Untersuchungen zur Balance zwischen Invasion und Angiogenese bei Glioblastomen
Professorin Dr. Katrin Lamszus
Fachliche Zuordnung
Klinische Neurologie; Neurochirurgie und Neuroradiologie
Förderung von 2004 bis 2008
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5440125
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Inhibition of intracerebral glioblastoma growth by treatment with a novel one-armed anti-
Met antibody. 2nd quadrennial meeting of the World Federation of NeuroOncology,
Edinburgh, Schottland, 5.-8. Mai 2005
Martens T, Schmidt NO, Eckerich C, Filibrandt R, Schwall R, Westphal M, Lamszus K
Inhibition of intracerebral glioblastoma growth by treatment with a novel one-armed antiMET
antibody. 56. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie,
Straßburg, 7.-11. Mai 2005
Martens T, Schmidt NO, Eckerich C, Filibrandt R, Schwall R, Westphal M, Lamszus K
A Novel One-Armed Anti-c-Met Antibody Inhibits Glioblastoma
Growth In vivo. Clin Cancer Res 2006:12(20)
Tobias Martens, Nils-Ole Schmidt, Carmen Eckerich, Regina Filibrandt, Mark Merchant, Ralph Schwall, Manfred Westphal, and Katrin Lamszus
Hypoxia induces MET expression and enhances SF/HGF-induced migration of glioma cells. 7th Congress of the European Association for Neuro-Oncology, Wien, Österreich, 14.-17. September 2006, Neuro-Oncol 8, p. 332
Eckerich C, Zapf S, Filibrandt R, Westphal M, Lamszus K
Inhibition of intracerebral glioblastoma growth by a novel one-armed anti-MET antibody.
International Brain Tumor Research and Therapy Meeting, Silverado (Californien), 26.-
30. April 2006
Lamszus K, Martens T, Schmidt NO, Eckerich C, Schwall R, Merchant M, Westphal M
Hypoxia can induce c-Met expression in glioma cells and enhance SF/HGF-induced cell migration. Int. J. Cancer: 121,276-283 (2007)
Carmen Eckerich, Svenja Zapf, Regina Filibrandt, Sonja Loges, Manfred Westphal and Katrin Lamszus
Inhibition of diffusely invasive glioblastoma growth in vivo by targeting EGFR but not VEGFR-2. Eingereicht zum 8th Congress of the European Association of Neurooncology, Barcelona, 12.-14. September 2008
Martens T, Laabs Y, Günther HS, Witte L, Westphal M, Lamszus K
Inhibition of glioblastoma growth in a highly invasive nude mouse model. 59. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Würzburg, 1.-4. Juni 2008
Martens T., Laabs Y, Günther HS, Westphal M, Lamszus K
Inhibition of guoblastoma growth in a highly invasive nude mouse model can be achieved by targeting EGFR but not VEGFR-2. Eingereicht zum Annual Meeting der Society for Neuro-Oncology, Las Vegas, 20.-23. November 2008
Martens T, Laabs Y, Günther HS, Zhu Z, Westphal M, Lamszus K