Elucidation of phylogenetic processes during early evolution of basal Metazoa through the phylogenetic study of both, selected molecular marker genes and EST data
Final Report Abstract
The phylogeny of early-branching Metazoa and the origin of animal life have been subject to unrelenting controversies since inferences from morphological and molecular analyses are frequently conflicting. Uncertainty not only surrounds the interrelationship between metazoan phyla (i.e. the relative topology of Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and Bilateria) but also on many other systematic levels relationships remain unresolved (e.g. monophyly/paraphyly of Porifera and poriferan classes, evolutionary origin of freshwater sponges). Since most phylogenetic conflicts are the result of poorly sampled taxa that tend to be unstable and obscure strongly supported relationships between stable taxa, we aimed to generate a robust phylogenetic framework. This framework is a fundamental requirement to analyze the deepest splits in the animal tree of life and, consequently, to understand the evolution of animal diversity. Accordingly, new cDNA libraries and "expressed sequence tags" (ESTs) for six representatives of all poriferan classes (and respective "subclasses") were generated, including previously unsampled or poorly sampled but pivotal taxa. In addition, an extensive matrix of molecular markers (protein coding genes, ITS) was established, comprising species of Porifera, Cnidaria, Choanoflagellata. Moreover, to facilitate both bioinformatic processing of the vast amount of sequence data and data mining, the combination of a BioPerl-based pipeline and a MySQL-based multithreaded database was designed. Ultimately, these processed data have provided new insight into the topology of basal metazoan taxa: They strongly corroborate the monophyly of Porifera, the sister-group relationship of Choanoflagellata and Metazoa, and the monophyly of Demospongiae "sensu stricto" and Hexactinellida. In combination with morphological markers the data also allowed to investigate the phylogeny of endemic demosponges of ancient lakes and their close relationship to certain cosmopolitan demosponge species. In addition, analyses of the demospongian mitochondrial genome, which is so far the largest in size found in sponges, confirmed the close relationship between Porifera and Choanoflagellata. Furthermore, the evolution of the metazoan-specific genetic toolkit was analyzed. Thus, receptors, ligands, adapters, regulators, effectors, and transcription factors involved in pathways of apoptosis, innate immunity, morphogenesis, and spiculogenesis were discovered and phylogenetically characterized with respect to both sequence and function. Finally, for the first time, molecular evidence was provided for the existence of both a poriferan bioluminescence-generating enzyme and a photosensory system. The latter one is based on cryptochromes (evolutionarily old and highly conserved flavoproteins), which are pivotal in the generation and maintenance of metazoan circadian rhythms.
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