulate and dissolved organic carbon in a pelagic new production system (Antragsteller Riebesell, Ulf )
- The influence of global climate change on growth and population dynamics of zooplanktivorous whitefish (Coregonus sp.) (Antragsteller Eckmann, Reiner )
Professor Dr. Ulrich Sommer