FOR 415:
Organometal(loid) Compounds in the Environment
Subject Area
from 2001 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5467765
Subsequent to the profiling of organometal(loid) compounds in important geogenic and anthropogenic deposits, our aim is to investigate the importance of this class of compounds for human health through the analysis of both physicochemical and biological formation, transportation and transformation processes. Through close multidisciplinary work involving input from disciplines as diverse as analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, microbiology, genetics and toxicology the research group will try to: -- estimate the global levels of geogenic and anthropogenic emissions of organometal(loid) compounds, -- obtain insight to processes that influence the genesis (biomethylation), as well as the transport and stability of organometal(loid) species and the interactions or organometal(loid)s with one another and with other matrix components, -- evaluate various environmentally relevant sources from a toxicological point of view to find out if specific "hot spots" of organometal(loid)s exist, which can burden the ecosystem and may damage the health of people living in the surrounding area or working in close contact with the source.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Analysis and synthesis of environmentally important compounds
Hirner, Alfred V.
Determinanten der Biomeythylierung/-hydrierung von Metall(oiden) beim Menschen
Rettenmeier, Albert
Effects of organometal(loid) compounds on neuronal ion channels
Mußhoff, Ulrich
Genotoxic potential of environmental metal(oid) organic compounds in vitro and in vivo
Hartwig, Andrea
Geogene und anthropogene metall(oid)organische Emissionen in die Atmosphäre
Hirner, Alfred V.
Immission and transformation of metal(loid) species in limnic tropic levels water-algae-fish
Emons, Hendrik
Mechanismen der direkten und indirekten Genotoxizität umweltrelevanter metall(oid)organischer Verbindungen
Dopp, Elke
Mechanismus und Regulation der Biosynthese flüchtiger Arsen-, Antimon und Bismut-Verbindungen durch Prokaryonten
Hensel, Reinhard
Moleküldynamische Computersimulationen zur Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen metallorganischen Verbindungen und Phospholipidmembranen
Rehage, Heinz
Remobilisierung von Metall(oid)en durch Biomethylierung aus Böden und Sedimenten
Hirner, Alfred V.
Verteilung und Abbauverhalten von metall(oid)organischen Verbindungen in umweltrelevanten Systemen
Zellner, Reinhard