Haarwuchsstörungen durch Stress: Nachweis, pathophysiologische Grundlagen und neuropharmakologische Manipulation, GEM mit AR 232/14-2
Professor Dr. Ralf Paus
Fachliche Zuordnung
Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
Förderung von 2002 bis 2008
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5374276
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Inhibition of human hair follicle growth by endo-and exocannabinoids. FASEB J 2007 21:3534-41
Telek A, Biró T, Bodó E, Toth BI, Borbíró I, Kunos G, Paus R
Control of human hair growth by neurotrophins: brain-derived neurotrophic factor inhibits hair shaft elongation, induces catagen, and stimulates follicular transforming growth factor beta2 expression. J Invest Dermatol. 2005;124(4):675-85
Peters EM, Hansen MG, Overall RW, Nakamura M, Pertile P, Klapp BF, Arck PC, Paus R
Mast cell deficient and neurokinin-1 receptor knockout mice are protected from stress-induced hair growth inhibition. J Mol Med. 2005;83(5):386-96
Arck PC, Handjiski B, Kuhlmei A, Peters EM, Knackstedt M, Peter A, Hunt SP, Klapp BF, Paus R
From the brain-skin connection: the neuroendocrine-immune misalliance of stress and itch. Neuroimmunomodulation. 2006;13(5-6):347-56
Arck P, Paus R
Frontiers in pruritus research: scratching the brain for more effective itch therapy. J Clin Invest 2006 116:1174-1185
Paus R, Schmelz M, Biró T, Steinhoff M
Hair growth inhibition by psychoemotional stress: a mouse model for neural mechanisms in hair growth control. Exp Dermatol. 2006; 15(1):1-13
Peters EM, Arck PC, Paus R
Human scalp hair follicles are both a target and a source of prolactin, which serves as an autocrine and/or paracrine promoter of apoptosis-driven hair follicle regression. Am J Pathol. 2006 168(3):748-56
Foitzik K, Krause K, Conrad F, Nakamura M, Funk W, Paus R
Nerve growth factor and its precursor differentially regulate hair cycle progression in mice. J Histochem Cytochem. 2006;54(3):275-88
Peters EM, Hendrix S, Gölz G, Klapp BF, Arck PC, Paus R
Neuroimmunoendocrine circuitry of the 'brain-skin connection'. Trends Immunol. 2006;27(1):32-9
Paus R, Theoharides TC, Arck PC
Neuroimmunology of stress: skin takes center stage. J Invest Dermatol. 2006 ;126(8):1697-704
Arck PC, Slominski A, Theoharides TC, Peters EM, Paus R
p75 Neurotrophin Receptor-Mediated Signaling Promotes Human Hair Follicle Regression (Catagen). Am J Pathol. 2006;168(1):221-34
Peters EM, Stieglitz MG, Liezman C, Overall RW, Nakamura M, Hagen E, Klapp BF, Arck P, Paus R
El estrés y la piel. Cap. 8 in: Estrés y nuevas perspectivas en psicopatología y salud (Albalustri A ed.), pp.223-266, Editorial Cientifica Interamericana, Buenos Aires, 2007
Label M, Paus R, Arck P, Richardson S, Woscoff A, Tausk F
Frontiers in the (neuro-)endocrine controls of hair growth. J Invest Dermatol Symp Proc. 2007 12:20-2
Paus R
Lymphocytes, neuropeptides, and genes involved in alopecia areata. J Clin Invest. 2007 117(8):2019-27
Gilhar A, Paus R, Kalish RS
Neuronal plasticity of the "brain-skin connection": stress-triggered upregulation of neuropeptides in dorsal root ganglia and skin via nerve growth factordependent pathways. J Mol Med. 2007;85(12):1369-78
Joachim RA, Kuhlmei A, Dinh QT, Handjiski B, Fischer T, Peters EM, Klapp BF, Paus R, Arck PC
Probing the effects of stress mediators on the human hair follicle: substance P holds central position. Am J Pathol. 2007;171(6):1872-86
Peters EM, Liotiri S, Bodó E, Hagen E, Bíró T, Arck PC, Paus R
Neuro-endocrinology of epithelial hair follicle stem cells. Mol Cell Endocrinol
Paus R, Arck P, Tiede S
The alchemy of immune privilege explored from a neuroimmunological perspective, Current Opin Pharmacol Immunomod.
Arck P, Gilhar A, Paus R