Untersuchungen zur Rolle von Enzymen der Eikosanoidsynthese bei der Schaumzellbildung und bei der menschlichen Atherogenese
Professor Dr. Hartmut Kühn
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2003 bis 2009
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5415694
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
12/15-lipoxygenase regulates the inflammatory response to bacterial products in vivo. J. Immunol. 181, 6514-6524(2003)
Dioszeghy, V., Rosas, M., Maskrey, B.H., Colmont, C , Topley, N., Chaitidis, P., Kühn, H., Jones, S.A., Taylor, P.R. and O'Donnell. V.B.
Th2 response of human peripheral monocytes involves isoform-specific induction of monoamine oxidase-A, J. Immunol. 173, 4821-4827 (2004)
Chaitidis, P., Billett. E.E., O'Donnell, V.B., Fajardo, A.B., Fitzgerald, J., Kuban, R.J., Ungethuem, U. and Kühn, H.
Biologic relevance of lipoxygenase isoforms in atherogenesis. Exp. Rev. Cardiovasc. Ther 3. 1099-1110 (2005)
Kühn, H.
Elevated endothelial nitric oxide bioactivity and resistance to angiotensin-dependent hypertension in 12/15- lipoxygenase knockout mice. Am. J. Pathol 166. 653-662 (2005)
Anning, P,B., Coles, B., Bermudez-Fajardo. A., Martin, P.E.M., Levison, B.S., Hazen, S.L., Funk, C.D., Kühn, H. and O'Donnell, V.B.
Expression of 12/15-lipoxygenase attenuates intracellular lipid deposition during in vitro foam cell formation. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vase. Biol. 25, 797-802 (2005)
Belkner, J., Chaitidis, P., Stender, H., Gerth, C, Kuban. R.J., Yoshimoto, T. and Kühn, H.
Gene expression alterations of human peripheral blood monocytes induced by medium-term treatment wilh the TH2-cytokines interleukin-4 and -13. Cytokine 30, 366-377 (2005)
Chaitidis, P., O'Donell, V., Kuban, R.J., Bermudez-Fajardo, A., Ungethuem, U. and Kühn, H.
Induction of 15-lipoxygenase-1 impairs expression of HlV-1 receptors CD4 and CXCR4 in monocytic cells. FEBS Lett. 579. 3691-3694 (2005)
Chaitidis, P. and Kühn, H.
Structural biology of mammalian lipoxygenases: Enzymatic consequences of targed alterations of the protein structure. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 338, 93-101 (2005)
Kühn, H., Saam, J., Eibach, S., Holzhütter, H,-G., Ivanov, I, and Walther, M.
15-lipoxygenase-mediated modification of high-density lipoproteins impairs SR-BI- and ABCAI-dependent cholesterol efflux from macrophages. BBA-Mol. Cell Biol Lipids 1761, 292-300 (2006)
Pirillo, A., Uboldi. P., Kühn, H. and Catapano, A.L.
Photoactivation of an Inhibitor of the 12/15-lipoxygenase pathway, ChemBioChem 7,10891095(2006)
Herre, S., Schadendorf, T., Ivanov, I., Herrberger, C., Steinle, W., Rück-Braun, K., Preißner, R. and Kühn. H.
Reticulocyte 15-lipoxygenase-l is important in acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in rabbit aorta. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vase. Biol. 26, 78-84 (2006)
Tang, X., Holmes, B.B., Nithipatikom, K., Hillard, C.J., Kühn, H., Campbell, W.B.
Activated platelets and monocytes generate four hydrophyphosphatidylethanolamines via lipoxygenase. J. Biol. Chem. 282. 20151-20163 (2007)
Maskrey, B.H., Bermudez-Fajardo, A., Morgan, A.H., Stewart-Jones, E., Dioszeghy, V., Taylor, G.W., Baker, P.R,S., Coles, B., Coffey, M.J., Kühn, H. and O'Donnell. V.B.
Arachidonic acid metabolites in the cardiovascular system: the role of lipoxygenase isoforms in atherogenesis with particular emphasis on vascular remodeling. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 50. 609-620 (2007)
Kühn, H., Chaitidis, P., Roffeis, J. and Walther, M.
Modification of HDL3 by mild oxidative stress increases ATP-binding cassette transporter 1-mediated cholesterol efflux, Cadiovasc. Res. 75, 566-574 (2007)
Pirillo, A., Uboldi, P., Pappalardo, G., Kühn, H. and Catapano, A.L.
A near null variant of 12/15-LOX encoded by a novel SNP in ALOX15 and the risk of coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis 198, 136-144 (2008)
Assimes, T.L., Knowles, J.W., Priest, J.R,, Basu, A., Borchert, A., Volcik, K.A., Grove, M.L., Tabor, H.K., Southwick, A., Tabibizar, R., Sidney, S., Boerwinlöe, E., Go, A.S., Iribarren, C., Hlatky, M.A., Fortmann, S.P., Myers, R.M., Kühn, H., Risch, N. and Quertermous, T.
Age-related decrease in 15-lipoxygenase contributes to reduced vasorelaxation in rabbit aorta. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 294. H679-H687 (2008)
Tang, X., Aggarwal, N., Holmes, B.B., Kühn, H. and Campbell, W.B.
Circulating neutrophils maintain physiological blood pressure by suppressing bacteria and IFNg-dependent iNOS expression in the vasculature of healthy mice. Blood 111, 5187-594 (2008)
Morton, J., Coles, B., Wright, K., Gallimore, A,, Morrow, J.D., Terry, E.S., Anning, P.B., Morgan, B.P., Dioszeghy, V., Kühn, H., Chaitidis, P. and O'Donnell, V.B.