SPP 1051: Hochfeld-EPR in Biologie, Chemie und Physik
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 1998 bis 2005
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5468633
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Internationaler Bezug
Israel, Russische Föderation, Slowakei, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn
- Calculation of g-tensors and hyperfine coupling constants by a density functional method (Antragsteller Knözinger, Helmut )
- Coordination grant in the frame of the Priority Program: "High-field EPR in Biology, Chemistry and Physics" (Antragsteller Möbius, Klaus )
- Development and application of relativistic density functional methods for the quantum chemical calculation and interpretation of EPR parameters (Antragsteller Kaupp, Martin )
- Elektronische und räumliche Struktur organischer Kofaktoren in orientierten Proteinkomplexen durch Hochfeld-EPR/ENDOR-Spektroskopie (Antragsteller Lubitz, Wolfgang )
- Entwicklung von Terahertz-EPR Methoden zur Untersuchung von Manganverbindungen mit kolossalem Magnetowiderstand und von Spinketten (Antragsteller Pimenov, Andrei )
- High field ENDOR of metal centers in proteins: Applications and methodology (Antragstellerin Goldfarb, Daniella )
- High-field EPR and ENDOR investigation of structure and dynamics of new nanostructured materials (Antragsteller Dinse, Klaus-Peter )
- High field EPR and ENDOR of [Fe]-Hydrogenase (Antragsteller Reijerse, Edward )
- High-Field EPR and ENDOR on Manganese Enzymes with Binuclear Active Centers and Related Model Systems (Antragsteller Lubitz, Wolfgang )
- High-Field EPR and ENDOR on Manganese Enzymes with Binuclear Active Centers and Related Model Systems (Antragsteller Lendzian, Friedhelm )
- High-Field EPR/ENDOR Spectroscopy on Guanine Nucleotide Binding Protein (Antragsteller Prisner, Thomas F. )
- High-Field EPR/ENDOR Spectroscopy on Guanine Nucleotide Binding Protein (Antragsteller Kalbitzer, Hans Robert )
- High field EPR spectroscopy of monomer and dimer nitric oxide complexes in zeolites (Antragsteller Pöppl, Andreas )
- High-field EPR spectroscopy of monomer and dimer nitric oxide complexes in zeolites (Antragsteller Hartmann, Martin )
- High-field EPR studies of the spin dynamics of light induced radical pairs in photosynthetic reaction centers (Antragsteller Kothe, Gerd )
- High-field EPR studies on reaction intermediates of NO Synthase (Antragsteller Lendzian, Friedhelm )
- High-field EPR studies on reaction intermediates of NO Synthase (Antragsteller Schünemann, Volker )
- High-field EPR studies on reaction intermediates of NO Synthase (Antragstellerin Jung, Christiane )
- High-Field EPR with optical detection in semiconductors (Antragsteller Greulich-Weber, Siegmund )
- High field ESR and electron/nuclear double resonance on electron systems dominated by exchange, especially on electrons in semiconductor nanostructures (Antragsteller Denninger, Gert )
- High-field ESR on fullerides and endohedral fullerenes (Antragsteller Mehring, Michael )
- High field spin label ESR spectroscopy on biological lipid and membrane systems (Antragsteller Marsh, Derek )
- Hochfeld-EPR-Untersuchungen an paramagnetischen Verbindungen des Rheniums (Antragsteller Kaim, Wolfgang )
- Hochfeld-EPR zur Untersuchung von Radikalen in biologisch-relevanten Systemen (Antragstellerin Meier, Beate )
- Investigation of synthetic polymers by high-field EPR (Antragsteller Jeschke, Gunnar )
- Magnetic properties of the high-spin system Mn7(tea)6 studied by ESR (Antragsteller Pilawa, Bernd )
- Multi-frequency EPR studies of the structure and dynamics of site directed spin labeled colicin A and synthesized Ras (Antragsteller Steinhoff, Heinz-Jürgen )
- Multi-frequency EPR studies of the structure and dynamics of site directed spin labeled colicin A and synthesized Ras (Antragsteller Engelhard, Martin )
- Multi-frequency EPR studies of the structure and dynamics of site directed spin labeled colicin A and synthesized Ras (Antragsteller Hideg, Kalman )
- Structural analysis of nanocrystalline ferroelectrics with perovskite structure by means of high-field EPR (Antragsteller Böttcher, Rolf )
- Structural Characterisation of Metal-Ion Corrdination in Proteins by EPR, pulsed EPR- and ENDOR Spectroscopy at High Magnetic Fields (Antragsteller Hüttermann, Jürgen )
- Structure and Dynamics of Radicals and Radical Pairs in Protein Complexes by 95-GHz and 360-GHz High-field EPR/ENDOR (Antragsteller Möbius, Klaus )
- Structure investigations on doubly spin labeled synthetic proteins (Antragsteller Bittl, Robert )
- Struktur und Dynamik paramagnetischer Zentren in Zeolithen (Antragsteller Roduner, Emil )
- Transiente EPR-Spektroskopie bei mehreren Mikrowellenfrequenzen an spinkorrelierten Radikalpaaren (Antragsteller van der Est, Arthur )
- V-Band cw epr and cw endor (63 GHz) on exchange coupled "sandwich" complexes (Antragsteller Burghaus, Olaf )
- Zeitaufgelöste EPR-Untersuchungen zur Radikalpaar-Wechselwirkung beim triplettsensibilisierten Elektronentransfer mit DNA-Bausteinen in flüssiger Phase im W-Band (Antragsteller Beckert, Dieter )
Professor Dr. Klaus Möbius (†)