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Targeting Social Well-being to Improve Transitions to School

Subject Area Developmental and Educational Psychology
Biological Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
Developmental Neurobiology
Personality Psychology, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methodology
Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 540374327
As one of the earliest major transitions in childhood, school-entry poses ample opportunities and risks for well-being and mental health. A successful switch to school not only hinges on children's individual cognitive skills, but also their social well-being, involving bonds within families and social networks. Yet, a consensus on core facets of social well-being is notably absent. School-entry practices thus vary widely across Europe, calling for an empirically-based focus on socio-emotional development. To meet this pressing need, the SWITCH project will pursue the three following overarching research aims. Step 1: We will recruit five large-scale representative samples at preschool-age across four European countries (Germany, Sweden, UK, Austria; n=~1.000 per site) to establish the unique cross-contextual contribution of social well-being to successful school-entry over and above other well-being dimensions and mental health, while considering demographic and age-related effects and other variations in school-entry within and between participating countries. Step 2: In subsamples (n=80 per site), scoring high/low on social well-being in Step 1, we aim to disentangle biobehavioral mechanisms of social well-being in interplay with cognitive, early literacy and numeracy skills. Specifically, we will conduct in-depth lab appointments 6 months before and after school-entry, with fine-grained assessments of key relationships (parents, peers, teachers) and interpersonal biobehavioral synchrony (child-parent, child-peer), among others. We will prospectively examine the added value of social well-being (full sample) and its mechanisms (subsamples) for mental health, well-being, early literacy and numeracy skills at the end of 1st grade. Step 3: Based on our Step 1 and 2 results, we will develop and disseminate guidelines to policymakers and stakeholders detailing strategies for attending to and fostering (social) well-being amid this major transition in children’s lives.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Austria, Sweden, United Kingdom

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