Equilibrium and ageing in glassy systems
Professor Dr. Anton Bovier
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2003 bis 2009
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5470024
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
A microscopic interpretation for adaptive Dynamics trait substitution sequence models. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 116. 2006, Issue 8, pp. 1127–1160.
N. Champagnat
A tomography of the CREM: beyond the REM conjecture.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 263. 2006, Issue 2, pp. 535-552.
A. Bovier, I. Kurkova
Local energy statistics in disordered systems: a proof of the local REM conjecture. Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 263. 2006, Issue 2 , pp. 513-533.
A. Bovier, I. Kurkova.
Statistical mechanics of disordered systems. A mathematical
'perspective. Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics, 2006, Cambridge University Press.
A. Bovier
Evolution of discrete populations and the canonical diffusion of adaptive dynamics. Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 17. 2007, Number 1, pp. 102-155.
N. Champagnat, A. Lambert
Invasion and adaptive evolution for individual-based spatially structured populations. Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 55. 2007, Issue 2, pp. 147-188.
N. Champagnat, S. Meleard
Poisson convergence in the restricted kpartitioning problem.
Random Structures & Algorithms, Vol. 30. 2007, Issue 4, pp. 505–531.
A. Bovier, I. Kurkova
Spin glasses. Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 1900, Springer, Berlin, 2007.
E. Bolthausen, A. Bovier (Eds.)
Fluctuations of the partition function in the generalized random energy model with external field. Journal of Mathematical Physics > Volume 49. 2008, Issue 12, 125202.
A. Bovier, A. Klimovsky
Limit theorems for conditioned multitype Dawson-Watanabe processes and Feller diffusions. Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 13. 2008, no. 25, pp. 777-810.
N. Champagnat, S. Roelly
Sums of correlated exponentials: two types of Gaussian correlation structures. Dissertation, Fakultät II – Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften der Technischen Universität Berlin, 2008.
A. Klimovsky
Survival, complete convergence and decay of correlations for a spatial branching system with local regulation. Dissertation, Fakultät II – Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften der Technischen Universität Berlin, 2008.
A. Depperschmidt
Universality of random energy model-like ageing in mean field spin glasses. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Vol. 2008, Issue 4, L04003.
G. Ben Arous, A. Bovier, J. Cerny.
Universality of the REM for dynamics of mean-field spin glasses. Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 282. 2008, Issue 3, pp. 663-695.
G. Ben Arous, A. Bovier, J. Cerny
Metastability. In: Methods of contemporary mathematical
statistical Mechanics, R. Kotecky, Ed. Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
Vol. 1970, pp. 177-222. Springer, 2009.
A. Bovier
Spin Glasses: Statics and Dynamics, Progress in Probability,
Vol. 62. 2009, Summer School, Paris 2007.
A. Boutet de Monvel, A. Bovier (Eds.)
The Aizenman-Sims-Starr and Guerra's schemes for the SK model with multidimensional spins. Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 14.2009, No. 8, pp. 161-241.
A. Bovier, A. Klimovsky
Homogeneous nucleation for giauber and kawasaki dynamics in large volumes and low temperature. Annals of Probability, Vol. 38. 2010, Number 2, pp. 661-713.
A. Bovier, F. den Hollander, C . Spitoni