Ladungstransfer in dotierten Nanoröhren
Professor Dr. Thomas Pichler
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2003 bis 2009
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5401555
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
"Electronic properties of intercalated single-wall carbon nanotubes and C-60 peapods," New J. Phys. (5), 2003, pp. 156
Pichler, T., Liu, X., Knupfer, M. and Fink, J.
"Covalent interaction in Ba-doped single-wall carbon nanotubes", Electronic Properties of Synthetic Nanostructures 723, 2004, pp. 205- 208
Liu, X., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M. and Fink, J.
"Electronic properties of barium-intercalated single-wall carbon nanotubes,11 Phys. Rev. B (70:24), 2004, pp. 245435
Liu, X., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M. and Fink, J.
"Electronic properties of FeCI3-intercalated single-wall carbon nanotubes," Phys. Rev. B (70:20), 2004, pp. 205405
Liu, X., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M., Fink, J. and Kataura, H.
"Electronic properties of potassium-intercalated C-60 peapods," Phys. Rev. B (69:7), 2004, pp. 075417
Liu, X., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M., Fink, J. and Kataura, H.
"Elimination of metal catalyst and carbon-like impurities from singlewall carbon nanotube raw material," Appl. Phys. A (78:3), 2004, pp. 311-314
Bendjemil, B., Borowiak-Palen, E., Graff, A., Pichler, T., Guerioune, M., Fink, J. and Knupfer, M.
"Formation and electronic properties of BC3 single-wall nanotubes upon boron substitution of carbon nanotubes," Phys. Rev. B (69:24), 2004, pp. 245403
Fuentes, G. G., Borowiak-Palen, E., Knupfer, M., Pichler, T., Fink, J., Wirtz, L. and Rubio, A.
"Low temperature fullerene encapsulation in single wall carbon nanotubes: synthesis of N@C-60@SWCNT," Chem. Phys. Lett. (383:3-4), 2004, pp. 362-367
Simon, F., Kuzmany, H., Rauf, H., Pichler, T., Bernardi, J., Peterlik, H., Korecz, L., Fulop, F. and Janossy, A.
"Synthesis and electronic properties of B-doped single wall carbon nanotubes," Carbon (42:5-6), 2004, pp. 1123-1126
Borowiak-Palen, E., Pichler, T., Graff, A., Kalenezuk, R. J., Knupfer, M. and Fink, J.
"Transition from a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid to a Fermi liquid in potassium-intercalated bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes," Phys. Rev. Lett. (93:9), 2004, pp. 096805
Rauf, H., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M., Fink, J. and Kataura, H.
"A photoemission study of the electronic structure of potassium-doped C-60 peapods", Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures 786, 2005, pp. 281 -285
Pichler, T., Shiozawa, H., Rauf, H., Knupfer, M., Fink, J., Büchner, B. and Kataura, H.
"A photoemission study of the nature of the metallic state in single wall carbon nanotube bundles at low potassium doping," Synth. Met. (153:1-3), 2005, pp. 333-336
Pichler, T., Rauf, H., Knupfer, M., Fink, J. and Kataura, H.
"Bulk quantity and physical properties of boron nitride nanocapsules with a narrow size distribution," Carbon (43:3), 2005, pp. 615-621
Borowiak-Palen, E., Rümmeli, M. H., Knupfer, M., Behr, G., Biedermann, K., Gemming, T., Kalenczuk, R. J. and Pichler, T.
"Bulk synthesis of carbon-filled silicon carbide nanotubes with a narrow diameter distribution," J. Appf. Phys. (97:5), 2005, pp. 056102
Borowiak-Palen, E., Ruemmeli, M. H., Gemming, T., Knupfer, M., Biedermann, K., Leonhardt, A., Pichler, T. and Kalenczuk, R. J.
"Effective valency of Dy ions in Dy3N@C-80 metallofullerenes and peapods", Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures 786, 2005, pp. 325-328
Shiozawa, H., Rauf, H., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M., Kalbac, M., Yang, S., Dunsch, L., Büchner, B., Batchelor, D. and Kataura, H.
"Electronic structure of the trimetal nitride fullerene Dy3N@C-80," Phys. Rev. B (72:19), 2005, pp. 195409
Shiozawa, H., Rauf, H., Pichler, T., Grimm, D., Liu, X., Knupfer, M., Kalbac, M., Yang, S., Dunsch, L., Büchner, B. and Batchelor, D.
"Formation of novel nanostructures using carbon nanotubes as a frame," Synth. Met. (153:1-3), 2005, pp. 345-348
Borowiak-Palen, E., Rümmeli, M., Gemming, T., Knupfer, M., Kalenczuk, R. J. and Pichler, T.
"Influence of the C-60 filling on the nature of the metallic ground state in intercalated peapods," Phys. Rev. B (72:24), 2005, pp. 245411
Rauf, H., Shiozawa, H., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M., Büchner, B. and Kataura, H.
"Modification of SiC based nanorods via a hydrogenated annealing process," Synth. Met (153:1-3), 2005, pp. 349-352
Rummeli, M., Borowiak-Palen, E., Gemming, T., Huczko, A., Knupfer, M., Cudzilo, S., Kalenczuk, R. J. and Pichler, T.
"Novel catalysts, room temperature, and the importance of oxygen for the synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes," Nano Lett. (5:7), 2005, pp. 1209-1215
Rummeli, M. H., Borowiak-Palen, E., Gemming, T., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M., Kalbac, M., Dunsch, L, Jost, O., Silva, S. R. P., Pompe, W. and Büchner, B.
"On the formation process of silicon carbide nanophases via hydrogenated thermally induced templated synthesis," Appt. Phys. A (80:8), 2005, pp. 1653--1656
Rummeli, M. H., Borowiak-Palen, E., Gemming, T., Knupfer, M., Biedermann, K., Kalenczuk, R. J, and Pichler, T.
"Reshaping of peapods via temperature and laser irradiation", Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures 786, 2005, pp. 313--316
Kramberger, C., Waske, A., Büchner, B., Pichler, T. and Kataura, H.
"Tailoring carbon nanostructures via temperature and laser irradiation," Chem. Phys. Lett. (407:4-6), 2005, pp. 254-259
Kramberger, C., Waske, A., Biedermann, K., Pichler, T., Gemming, T., Büchner, B. and Kataura, H.
"A photoemission study of the metallic ground state of potassiumdoped C-60 peapods," Phys. Stat. Sol. B (243:13), 2006, pp. 3013-3016
Rauf, H., Shiozawa, H., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M., Büchner, B. and Kataura, H.
"Charge distribution of potassium intercalated Dy3N@C-80 observed with core-level and valence-band photoemission," Phys. Stat. Sol. B (243:13), 2006, pp. 3004-3007
Shiozawa, H., Rauf, H., Grimm, D., Knupfer, M., Kalbac, M., Yang, S., Dunsch, L., Büchner, B. and Pichler, T.
"Eutectic limit for the growth of carbon nanotubes from a thin iron film by chemical vapor deposition of cyclohexane," Chem. Phys. Lett. (425:4-6), 2006, pp. 301--305
Grüneis, A., Kramberger, C., Grimm, D., Gemming, T., Rümmeli, M. H., Barreiro, A., Ayala, P., Pichler, T., Schaman, C., Kuzmany, H., Schumann, J. and Büchner, B.
"Filling factor and electronic structure of Dy3N@C-80 filled single-wall carbon nanotubes studied by photoemission spectroscopy," Phys. Rev. B (73:20), 2006, pp. 205411
Shiozawa, H., Rauf, H., Pichler, T., Knupfer, M., Kalbac, M., Yang, S., Dunsch, L., Buechner, B., Batchelor, D. and Kataura, H.
"High quality double wall carbon nanotubes with a defined diameter distribution by chemical vapor deposition from alcohol," Carbon (44:15), 2006, pp. 3177-3182
Grüneis, A., Rümmeli, M. H., Kramberger, C., Barreiro, A., Pichler, T., Pfeiffer, R., Kuzmany, H., Gemming, T. and Büchner, B.
"Iron filled singlewalled carbon nanotubes - synthesis and characteristic properties," Phys. Stat. Sol. B (243:13), 2006, pp. 3277-3280
Borowiak-Palen, E., Bachmatiuk, A., Rümmeli, M. H., Gemming, T., Pichler, T. and Kalenczuk, R. J.
"Novel catalysts for low temperature synthesis of single wall carbon nanotubes," Phys. Stat. Sol. B (243:13), 2006, pp. 3101-3105
Rümmeli, M. H., Grüneis, A,, Löffler, M., Jost, O., Schonfelder, R., Kramberger, C., Grimm, D., Gemming, T., Barreiro, A., Borowiak- Palen, E., Kalbac, M., Ayala, P., Hubers, H. W., Büchner, B. and Pichler, T.
"On the effects of solution and reaction parameters for the aerosolassisted CVD growth of long carbon nanotubes," Appl. Phys. A (82:4), 2006, pp. 719-725
Barreiro, A., Selbmann, D., Pichler, T., Biedermann, K., Gemming, T., Rümmeli, M. H., Schwalke, U. and Büchner, B.
"Silver filled single-wall carbon nanotubes - synthesis, structural and electronic properties," Nanotechnology (17:9), 2006, pp. 2415-2419
Borowiak-Palen, E., Ruemmeli, M. H., Gemming, T., Pichler, T., Kalenczuk, R. J. and Silva, S. R. P.
"Study on hydrogen uptake of functionalized carbon nanotubes," Phys. Stat Sol. B (243:13), 2006, pp. 3226-3229
Bachmatiuk, A., Borowiak-Palen, E., Jedrzejewski, R., Rümmeli, M. H., Gemming, T., Pichler, T. and Kalenczuk, R. J.
"Synthesis of single wall carbon nanotubes with defined C-13 content," Phys. Stat Sol. B (243:13), 2006, pp. 3050-3053
Kramberger, C., Löffler, M., Rümmeli, M., Grüneis, A., Schonfelder, R., Jost, O., Gemming, T., Pichler, T. and Büchner, B.
"Synthesis of single wall carbon nanotubes with invariant diameters using a modified laser assisted chemical vapour deposition route," Nanotechnology (17:21), 2006, pp. 5469-5473
ümmeli, M. H., Kramberger, C., Löffler, M., Kalbac, M., Hubers, H. W., Grüneis, A., Barreiro, A., Grimm, D., Ayala, P., Gemming, T., Schäffel, F., Dunsch, L., Büchner, B. and Pichler, T.
"Thermal decomposition of ferrocene as a method for production of single-walled carbon nanotubes without additional carbon sources," J. Phys. Chem. B (110:42), 2006, pp. 20973-20977
Barreiro, A., Hampel, S., Rümmeli, M. H., Kramberger, C., Grüneis, A., Biedermann, K., Leonhardt, A., Gemming, T., Büchner, B., Bachtold, A. and Pichler, T.
"Carbon nanotubes grown from individual gas phase prepared iron catalyst particles," Phys. Stat. Sol. A (204:6), 2007, pp. 1786-1790
Schäffel, F., Kramberger, C., Rümmeli, M. H., Kaltofen, R., Grimm, D., Grüneis, A., Mohn, E., Gemming, T., Pichler, T., Büchner, B., Rellinghaus, B. and Schultz, L.
"Control of the single-wall carbon nanotube mean diameter in sulphur promoted aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition," Carbon (45:1), 2007, pp. 55-61
Barreiro, A., Kramberger, C., Rümmeli, M. H., Grüneis, A., Grimm, D., Hampel, S., Gemming, T., Büchner, B., Bachtold, A. and Pichler, T.
"Isotope-engineered single-wall carbon nanotubes; A key material for magnetic studies," J. Phys. Chem. C (111:11), 2007, pp. 4094-4098
Rümmeli, M. H., Löffler, M., Kramberger, C., Simon, F., Fulop, F., Jost, O., Schonfelder, R., Grüneis, A., Gemming, T., Pompe, W., Büchner, B. and Pichler, T.
"Single-wall carbon nanotubes prepared with different kinds of Ni-Co catalysts: Raman and optical spectrum analysis," Carbon (45:1), 2007, pp. 196-202
Lin, X. H., Rümmeli, M. H., Gemming, T., Pichler, T., Valentin, D., Ruani, G. and Taliani, C.
"Tailoring N-doped single and double wall carbon nanotubes from a nondiluted carbon/nitrogen feedstock," J. Phys. Chem. C (111:7), 2007, pp. 2879-2884
Ayala, P., Grueneis, A., Gemming, T., Grimm, D., Kramberger, C., Ruemmeli, M. H., Freire, F. L, Kuzmany, H., Pfeiffer, R., Barreiro, A., Buechner, B. and Pichler, T.
"Unraveling van Hove singularities in x-ray absorption response of single-wall carbon nanotubes," Phys. Rev. B (75:23), 2007, pp. 235437
Kramberger, C., Rauf, H., Shiozawa, H., Knupfer, M., Büchner, B., Pichler, T., Batchelor, D. and Kataura, H.