Projekt Druckansicht

AP-1-abhängige Kontrollmechanismen des epithel-mesenchymalen Wechselspiels bei physiologischen und pathologischen Prozessen der Haut

Fachliche Zuordnung Dermatologie
Förderung Förderung von 2002 bis 2008
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5361668
Erstellungsjahr 2008

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • international patent application PCT/DE01/00131: Use of genetically modified fibroblasts in an in vitro culture system
    Angel, P., N. Fusenig, M. Schorpp-Kistner, A. Szabowski, N. Maas-Szabowski, A. Kolbus und S. Andrecht
  • (2004) Genetic targeting of mesenchymal cells in CRE recombinase transgenic mice, Genesis 38:139-144
    Florin, L., Alter, H., Gröne, H.-J., Szabowski, A., Schütz, G. and Angel, P.
  • (2004) Identification of novel AP-1 target genes in fibroblasts regulated during cutaneous wound healing. Oncogene 23:7005-17
    Florin, L,, Hummerich, L., Dittrich, B., Kokocinski, F., Wrobel, G., Gack, S., Schorpp- Kistner, M., Werner, S., Hahn, M., Lichter, P., Szabowski, A., Angel, P.
  • International patent application PCT/EP2004- /005701. Method for increasing the yield of proliferating primary keratinocytes
    Angel, P., A. Szabowski, E.F. Wagner
  • (2005) Increased keratinocyte proliferation by c-Jun dependent expression of PTN and SDF-1 in fibroblasts, J. Cell Sci 118:1981-9
    Florin, L,, Maas-Szabowski, N., Werner, S., Szabowski, A., and Angel, P.
  • (2005): "Regeneration of skin as a model to analyse trans-regulatory functions of AP-1 and identification of critical target genes". University of Heidelberg
    Florin, Lore
  • (2006) Cloning and biochemical and functional analysis of a fibroblast-derived keratinocyte commitment factor. University Giessen
    Knebel, Julia
  • (2006) Delayed wound healing and epidermal hyperproliferation in mice lacking JunB in the skin. J Inv Dermatol 126, 902-911
    Florin, L., Knebel, J., Zigrino, P., Vonderstrass, B., Mauch, C, Schorpp-Kistner, M., Szabowski, A. and Angel P.
  • (2008) Gene network dynamics controlling keratinocyte migration. Mol Systems Biol.
    Busch, H., Camacho, D., Breuhahn, K., Angel, P., Eils, R. and Szabowski, A.
  • AP-1 controlled hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) activation controls keratinocyte migration via CEACAM1 and uPA/uPAR
    Schnickmann, S., Camacho-Trujillo, D., Bissinger, M., Eils, R., Angel, P., Schirmacher, P., Szabowski, A., Breuhahn, K


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