Project Details
FOR 537: Modelling the Progress of Rebar Corrosion in Concrete and Durability Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Subject Area
Construction Engineering and Architecture
from 2004 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5470856
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Modelling of the Damage Progress Due to Corrosion of Reinforcement Bars in Concrete and Design of Concrete Structures for Duarbility. In: EUROCORR 2005, European Corrosion Conference, Lisbon, 04.-08.09.2005
Raupach, M.; Warkus, J.
Modelling of reinforcement corrosion – Corrosion with extensive cathodes. Materials and Corrosion, 57 (2006) Nr. 12, S.920-925
Warkus, J.; Raupach, M.
Modelling reinforcement corrosion – Usability of a factorial approach for modelling resistivity of concrete. Materials and Corrosion, 57 (2006) Nr.12, S.926-931
Osterminski, K.; Schießl, P.; Volkwein, A.; Mayer, T.F.
On-site investigation on concrete resistivity – a parameter of durability calculation of reinforced concrete structures. Materials and Corrosion, 57 (2006) Nr. 12, S.932-939
Büteführ, M.; Fischer, C.; Gehlen, Ch.; Menzel, K.; Nürnberger, U.
Application of X-ray tomography for the verification of corrosion processes in chloride contaminated mortar. Materials and corrosion 58 (2007) Nr. 3, S.207-210
Beck, M.; Goebbels, J.; Burkert, A.
DFG Research Group 537: Modeling Reinforcement Corrosion – Project D: Modeling Loss of Steel Cross Sectional Area and Design for Durability. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR), Kapstadt, Südafrika, 24.-26.11.2008
K. Osterminski; P. Schießl
Investigations on Cracking and Spalling due to Corrosion of Reinforcement. In: 7th fib PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Eligehausen, R., Gehlen, C. (Hrsg.), Universität Stuttgart, 10.-13.09.2008
Bohner, E.
Modelling of Reinforcement corrosion – validation of corrosion model. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR), Kapstadt, Südafrika, 24.-26.11.2008
Greve-Dierfeld, S. von; Gehlen, Ch.; Menzel, K.
Investigations of corrosion on small cathodes in reinforced concrete - observations and suggestions. In: Proceedings EUROCORR 2009 - Corrosion from the nanoscale to the plant, Nizza, Frankreich, 06.-10.09.2009
Beck, M.; Goebbels, J.; Isecke, B.; Burkert, A.; Mietz, J.
New knowledge on the probabilistic modelling of moisture influence on concrete resistivity. In: Proceedings: fib symposium “concrete 21st century superhero”, London, Großbritannien, 22.-24.06.2009
K. Osterminski; P. Schießl; C. Gehlen
Untersuchungen zu Rissbildungen und Abplatzungen infolge Bewehrungskorrosion. In: 17. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Stark, J. (Hrsg.), F. A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde, Weimar, 23.-26.09.2009
Bohner, E.; Müller, H. S.
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Bewehrungskorrosion auf das Verbundverhalten zwischen Stahl und Beton. In: Beton und Stahlbetonbau 105 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 284 - 293
Fischer, C.; Ožbolt, J.; Gehlen, C.
Numerical investigations on bond behaviour of corroded reinforcement. In: Oh, B. H. (Ed.): 7th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-7), Jeju, Korea, 23.-28.05.2010
Fischer, C.; Ožbolt, J.; Gehlen, C.
Study on the influencing factors of steel corrosion in cracked concrete. In: Oh, B. H. (Ed.): 7th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-7), Jeju, Korea, 23.-28.05.2010
Tian, W.; Volkwein, A.; Schießl, P.
Investigations into fracture of carbonated concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research 63 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 21-30
Tschegg, E. K.; Bohner, E.; Tritthart J.; Müller, H. S.
Morphology of corrosion products of steel in concrete under macro-cell and self-corrosion conditions. Materials and Corrosion 62 (2011) Nr. 9, S.861–871
Neff, D.; Harnisch, J.; Beck, M.; L'Hostis, V.; Goebbels, J.; Meinel, D.