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Spin injection and spin dynamics in organic spintronics interfaces

Subject Area Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Term from 2005 to 2010
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5453536
The objective of our experimental program is to resolve fundamental questions regarding spin relaxation, spin-dependent transport, spin injection, and magnetic phenomena at interfaces with organic semiconductors (OSC). We choose to study representative OSC materials that have proven superior properties in charge transport and/or optoelectronics applications. We will focus mainly on spin injection across the interface between an inorganic solid (ferromagnet, halfmetallic ferromagnet, GaAs) and organic materials (Alq, 6T, rubrene, DPEP, and CuPc). For these studies, we will employ the following techniques: 1) spin- and time-resolved 2-photon photoemission spectroscopy; 2) time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect; 3) ultraviolet and xray photoemission spectroscopy, and inverse photoemission spectroscopy; 4) spin-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy. The introduction of spin- and time-resolved characterization techniques and the systematic approach of materials and surface/interface analysis will provide vital information on spin dynamics and injection in OSC. Both teams have directly related previous work and experience on the proposed measurements, as well as most of the instruments for the measurements. Those assure timely progress in the proposed work and the success of the program. In addition, the collaboration offers students and postdocs the opportunity to participate in an international research experience.
DFG Programme Sachbeihilfen
International Connection USA
Beteiligte Person Professor Dr. Yongli Gao

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