SPP 1148:
Reconfigurable Computing Systems
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
from 2003 to 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5471871
It is the aim of the Priority Programme to provide a basis for basic research in the area of computing systems that are able to adapt their behaviour and structure to changing operating and environmental conditions, time-varying optimisation objectives and physical constraints. Examples are changing protocols, new standards or dynamically changing operation conditions of technical systems.Due to constantly decreasing product lifetimes, systems being capable of reconfiguration on different levels of hardware granularity will become more and more important because only such systems are able to provide optimal solutions for applications with constraints still being unknown at design-time and without having wasting incredible times for redesign.Moreover, the flexibility introduced with reconfigurable hardware technology allows for producing complex systems at low cost, particularly for systems being produced in low to medium volumes. Ideas for products of the future are self-reconfigurable and self-healing systems.Central research topics within the programme are the study of mechanisms and of the efficiency of reconfiguration, to investigate models and languages to support hardware reconfigurability as well as of architectures and applications. It is well known that reconfigurable computing systems are increasingly used in many application domains of technical products due to the rapidly increasing market of embedded electronic systems. Within the research program, the cooperation of an interdisciplinary team of researchers is of utmost importance for complexity reasons of such systems. Scientists from the field of semiconductor technology (System-on-a-Chip (SoC) technology, mixed signal design), computer architecture (multiprocessor systems, fault tolerance), system level programming (compiler, operating systems) and particularly experts in the field of electronic design automation are brought together. The goal of the Priority Programme is to develop a leading role of Germany in the area of reconfigurable computing systems. It is expected that both scientific and technical results will make a valuable contribution to the more efficient use of reconfigurable SoC-technology for a broad range of applications in the future.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
Adaptives Laufzeitsystem mit intelligenter Allokation für dynamisch rekonfigurierbare Funktionsmuster und optimierte Interface-Topologien
Müller-Glaser, Klaus D.
AMoC: Adaptive Multiprocessor on Chip
Bobda, Christophe
Assessment and Design Techniques for Processor-Like Reconfigurable Architectures
Rosenstiel, Wolfgang
Automatisierte Rekonfigurierung von Schnittstellen in eingebetteten Systemen
Hardt, Wolfram
Development and synthesis of an adaptive multi-grain reconfigurable hardware architecture for dynamical function patterns
Becker, Jürgen
Dynamisch rekonfigurierbarer Coprozessor für Netzwerkprozessoren
Maehle, Erik
Entwicklung von hierarchisch orientierten Methoden und Werkzeugen für den Test und Selbsttest hochintegrierter Systeme (SoCs)
Vierhaus, Heinrich Theodor
Entwicklung von Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Minimierung von Rekonfigurationskosten
Merker, Renate Ruth
Entwurf einer dynamisch rekonfigurierbaren Plattform für Kanalcodierungsverfahren zukünftiger Mobilfunksysteme
Wehn, Norbert
Entwurf einer universellen rekonfigurierbaren Architektur für Visual Computing
Straßer, Wolfgang
Entwurfsraumanalyse und Optimierung von Rekonfigurationsverfahren für dynamisch rekonfigurierbare Rechnersysteme
Glesner, Manfred
Koordination und Infrastruktur, Arbeitsgruppen und Berichtskolloquien des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Rekonfigurierbare Rechensysteme"
Teich, Jürgen
Modelle und Algorithmen für hyperrekonfigurierbare Hardware
Middendorf, Martin
Operating Systems for Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware: From Programming To Execution Models
Platzner, Marco
Optimierung auf rekonfigurierbaren Rechensystemen
Schmeck, Hartmut
Polymorphic objects for design of reconfigurable FPGAs
Nebel, Wolfgang
ReCoNets-Entwurfsmethodik für eingebettete Systeme bestehend aus kleinen Netzwerken hardwarerekonfigurierbarer Knoten und -Verbindungen
Teich, Jürgen
Reconfigurable controllers
Kasper, Roland
Reconfigurable Hardware Platforms for the MAC-Layer of Mobile Communication Systems
Glesner, Manfred
ReCoNodes-Optimierungsmethodik zur Steuerung hardwarekonfigurierbarer Knoten
Fekete, Sándor
Teich, Jürgen
ReCoNodes-Optimierungsmethodik zur Steuerung hardwarekonfigurierbarer Knoten
Teich, Jürgen
Rekonfigurierbare Komponenten für anwendungsspezifische Prozessorarchitekturen
Noll, Tobias G.
Rekonfigurierbares Rechensystem für Video-basierte Fahrerassistenzsysteme im Automobil
Stechele, Walter
Temporal partitioning and temporal placement for the design of reconfigurable computing systems
Rammig, Franz-Josef
Transiente Leistungsbewertung und Aufbau eines dynamisch rekonfigurierbaren Multiprozessor- bzw. Multi-FPGA-Systems
Hommel, Günter