SPP 1116: Wechselwirkung in ultrakalten Atom- und Molekülgasen
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2001 bis 2007
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5471095
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Internationaler Bezug
- Atom-atom interactions in low dimensional systems (Antragsteller Schmiedmayer, Jörg )
- Atomare Wechselwirkungen in Quantengasen: Reduzierte Dimensionen und Fremdatome (Antragsteller Meschede, Dieter )
- Charged molecules and high-resolution electronic studies in helium nanodroplets (Antragsteller Stienkemeier, Frank )
- Coherent control of BEC tunneling and generation of macroscopic entangled states (Antragsteller Weiß, Christoph )
- Coherent Formation and Manipulation of Ultracold Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Molecules (Antragsteller Weidemüller, Matthias )
- Cold Ca molecules: generation, detection and cold collisions (Antragsteller Tiemann, Eberhard )
- Controlling single Cs atoms with a Rb condensate (Antragsteller Meschede, Dieter )
- Correlations in a Tonks-Girardeau Gas and Hanbury Brown-Twiss Noise Correlation Interferometry (Antragsteller Bloch, Immanuel )
- Critical Properties of Bose-Einstein Condensates (Antragsteller Kleinert, Hagen )
- Deceleration and cooling of large molecules using time-varying electric fields (Antragsteller Küpper, Jochen )
- Deceleration of SO2: Photodissociation of slow molecules and generation of cold SO and O (Antragsteller Tiemann, Eberhard )
- Der Anderson-Mott-Übergang in ultrakalten Atomgasen mit internen Freiheitsgraden (Antragsteller Müller, Cord )
- Dnymics of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices (Antragsteller Holthaus, Martin )
- Dnymics of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices (Antragsteller Zwerger, Wilhelm )
- Effects of the dipole-dipole interaction on the properties of ultracold rotating dipolar gases (Antragsteller Santos, Luis )
- Experimental investigation in quantum degenerate Fermi-Bose gas mixtures (Antragsteller Bongs, Kai )
- Experimental study of interactions of ultracold metastable neon atoms (Antragsteller Birkl, Gerhard )
- Experimentelle Studien der Wechselwirkungen in mehrkomponentigen Bos-Einstein-Kondensaten aus Rubidium-Atomen (Antragsteller Sengstock, Klaus )
- Formation of a quantum degenerate metastable calcium gas in an optical trap (Antragsteller Hemmerich, Andreas )
- From atoms to molecules in a mixture of paramagnetic and diamagnetic quantum gases (Antragsteller Görlitz, Axel )
- Generation and electrostatic confinement of ultra-cold molecules (Antragsteller Loesch, Hansjürgen )
- Guiding, trapping and cooling of atoms and molecules (Antragsteller Pinkse, Pepijn W.H. )
- Infrared molecular spectroscopy as a probe of many-body finite quantum systems (Antragstellerin Havenith-Newen, Martina )
- Interacting Quantum Gases in optical lattices (Antragsteller Pfau, Tilman )
- Interacting two-dimensional quantum gases in optical traps (Antragsteller Weitz, Martin )
- Molecule formation in ultra cold mixtures of Rubidium and Lithium atoms (Antragsteller Zimmermann, Claus )
- Nonlinear matter wave optics: Experiments on nonlinear quantum dynamics in double-well and periodic potentials (Antragsteller Oberthaler, Markus Kurt )
- One-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures and quantum-Hall effect for dark-state atoms (Antragsteller Fleischhauer, Michael )
- Präparation und Speicherung ultrakalter komplexer Moleküle (Antragsteller Schiller, Ph.D., Stephan )
- Quantum gases with tunable interactions in optical lattices and photoassociation of molecules in optical lattices (Antragsteller Bloch, Immanuel )
- Scientific exchange, training and visibility of the SPP 1116 activities (Antragsteller Wilkens, Martin )
- Spectral properties of interacting cold atoms in optical lattices (Antragsteller Buchleitner, Andreas )
- Speicherung von metastabilen Heliumatomen in elektrischen Fallen (Antragsteller Eichmann, Ulrich )
- Spektroskopie von Molekülen, Clustern und Komplexen synthetisiert in superfluiden Helium-Nanotröpfchen (Antragsteller Stienkemeier, Frank )
- Strongly correlated phenomena in trapped ultracold Fermi gases (Antragsteller Frahm, Holger )
- Strontium-Atome und ihre Wechselwirkung nahe der Entartung (Antragsteller Riehle, Fritz )
- Theoretical investigation of the interactions in ultracold atomic and molecular gases (Antragsteller Saenz, Alejandro )
- Theoretische Beschreibung eines laserangeregten Rydberggases, in dem der atomare Durchmesser mit dem interatomaren Abstand vergleichbar ist (Antragsteller Rost, Jan Michael )
- Theory of multi-component interacting inhomogeneous quantum gases (Antragsteller Wilkens, Martin )
- Tuning short- and long-range interactions in an ultracold chromium gas (Antragsteller Pfau, Tilman )
- Wechselwirkungen in gemischten Quantengasen (Antragsteller Esslinger, Tilman )
Professor Dr. Martin Wilkens