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Erzeugung und vollständige Vermessung von mehrkomponentigen Überlagerungszuständen

Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term from 2004 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5440799
Final Report Year 2008

No abstract available


  • ”Creation of arbitrary coherent superposition states by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage”. Phys. Rev. A 72, 033403 (1-10) (2005)
    Z. Kis, N.V. Vitanov, A. Karpati, C. Barthel, and K. Bergmann
  • “Cold Atomic Collisions: Coherent Control of Penning and Associative Ionization”. Phys.Rev.Lett. 97, 193202 (2006)
    C.A. Arango, M. Shapiro, and P. Brumer
  • “Phase control in a coherent superposition of degenerate quantum states through frequency control”. Optics Commun., 264, 248-255 (2006)
    M. Heinz, F. Vewinger, U. Schneider, L.P. Yatsenko, and K. Bergmann
  • “Amplitude and phase control of a coherent superposition of degenerate states. I. Theory“. Phys.Rev. A 75, 043406 (1-12) (2007)
    Frank Vewinger, Manfred Heinz, Bruce W. Shore, and Klaas Bergmann
  • “Amplitude and phase control of a coherent superposition of degenerate states. II. Experiment“. Phys.Rev. 75, 043407 (1-9) (2007)
    Frank Vewinger, Manfred Heinz, Ulrich Schneider, Christian Barthel, and Klaas Bergmann

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