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Combining remote sensing and geophysical methods for monitoring and modelling of water fluxes and soil water dynamics in a forest stand

Subject Area Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management
Term from 2004 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5434038
Final Report Year 2007

No abstract available


  • C. Oberdörster, J. Vanderborght, A. Kemna, H. Vereecken, 2005, "Determination of soil water contents in a forest stand with electrical resistivity tomography", international workshop "Measuring soil water contents at different scales", Jülich, Germany, 11/17/2005

  • C. Oberdörster, J. Vanderborght, A. Kemna, H. Vereecken, 2005, "Wasserflüsse in einem Waldbestand", conference of the German soil society (DBG), Marburg, Germany, 09/05/2005

  • C. Oberdörster, J. Vanderborght, A. Kemna, H. Vereecken, 2006, "Bestimmung eines geeigneten Fehlermodells für die Inversion von Daten aus der Elektrischen Widerstandstomographie", workshop "Strukturgenese und -dynamik in Böden" of the German soil society (DBG), Leipzig, Germany, 11/17/2006

  • C. Oberdörster, J. Vanderborght, A. Kemna, H. Vereecken, 2006, "Determination of an Appropriate Error Model for the Inversion of ERT Data", Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA, 12/11/2006

  • C. Oberdörster, J. Vanderborght, A. Kemna, H. Vereecken, 2007, "Consideration of Different Error Sources Influencing the Derivation of Bulk Soil Electrical Conductivity Distributions with Electrical Resistivity Tomography", conference of the German geophysical society (DGG), Aachen, Germany, 03/26/2007

  • C. Oberdörster, J. Vanderborght, A. Kemna, H. Vereecken, 2007, "Estimation of uncertainty in bulk soil electrical conductivity derived by Electrical Resistivity Tomography", Joint Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria, 04/15/2007

  • C. Oberdörster, J. Vanderborght, A. Kemna, H. Vereecken, 2007, "Untersuchung der Messunsicherheit der Elektrischen Widerstandstomographie zur Bodenwassergehaltsbestimmung mittels synthetischer Experimente", conference of the German soil society (DBG), Dresden, Germany, 09/02/2007

  • Guglielmetti, M., M. Schwank, C. Mätzler, C. Oberdörster, J. Vanderborght, and H. Flühler. 2007. Measured Microwave Radiative Transfer Properties of a Deciduous Forest Canopy. Remote Sens. Environ. 109:523-532.


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