Project Details
Mechatronic handling devices based on piezo-ceramic structures for micro- and nano-applications
Professor Dr.-Ing. Roland Kasper
Subject Area
from 2005 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5456267
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Experimental Motion Study Of The Mechatronic System For Manipulation And Processing Micro/ Nano Operations, in Nanoscience & nanotechnology, Ed. by E. Balabanova and I. Dragieva, HERON Press Science Series, Issue 6, Sofia, 2005, pp. 244-247, ISBN – 10: 954-580-205-7, ISBN – 13: 978-954-580-205-8
Tiankov T., A. Shulev, N. Elian, D. Chakarov, I. Roussev, M. Al-Wahab, K. Kostadinov
Control Approach For Structured Piezo Actuated Micro/Nano Manipulator, in H. Ulbrich and W. Guenthner (Eds.) “Vibration Control of Nonlinear Mechanisms and Structures”, Springer, January 28, 2006, Volume 130 “Solid mechanics and its applications”, p.193-202, ISBN 978-1- 4020-4160-0 (Print)
Kostadinov K., R. Kasper, M. Al-Wahab
Design of a mechatronic handling device for micro and nano applications, Proceedings of the 5th Baltic - Bulgarian Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics. - Varna, (2006), S. 52-54
Kasper, R.; Abdel Al-Wahab, M.; Kostadinov, K.; Chakarov, D.
Investigation of Piezo Actuated Micro/Nano-Manipulators by Digital Speckle Photography and Interferometry, International Conference Automatics and Informatics’06, pp. 47 – 50, 03-06.10.2006, Sofia, Bulgaria
Tiankov T., A. Shulev, D. Gotzeva, I. Roussev, and K. Kostadinov
Mechatronic handling device based on piezo ceramic structures for micro and nano applications, Actuator 2006 : 10th Int. Conference on New Actuators & 4th Int. Exhibition on Smart Actuators and Drive Systems, 14-16 June 2006, Bremen, Germany; conference proceedings ; HVG Hanseatische Veranstaltungs-GmbH, Division Messe Bremen, (2006), S. 154-158
Kasper, R.; M. Abed Al-Wahab; W. Heinemann, K. Kostadinov, D. Chakarov
Unified Approach For Functional Task Formulation In Domain Of Micro/Nano Handling Manipulations, in W. Menz and St. Dimov (Eds.), 4M2006 Second International conference on Multi- Material Micro Manufacture, Elsevier, 2006 ISBN- 13: 978-0-08-045263-9, ISBN – 0: 0-08-045263-0, pp. 255-258
Kostadinov K., R. Kasper, T. Tiankov, M. Al-Wahab, D. Chakarov, D. Gotseva
Robots for micro and nano manipulations, Ph.D. Thesis, Sofia
Tiankov, T.
Synthesis of tense piezo structures for lokal mikro- & nano- manipulations, Proc. of the "8. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage", October 10-11, 2007, Magdeburg, pp.173-180
Chakarov D., Abed Al-Wahab M., Kasper R., Kostadinov K.
Synthesis of tense piezo structures for lokal mikro- & nano- manipulations, Proc. of the "8. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage", October 10-11, 2007, Magdeburg, pp.173-180
Chakarov D., Abed Al-Wahab M., Kasper R., Kostadinov K.
Telemanipulation control of mechatronic handling devices for micro/nano operations, in St. Dimov, W. Menz and Y. Toshev(Eds.), 4M2007 3rd Int. conference on Multi- Material Micro Manufacture, Whittles Publishing CRC Press, 2007, ISBN 978-1904445-52-1, USA ISBN 978-1-4200-7004-0, pp.241-244
Kostadinov K., R. Kasper, T. Tiankov, M. Al-Wahab, D. Gotseva
Mechatronic Handling Device For Cell Micro Operations with Human Assisted Automation Control, in Eds.: Ulbrich and Ginzinger “Motion and Vibration Control: MOVIC 2008”, 2008
Kostadinov K., R. Kasper, M.A. Al-Wahab, D. Chakarov, T. Tiankov and D. Gotseva
Methods For Compensation of Hysteresis Effect in Piezoelectrical Actuators, Bg Journal “Mechanics of Machines”, YEAR XVI, vol.7, 2008, pp.33-37
Marinov M.