SPP 1085: Zelluläre Mechanismen der Alzheimer Erkrankung
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2000 bis 2006
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5469986
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Internationaler Bezug
A reverse genetic approach to define physiologically important functional domains of APP family proteins: analysis in APP/APLP knockout mice
Müller, Ulrike
Alzheimer Amyloid Precursor Protein cleavage regulation by Gangliosides
Hartmann, Tobias
APP, APLPs and BACE: Substrate-enzyme interaction in a high molecular weight complex
Multhaup, Gerhard
Merdes, Gunter
Approaches for upregulation of the alpha-secretase and elucidation of its role in differentiation and Abeta homeostasis
Fahrenholz, Falk
Cellular function of the amyloid precursor like protein 1 in endocytosis and proteolytic shedding of APP
Lichtenthaler, Stefan
Die Rolle der Proteoglykane im zellulären Metabolismus der ßAmyloid Peptide
März, Winfried
Die Rolle von Sphingolipid-Cholesterin Mikrodomänen (Rafts) beim Transport und Prozessierung des Amyloid-Vorläuferproteins
Simons, Kai
Effects of cholesterol and glia-derived lipoproteins on survival, growth and synaptic differentiation of highly purified neurons from different regions of the mouse brain
Pfrieger, Frank W.
Functional analysis of axonal transport vesicles containing APP, APLP1 or APLP2
Kins, Stefan
Functional dissection of presenilins in a C. elegans in vivo model
Baumeister, Ralf
Identification and functional characterization of neuroprotective signaling mechanisms and of target genes that mediate the selective resistance of neuronalcells against Alzheimer`s Disease-associated oxidative nerve cell death
Behl, Christian
Interactions and functional analysis of normal and PHF-like mutated tau proteins as a model for tau pathology in Alzheimer`s disease
Brandt, Roland
Metabolismus von APP und Aß im Endoplasmatischen Retikulum: Die mögliche Bedeutung für die Regulation von Apoptose und Antiapoptose bei der Alzheimerschen Erkrankung
Herzog, Volker
Molecular Mechanisms in the Regulation of Metabolism and Biological Functions of the ß-Amyloid Precursor Protein
Walter, Ph.D., Jochen
Molecular Mechanisms of Presenilin Function
Haass, Christian
PHF-aggregation and microtubule interactions of tau mutants
Mandelkow, Eckhard
Protease inhibition and imaging of amyloid assemblies
Schmidt, Boris
Protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions of the ß-amyloid precursor protein during membrane trafic in neurosecretory cells
Huttner, Wieland B.
Selective neuronal cell death in Alzheimer`s disease: role of apolipoprotein E4,P/Q type Ca2+-channels and oxidative stress in entorhinal cortex layer II stellate cells
Grantyn, Rosemarie
Steroid Hormone Regulation of Alzheimer ß Amyloid Precursor and Tau Proteins
Almeida, Osborne
Structure, supramolecular association and interaction of patho-active presenilin and betaAPP domains by high resolution mass spectrometry
Przybylski, Ph.D., Michael
Tau and intracellular transport
Mandelkow, Eva-Maria
Tau-Modification and Oxidative Stress
Grune, Tilman
The cellular basis of APP processing: trafficking and assembly of gamma-secretases and its substrates
Haass, Christian
The Role of Phosphorylation in the Regulation of Presenilin Functions
Walter, Ph.D., Jochen
The role of the members of the LDL receptor family in the cellular metabolism of ß amyloid peptides
März, Winfried
To unravel the spatio-temporal profile, function(s) and molecular partners of y-secreatase activity during vertebrate embryogenesis, using the zebrafish as a simple in vivo model system
Bally-Cuif, Laure
Professor Dr. Christian Haass
Professor Dr. Gerhard Multhaup