A Typology of Reciprocal Markers: Analysis and Documentation
Professor Dr. Ekkehard König
Fachliche Zuordnung
Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Experimentelle Linguistik, Typologie, Außereuropäische Sprachen
Förderung von 2005 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5446243
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2007). The development of English each other - grammaticalization, lexicalization, or both? English Language and Linguistics 11.1: 31 -50
Haas, Florian
(2008). "Reciprocals and reflexives - description, typology and theory". In: König & Gast (eds.), Reciprocals and Reflexives. Theoretical and typological Explorations. Berlin: Mouton, 1-32
König, Ekkehard & Gast, Volker
(2008). Reciprocals and Reflexives. Theoretical and typological Explorations. Berlin: Mouton, pp. 1- 652
König, Ekkehard & Gast, Volker
(2008). Symmetric verbs and constraints on passivization: an English-German comparison. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA) 56.3. 255-268
Haas, Florian
(2008). The morphosyntactic status of the Greek bipartite reciprocal in cross-linguistic perspective. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 61: 67-80
Stathi, Ekaterini & Florian Haas
(2008)."On reflexive and reciprocal readings of anaphors in German and other European languages". In: König & Gast (eds.), Reciprocals and Reflexives. Theoretical and typological Explorations. Berlin: Mouton, 307-346
Gast, Volker & Haas, F.
(2010). Review of V. Nedjalkov, "Reciprocal Constructions, 5 vols.". In: Language 86.1: 237-241
König, Ekkehard
(2010). „Spatial reciprocity: Between grammar and lexis". In: J. Helmbrecht et al. (eds.) Form and Function in Language Research. Berlin: Mouton
König, Ekkehard & Moyse-Faurie, Claire
(2011). "Reciprocals and semantic typology: Some concluding remarks". In: Evans, N., Gaby, A., Levinson, S., Majid, A. (eds.) Reciprocals and Semantic typology. Amsterdam: Benjamins
König, Ekkehard
(2011). Reciprocity in English: Historical Development and Synchronic Structure. London: Routledge
Haas, Florian