Thresholds in local scavenging capacity and retrograde regulation in light acclimation
Subject Area
Plant Physiology
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 270050988
Chloroplasts contain both thioredoxin-dependent and glutathione (GSH)/glutaredoxin (GRX)-dependent redox sys-tems that are based on rapidly changing protein cysteinyl redox states, contributing to thiol-switch mediated meta-bolic regulation, detoxification of hydrogen peroxide as well as oxidative damage repair. This project will investigate how the reductive capacity of the stromal GSH/GRX redox system contributes to signalling and acclimation pro-cesses in excess light. To this end, we will employ dynamic monitoring of subcellular physiological parameters us-ing genetically encoded biosensors in combination with omics methods, reporter lines and genetic backgrounds with disturbed GSH/GRX redox state.
DFG Programme