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Vulnerabilität in Megastädten: Neue Methoden zur Analyse des urbanen Wassersystems in Delhi, Indien. Risikoanalysen anhand hochauflösender Satellitenfernerkundung, GIS sowie qualitativer und quantitativer Sozialdaten

Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller Professorin Dr. Frauke Kraas; Professor Dr. Wolfram Mauser
Subject Area Humangeographie
Term from 2005 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5437850
Final Report Year 2010

Final Report Abstract

The project has been planned and carried out to gain a new perspective on vulnerability in megacities focussing on water supply, waste water disposal and health implications. The major aims of the research project was to develop new, object-oriented analytical methods for highresolution satellite data and Geographic Informafion Systems (GIS) and to use them in order to identify recent small-scale land use structures and dynamics in megacity Delhi. With the results, specific megaurban risk areas and living quarters of vulnerable population have been identified. These were evaluated - in combination with quantitative and qualitative socio-economic information - in regard to place-specific infrastructure deficits and -potentials of water supply and health infrastructure. In a later step, it was intended to contribute to a sustainable crisis- and health management, based on the findings. Methodologically, the project was split into two parts: a) To improve the digital coverage and identification of urban structures and processes in high-resolution satellite images was one of the main issues of the remote sensing approach, while b) the urban and social geographical work focused on the discussion of access to resources, risk-exposure and coping strategies and capacities in order to identify the degree of the vulnerability of the surveyed population. The results of the two different approaches were put together and modelled in a final step. The entire analysis lays the foundation for the development of more complex, stable indicators which helped to identify and understand the different forms, actors and processes of vulnerability in megacities in general. The interdisciplinary approach allowed, moreover, the identification and deeper understanding of multi-level processes within the megaurban systems. Analysis of social vulnerability with respect to water system and manifested impacts is yet to be explored in depth. Therefore, this attempt to analyse the infrastructural stress driven environmental-health risks with the backdrop of 'Social vulnerability' finds much scope. It was intended that the aspects of social vulnerability which were addressed in this study would be of high relevance to the government in figuring out the points of development actions and policy interventions. It was foreseen that this integrated modelling of remote sensing and social science research approaches would be able to provide quick insight into the dynamics of fast changing megacities and transferability of the developed methodology to areas of similar setting would help in understand situations of larger area with greater precision in shorter time. A final workshop held on the 31.10.2009 at the conference hall of Delhi University International Guest House concluded the project. Valuable feedback was received on each of the presentations which were helpful in refining the results and strengthening the findings. They also gave new insights for further research on similar lines.


  • (2008): Megastädte in Entwicklungsländern: Vulnerabilität, Informalität, Regier- und Steuerbarkeit. Geographische Rundschau 60 (11): 4-10
    Kraas, F., G. Mertins
  • (2008): Megaurbanisierung in Asien: Entwicklungsprozesse und Konsequenzen stadträumlicher Reorganisation. In: Themenheft „Raum- und Stadtentwicklung in Asien". Informationen zur Raumentwicklung 8-2008: 447-456
    Kraas, F., U. Nitschke
  • (2008): Social Vulnerability and Wastewater Related Risks: A Case Study of Delhi. In Bohle, H.G and Warner, K. (Eds) Megacities: resilience and social vulnerability. SOURCE 10/2008, publication series of UNU-EHS, Bonn, pp. 121-131
    Singh, R.
  • (2009): Globalisierungs- und Marginalisierungsprozesse in Megastädten. Praxis Geographie 39 (7-8): 4-8
    Kraas, F.
  • (2009): Wasserversorgung und Verwundbarkeit in der Megastadt Delhi/Indien. Köln. PhD thesis
    Selbach, Veronika
  • (2009): Wastewater problems and social vulnerability in megacity Delhi/India. PhD thesis
    Singh, Reena

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