Entwicklung und Einsatz innovativer mikroskopischer Verfahren zur Beobachtung biotechnologischer Prozesse
Professor Dr. Thomas Scheper
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2001 bis 2006
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5275700
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2004. Online analysis of micocarrier cultivations. BioPerspectives, 4. – 6. Mai, Wiesbaden
Gierse A, Burzlaff A, Rudolph G, Brückerhoff T, Kasper C, Frerichs J-G, Scheper T
2004. Online Monitoring of Cell Culture Perfusion Processes. World Congress on Biotechnology (12th International Biotechnology Symposium), 17. – 22. Oktober, Santiago, Chile
Joeris K, Frerichs J-G, Brückerhoff T, Rudolph G, Martinez G, Scheper T, Konstantinov K
2005. Image Based Inline-Analysis of Animal/ Yeast-Cell Cultivation with In-situ Microscopy. BioPerspectives, 10. – 12. Mai, Wiesbaden
Rudolph G, Brückerhoff T, Gierse A, Krabichler A, Frerichs J-G, Martinez G, Hitzmann B, Scheper T
2005. Observation and Analysis of Lab Scale Microcarrier Cultivation by In-situ Microscopy with Image Processing Tools. 19th ESACT Meeting, 6. – 9. Juni, Harrogate, England
Rudolph G, Gierse A, Lindner P, Hitzmann B, Scheper T
2006. New Applications for In-situ Microscopy: Inline Monitoring of Cultivations and Crystallisation Processes. Cell Culture Engineering X (ECI 2006), 23. – 28. April, Whistler, BC, Kanada
Bluma A, Rudolph G, Gierse A, Lindner P, Hitzmann B, Scheper T
2006. Use of In-situ Microscopy in Mammalian Cell Cultivation and Downstream Processing. GVC/DECHEMA Jahrestagungen, 26. – 28., Wiesbaden
Rudolph G, Lindner P, Gierse A, Bluma A, Martinez G, Hitzmann B, Scheper T
2007. Application of In-Situ-Microscopy and Digital Image Processing in Yeast Cultivations. 10th Computer Application on Biotechnology (CAB 2007), 4. – 6. Juni, Cancún, Mexiko
Lindner P, Krabichler C, Rudolph G, Scheper T, Hitzmann B
2007. Design of a flow microscope with FIA based sampling for monitoring of cell parameters in shake flask fermentations. European BioPerspectives, 30. Mai – 1. Juni, Köln
Rehbock C, Rudolph G, Bluma A, Beutel S, Scheper T
2007. Monitoring of Crystallisation Processes with In-situ Microscopy. European BioPerspectives, 30. Mai – 1. Juni, Köln
Bluma A, Rudolph G, Lindner P, Höpfner T, Beutel S, Hitzmann B, Martinez G, Scheper T
2007. Observation of Lab Scaled Microcarrier Cultivation by In-situ Microscopy with Image Processing Tools. In: R. Smith (ed.), Cell Technology for Cell Products. Proceedings of the 19th ESACT-Meeting 2005, 5. – 8. Juni, Harrogate, UK. Springer:657-661
Rudolph G, Gierse A, Lindner P, Kasper C, Hitzmann B, Scheper T
2007. Online Monitoring of Microcarrier Based Fibroblast Cultivations with In-situ Microscopy. European BioPerspectives, 30. Mai – 1. Juni, Köln
Rudolph G, Schulze-Horsel J, Bock A, Bluma A, Lindner P, Hitzmann B, Reichl U, Scheper T
2007. Online Sensor Systems, Applications for In-situ Microscopy and Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Process Analysis. Universität Bilefeld
Bluma A, Behr L, Rudolph G, Scheper T, Hitzmann B
2007. Optische Inline-Messverfahren zur Zellzahl- und Zellgrößenbestimmung in der Bioprozesstechnik. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 79(1-2): 42-51
Rudolph G, Brückerhoff T, Bluma A, Korb G, Scheper T
2007. Preliminary Study towards the Use of In-situ Microscopy fort he Online Analysis of Microcarrier Cultivations. Eng. Life Sci. 7, No. 1, 91-96
Anton F, Burzlaff A, Kasper C, Brückerhoff T, Scheper T
2007. Online Monitoring of Microcarrier Based Fibroblast Cultivations with In-situ Microscopy. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 99, No.1, 136-145 (January 1, 2008)
Rudolph G, Lindner P, Gierse A, Bluma A, Martinez G, Hitzmann B, Scheper T