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Neues Prinzip des Aromatenstoffwechsels

Subject Area Stoffwechselphysiologie, Biochemie und Genetik der Mikroorganismen
Term from 2002 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5378359
Final Report Year 2007

Final Report Abstract

No abstract available


  • A Novel Aerobic Benzoate Metabolism in the Bacteria Azoarcus evansii and Bacillus stearothermophilus. J. Biol. Chem. 276:24997-25004 (2001)
    Annette Zaar, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Adelbert Bacher, and Georg Fuchs
  • Aerobic metabolism of phenylacetic acids in Azoarcus evansii. Arch. Microbiol. 178: 180-192 (2002)
    Magdy Mohamed, Wael Ismail, Johann Heider, and Georg Fuchs
  • Genes of a New Pathway of Aerobic Benzoate Metabolism in the Bacterium Azoarcus evansii. J. Bacteriol. 184:6301-6315 (2002)
    Johannes Gescher, Annette Zaar, Magdy Mohamed, Hermann Schägger, and Georg Fuchs
  • Benzoate-coenzyme A ligase from Thauera aromatica. One enzyme acting in anaerobic and aerobic benzoate pathways. J. Bacteriol. 185:4920-4929 (2003)
    Karola Schühle, Johannes Gescher, Ulrich Feil, Michael Paul, Martina Jahn, Hermann Schägger, and Georg Fuchs
  • Functional genomics by NMR spectroscopy. Phenylacetate catabolism in Escherichia coli. Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 3047-3054 (2003)
    Wael Ismail, Magdy El-Said Mohamed, Barry L. Wanner, Kirill A. Datsenko, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Felix Rohdich, Adelbert Bacher and Georg Fuchs
  • New Enzymes Involved in Aerobic Benzoate Metabolism in Azoarcus evansii. Benzoyl-CoA Oxygenase. Mol. Microbiol. 54:223-238 (2004)
    Annette Zaar, Johannes Gescher, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Adelbert Bacher, and Georg Fuchs
  • Aerobic benzoyl-CoA catabolic pathway in Azoarcus evansii. Studies on the non-oxygenolytic ring cleavage enzyme. Mol. Microbiol. 56: 1586-1600 (2005)
    Johannes Gescher, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Jürgen Wörth, Adelbert Bacher und Georg Fuchs
  • Aerobic Benzoyl-CoA Catabolic Pathway in Azoarcus evansii. Conversion of Ring Cleavage Product by 3,4-Dehydroadipyl-CoA Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase. J. Bacteriol. 188:2919-2917 (2006)
    Johannes Gescher, Wael Ismail, Ellen Ölgeschläger, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Adelbert Bacher, and Georg Fuchs

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