Die Rolle der endothelialen und induzierbaren Stickoxid-Synthetase (eNOS und iNOS) bei der Vermittlung des hepatischen Schadens nach Lebertransplantation
Dr. Lars Oliver Conzelmann
Fachliche Zuordnung
Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
Förderung von 2003 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5400322
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Orthotopic liver transplantation in knockout mice: Is TNFa involved in early graft injury and regeneration? Transplantation Proceedings
Vol. 34. 2002, Issue 6, pp. 2299–2300.
Conzelmann LO, Schemmer P, Zhong Z, Smutney OM, Bunzendahl H, Thurman RG.
Prevenfion of hepafic ischemia-reperfusion injury by green tea extract. American Joumal of Physiology, Vol. 283. 2002, Issue 4: G957-964.
Zhong Z, Froh M, Conner HD, Li X, Conzelmann LO, Mason RP, Thurman RG.
Dependence of liver injury after hemorrhage / resuscitation in mice on NADPH oxidase-derived superoxide. Shock, Vol. 19. 2003, Issue 4, pp 345-351.
Lehnert M, Arteel GE, Smutney OM, Conzelmann LO, Zhong Z, Thurman RG, Lemasters JJ.
Impaired Ras membrane-associafion and activation in PPAR knockout mice following partial hepatectomy. American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 284. 2003, Issue 2: G302-12.
Wheeler M.D., Smutney O.M., Check J.F., Conzelmann L.O., Rusyn I, Schulte-Hermann R, Thurman R.G.
Reduced-size liver transplantafion in the mouse. Transplantation,
Vol. 76. 2003, Issue 3, pp 496-501.
Conzelmann L.O., Zhong Z, Bunzendahl H, Wheeler M.D., Lemasters J.J.
TNF alpha -Induced Ras Activafion Due to Ethanol Promotes Hepatocyte
Proliferafion Independently of Liver Injury in the Mouse. Hepatology, Vol. 39. 2004, Issue 3, pp. 721–731.
Isayama F., Froh M., Yin M., Conzelmann L.O., Milton R.J., McKim S.E., Wheeler M.D.
Graft tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 protects after mouse liver Transplantation whereas host tumor necrosis factor receptor-l promotes injury. Transplantation, Vol. 82. 2006, Issue 9, pp 1214-1220.
Conzelmann L.O., Lehnert M., Kremer M., Zhong Z., Wheeler M.D., Lemasters J.J.
Extrahepatic cells contribute to the progenitor/stem cell response following reduced-size liver transplantation in mice. Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 232. 2007, Issue 4, pp. 571-580.
Conzelmann L.O., Hines I.N., Kremer M, Perry A.W., Lemasters J.J., Wheeler M.D.
Heme oxygenase-1 overexpression increases liver injury after bile duct ligation in rats. World Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol. 13. 2007, Issue 25, pp. 3478-3486.
Froh M., Conzelmann L.O., Walbrun P., Netter S., Wiest R., Wheeler M.D., Lehnert M., Uesugi T., Scholmerich J., Thurman R.G.
Dietary glycine blunts liver injury after bile duct ligation in rats. World Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol. 14. 2008, Issue 39, pp. 5996-6003.
Froh M., Zhong Z., Walbrun P., Lehnert M., Netter S., Wiest R., Conzelmann L., Gabele E., Hellerbrand C., Schölmerich J., Thurman R.G.
Differential effects of GdCl3- or MDP treatment on rat liver microcirculation and gene expression in the hepatic non-parenchymal cell fraction in LPS shock. Microcirculation, Vol. 15. 2008, Issue 5, pages 427–439.
Henrich D., Lehnert M., Herzog C., Niederlaender S., Relja B., Conzelmann L., Marzi I.
The adenosine deaminase inhibitor erythro-9-[2-hydroxyl-3-nonyl]-adenine decreases intestinal permeability and protects against experimental sepsis: a prospecfive, randomised laboratory investigation. Critical Care, Vol. 12. 2008, Issue 5: R125.
Kayhan N., Funke B., Conzelmann L.O., Winkler H., Hofer S., Steppan J., Schmidt H., Bardenheuer H., Vahl C.F., Weigand M.A.
Deutsches Register für akute Aortendissektion Typ A (GERAADA).
Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie, Vol. 23. 2009, Issue 5, pp. 298-304.
Conzelmann L.O., Dapunt O., Kallenbach K., Karck M., Weigang E.
Reevaluation of Direct True Lumen Cannulation in Surgery for Acute Type A Aortic Dissecfion. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 87. 2009, Issue 4, pp. 1182–1186.
Conzelmann L.O., Kayhan N., Mehlhorn U., Weigang E., Dahm M., Vahl C.F.
Reevaluation of two techniques of harvesfing the skeletonized internal mammary artery. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, Vol. 57. 2009, Issue 4, pp. 214-216.
Peivandi A.A., Weigang E., Kayhan N., Hakami L., Ister D., Denk K., Conzelmann L., Vahl C.F.
German registry for acute aortic dissection type A(GERAADA)- lessons learned from the registry. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, Vol. 58. 2010, Issue 3, pp. 154-158.
Weigang E, Conzelmann LO, Kallenbach K, Dapunt 0, Karck M.
True-Lumen Collapse of the Ascending Aorta in Acute Type A Aortic Dissection. European Journal Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 37. 2010, Issue 4, Pp. 955.
The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, Ausgabe S 01, Volume 58. 2010, MP 42.
Conzelmann L.O., Weigang E., Kreitner K.F., Vahl C.F.
Value and pitfalls of neurophysiological Monitoring in thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic replacement and endovascular repair. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, Vol. 58. 2010, Issue 5, pp. 260-264.
ter Wolbeek C, Hartert M, Conzelmann LO, Peivandi AA, Czemy M, Gottardi R, Beyersdorf F, Weigang E.
Giant bronchogenic cyst within the aortic wall mimicking symptoms of acute type A aortic dissection. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol. 141. 2011, Issue 1, pp. e7–e8.
Senbaklavaci O, Conzelmann LO, Brochhausen C, Vahl CF.
Successful Management of Fulminant Pulmonary Embolism Using a Novel Portable Extracorporeal Life Support System. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 91. 2011, Issue 4, pp. 1265–1267.
Conzelmann LO, Mehlhorn U, Weigang E, Kayhan N, Vahl CF.