Funktion von Etherlipiden
Final Report Abstract
The results of this project point to the crucial role of ELs, particularly PLs, to maintain BTB integrity essential for Sertoli cell polarity to accomodate meiosis and spermiogenesis. Our data confirm the existence of Russell's intermediate compartment delineated by two separate, apical and basal TJs and reveal EL deficiency to block final BTB competence. This block is associated with (i) upregulation of several TJ proteins, (ii) altered Cldn-11 immunolocalization, (iii) impaired sealing of the intermediate compartment by low Cldn-3 expression, and (iv) increased BTB permeability to biotin. Our results suggest ELs to be essential for cyclic remodeling of TJs during BTB reconstruction to ensure a sluise mechanism for translocation of leptotene spermatocyte clones into the adluminal compartment. The results are prepared for publication. Further studies are required to confirm the sealing quality of Cldn-3 at the immunoelectron microscopical level and to resolve the important question whether both, the apical and basal BTB TJs form layers of continuous, parallel strands under the control of ELs. In addition, biochemical as well as immunoelectronmicroscopical studies should monitor the composition of testicular TJ membrane rafts to understand cholesterol-EL interactions.
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