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Digitisation and indexing of chemical collections at TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Subject Area General Education and History of Education
Data Management, Data-Intensive Systems, Computer Science Methods in Business Informatics
History of Science
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 546042620
The aim of the project is to record and digitise several chemical collections at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. This is to build on the experience and results of an ongoing DFG project on the Clemens Winkler Collection. This collection, which goes back to Clemens Alexander Winkler (1838-1904) and contains around 1,400 inorganic chemical samples, has been digitised according to a digitization standard developed. The first collection to be digitised is a collection of inorganic chemical specimens, which was acquired from the University of Amsterdam in 2020 and comprises around 280 objects. The standard originally developed for the Winkler collection will be used for this collection as well. This standard is then to be expanded in order to record and digitise the "Technical Chemistry Collection". This collection comprises almost 570 intermediate and end products from the chemical industry in the GDR and other socialist countries. Most of the manufacturing companies no longer exist today, which is why the collection also functions as one of the last contemporary witnesses to this area of chemical history. The "Collection of Chemical Equipment" and the "Gas Analysis Inventory" are also being recorded and digitised as part of the project. The "Collection of Chemical Equipment" comprises around 200 measuring and working devices that have been used in teaching and research at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg since the 1920s. The "Gas Analysis Inventory" goes back to Clemens Winkler, who was involved in analysing industrial waste gases and their effects on the environment. Some of the existing glass devices were explained in Winkler's "Lehrbuch der technischen Gasanalyse". For the latter two collections, in addition to the photographic recording and recording of the metadata of the objects, the production of videos of selected objects to demonstrate the use of the devices is planned. All digitised material will then be published on a website and made available to the international research community.
DFG Programme Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)

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