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Birth of the Central European Basin (CEB): volcanism, sedimentation and tectonics

Subject Area Palaeontology
Term from 2002 to 2006
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5369546
Final Report Year 2007

No abstract available


  • (2003): Spatial and temporal volcanic facies evolution during the Central European Basin (CEB) initiation: a working report.- Terra Nostra 2003/07, S. 13-16
    Geißler, M., Breitkreuz, C., Hoffmann, N. & Kiersnowski, H.
  • (2004): Emplacement textures in Late Palaeozoic andesite sills of the Flechtingen-Roßlau Block, north of Magdeburg (Germany) . In: Breitkreuz, C. & Petford, N. (Eds.): Physical geology of high-level magmatic systems.- Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 234, 51-66
    Awdankiewicz, M., Breitkreuz, C. & Ehling, B.-C.
  • (2004): Far East Avalonia: its chronostratigraphic structure revealed by SHRIMP-zircon data from Late Carboniferous volcanic rocks (drill cores from Germany, Poland and Denmark).- 32 Int Geol. Congr., Firence, Abstract Volume
    Breitkreuz, C., Kennedy, A., Geißler, M., Ehling, B.-C., Kopp, J., Muszynski, A., Protas A. & Stouge, S.
  • (2004): Karbon und Rotliegend der Flechtingen-Roßlau-Scholle.- GeoLeipzig 2004, DGG Schriftr., Heft 35 (Exkursionsführer), S. 150-164
    Gaitzsch, B., Geißler, M., Göthel, M., Kopp, J. & Legier, B.
  • (2004): Pyroclastic volcanism in the initial phase of the CEBS development.- Terra Nostra 2004/05, S. 4-5
    Geißler, M., Breitkreuz, C. & Kiersnowski, H.
  • (2004): Tectonic vs. climatic control on early Upper Rotliegend II alluvial fan deposition along the margin of the Southern Permian Basin in Brandenburg.- Sediment 2004, Aachen, DGG Schriftr., Heft 33, S. 87
    Kuhnt, K., Geißler, M. & Breitkreuz, C.
  • (2004): Volcano-topographic hiati: an important stratigraphic element in the Late Paleozoic evolution of the Central European Basin System.- 32 Int Geol. Congr, Firence, Abstract Volume
    Geißler, M. & Breitkreuz, C.
  • (2004): Vulkanische Faziestypen und ihre zeitlich-räumliche Verteilung im Permokarbon des Zentraleuropäischen Beckensystems.- GeoLeipzig 2004, DGG Schriftr., Heft 34, S. 42
    Geißler, M. & Breitkreuz, C.
  • (2005): Detailed geometric model of the Rotliegend succession in the Southern Permian Basin NE Germany and NW Poland.- DGG Schriftr., Heft 39, S. 313
    Roch, D., Geißler, M., Breitkreuz, C., Hoffmann, N. & Kiersnowski, H.
  • (2005): Late Paleozoic coarse-clastic deposits in NE Germany and W Poland: Sedimentary facies and implications for the evolution of the Central European Basin System.- Terra Nostra 2005/05, S. 27
    Breitkreuz, C. & Kiersnowski, H.
  • (2005): Reinterpretation of the Rotliegend volcanosedimentary evolution of the central part of the Central European Basin System: stratigraphic implications from the deep wells Mirow 1/74 and Parchim 1/68.- DGG Schriftr, Heft 39, S. 127
    Geißler, M., Obst, K. & Breitkreuz, C.
  • (2005): The Late Paleozoic felsic lava-dominated large igneous province in North East Germany: volcanic facies analysis based on drill cores.- Int. J. Earth Sci. 94, 834-850
    Paulick, H. & Breitkreuz, C.
  • (2005): Towards a quantification of the Late Paleozoic volcanic evolution in the CEBS.- Terra Nostra 2005/05, S. 25-26
    Breitkreuz, C., Geißler, M., Roch, D., Hoffmann, N. & Kiersnowski, H.
  • (2006): Magmatic textures and contacts of Permo-Carboniferous volcanic and subvolcanic rocks from the deep wells Mirow 1/74 and Parchim 1/68 and its implications on the initial evolution of the North German Basin.- Visual Geosciences, 11, 81-82
    Geißler, M., Obst, K. & Breitkreuz, C.
  • (2007): Far Eastern Avalonia: its chronostratigraphic structure revealed by SHRIMP zircon ages from Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian volcanic rocks (drill cores from Germany, Poland and Denmark).- GSA Spec. Pap. 423,173-190
    Breitkreuz, C., Kennedy, A., Geißler, M., Ehling, B.-C., Kopp, J., Muszynski, A., Protas, A. & Stouge, S.

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