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Hagiography of the Muslim Mystic Ma Mingxin Wiqāyatullāh in Arabic Manuscripts of Chinese Origin

Subject Area Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies
Term since 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 520193396
In 2022, the grant application "Hagiography of the Muslim Mystic Ma Mingxin Wiqāyatullāh in Arabic Manuscripts of Chinese Origin" was approved. The project was proposed to run for 18 months. The main aim of this proposal was the Arabic edition of the Vita according to K. alǦahrī written by a Chinese author, together with a translation, commentary and studies. The project was started on 1.5.2023. Recently (summer 2023), the applicant became aware of another Chinese translation, by a Šams-ul-islām, and obtained a digital copy of it. This should definitely be included in the planned edition. Work on this translation and on the parallel hagiography called Rashaḥāt, published in Taiwan in 2021 (relationship with K. al-Ǧahrī; materials on the first generation of disciples; role of the Persian language, etc.), which was not mentioned in the original application, will require a further 9 months of project work.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Taiwan
Cooperation Partner Dr. Tommaso Previato

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