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Diffusion in glasbildenden Metallschmelzen vom Gleichgewichtszustand bis zum kalorischen Glasübergang

Subject Area Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
Term from 2003 to 2010
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5408145
Final Report Year 2010

No abstract available


  • Codifftasion of 32P and 57Co in glass-forming Pd43Cu27Ni10P20 alloy and its relation to viscosity, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 (2006) 121917
    A. Bartsch, K. Rätzke, F. Faupel, A. Meyer
  • Diffusion and viscous flow in bulk glass forming alloys MS-HT TMS 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 14.-19.10.2006
    F. Faupel
  • Diffusion in metallischen Gläsern und unterkühlten Metallschmelzen Institutsseminar an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum, 2006
    F. Faupel
  • From the glass to the equilibrium melt: diffusion in bulk-metallic glass-forming Pd-Cu-Ni-P alloys THERMEC 2006 Vancouver, Canada
    K Rätzke, V. Zöllmer, A. Bartsch, A. Meyer, and F. Faupel
  • Diffusion and viscous flow in bulk glass forming alloys Honorary celebration workshop 60. birthday Prof. Schultz, Dresden, 24.-26.05.2007
    F. Faupel, V. Zöllmer A. Bartsch, K. Rätzke
  • Diffusion in bulk glass forming alloys - from the glass to the equilibrium melt invited contribution, TMS February 2007, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 66 (2007) 109
    K. Rätzke, V. Zöllmer, A. Bartsch, A. Meyer, F. Faupel
  • Diffusion in bulk glass forming alloys -from the glass to the equilibrium melt Institutsseminar 1 Phys. Inst, Univ. Göttingen, Göttingen, 16.7.2007
    K. Rätzke, F. Faupel, V. Zöllmer, A. Bartsch, A. Meyer
  • Diffusion in bulk glass forming alloys -fromthe glass to the equilibrium melt Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS 2007), Orlando, Florida, USA, 25.02.-01.03.2007
    K Rätzke, F. Faupel, V. Zöllmer, A. Bartsch, A. Meyer
  • Diffusion in bulk metallic glass forming Pd-Cu-Ni-P alloys: from the glass to the equilibrium melt, invited review, Joumal of Non-CrystaUine SoUds, 353 (32), (2007) 3285
    K. Rätzke, V. Zöllmer, A. Bartsch, A. Meyer, F. Faupel
  • Diffusion and viscous flow in bulk glass forming alloys Atlas Kick off meeting, Köln, Deutschland, 24.-25.04.2008
    K. Rätzke, V. Zöllmer, A. Bartsch, F. Faupel
  • Diffusion und viskoses Fließen in Glas bildenden metallischen Legierungen Glastag, Mainz, Deutschland, 30.05.2008
    F. Faupel, K. Rätzke, V. Zöllmer, A. Bartsch
  • Diflusion and viscosity in undercooled metallic melts Diffusion in Materials (DIMAT) 2008, Costa Teguise, Spanien, 28.-31.10.2008
    K. Rätzke
  • Diffusion and viscousflowin bulk glass forming alloys DMGT (2nd Discussion Meeting on Glass Transition), Sendai, Japan, 27.02.-01.03. 2009
    A. Bartsch, V. Zöllmer, K. Rätzke, A. Meyer, F. Faupel
  • Dynamic Arrest in Multicomponent Glass Forming Alloys 6th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Conplex Systems (IDMRCS), Rom, Italy, 30.08.-05.09.2009
    Bartsch, K. Rätzke, A Meyer, F. Faupel
  • Isotope effect, Diffusion and Viscosity in undercooled metallic melts Institut fur Materialwissenschaft im Weltraum, Köln, Germany, 03.-03.02.2009
    K Rätzke
  • Dynamic arrest in multicomponent glass forming alloys DPG Spring Meeting, March 2010
    Franz Faupel, Alexander Bartsch, Klaus Rätzke, and Andreas Meyer
  • Structural arrest in multicomponent metallic alloys DSS 2010, Moskau Juni 2010
    Klaus Rätzke, Alexander Bartsch, Franz Faupel, Andreas Meyer

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