In this research project new quantitative and qualitative aspects of lightning occurrence in the VLF/LF range (frequencies ( 1-200 kHz) will be measured by means of a small 6-sensor lightning detection network to be upgraded in the greater Munich area. Experiment analysis will focus an both low-amplitude and intracloud (IC) discharges. IC sources will be identified and distinguished from cloud-to-ground (CG) return strokes exploiting a newly developed 3D-technique. Lightning data will be analysed in terms of characteristic parameters such as stroke rate, stroke density, ICCG intensity ratio, and stroke amplitude as a function of area and time, respectively. Results serve to investigate correlations with meteorological parameters. Research aims concern definition of thunderstorm cells, life cycles and recognition of severe weather conditions. Co-operations with DWD (German Weather Service) and DLR (Institute for Atmospheric Physics) ensure availability of meteorological data sources, mainly reflectivity by polarimetric Doppler-interferometry radar (POLDIRAD), and reports an severe weather conditions and damage an ground. Particular emphasis is an the role of low-amplitude discharges and well identified IC sources, height-resolved in the km range. The project contributes to understand the qualification of lightning data from extended VLF/LF networks as additional data source for meteorological applications.
DFG Programme
Research Grants